I never did that traduction Français
896 traduction parallèle
I never did that
- Voyons les gars, vous me connaissez, j'ai jamais fait ça!
I never did that.
Je n'ai jamais fait ça.
I never did that before either.
Je n'ai jamais fait ça avant non plus.
So you thought I'd yell copper, huh? I never did that in my life and never will.
Je n'ai jamais mouchardé!
I never did that in my life.
Je n'ai jamais fait ça.
If we did not need the money, never would I sell to that harpy!
Si nous n'avions pas besoin de cet argent, je n'aurais jamais vendu à cette harpie!
I worked on that case for 24 hours and they never did find him.
J'ai travaillé sur cette affaire et on ne l'a jamais retrouvé.
You know, Diana never did get on well with poor Edna Druce, and I know for a fact that they hadn't been on speaking terms for the last 7 weeks.
Diana n'aimait pas la pauvre Madame Druce. Elles n'étaient pas en bons termes ces temps derniers!
You know, I never did like you in that bathrobe.
Je n'aime pas cette robe de chambre.
I can't commute his sentence because of our feeling for him, the fact that we both love him, the fact that I'll never understand why he killed Snow, if he did.
Je ne peux pas commuer sa peine à cause de nos sentiments, parce que nous l'aimons tous deux, parce que je ne comprendrai jamais pourquoi il a tué Snow, si c'est bien lui.
I never could get my wife to work the way that woman did, with a child about to be born.
Jamais ma femme n'aurait travaillé tant, avant la naissance.
I never did him that bad.
That I haven't got And never did have A single thing To wear.
Que je n'ai, et n'ai jamais eu, quoi que ce soit de convenable à me mettre.
I never did have no faith in that engine.
Je n'ai jamais cru en cette locomotive.
- I thought you never did that.
- Je croyais que vous évitiez ça.
You know, I'd swear Parada did it, except that he looks guilty, and in situations like these, you never suspect the guy that looks guilty.
Vous savez, je jurerais que c'est Parada, sauf qu'il a l'air coupable. Et dans ces situations, on ne soupçonne jamais le type qui a l'air coupable.
I know people that never did anything till they met Walter Burns.
Les autres non plus, avant de le rencontrer.
But that's impossible. You see, I never did anything of the kind.
Je n'ai jamais rien écrit de tel!
I never did. I told you that, remember?
Je vous l'ai dit.
I never heard a grown man cry and holler like that before, did you?
Je n'ai jamais entendu un homme hurler comme ça, et toi?
Yes, I knows that, but Little Joe never did do any repenting until after he was dead. That don't count and you knows it.
C'est vrai, mais Joe ne s'est repenti qu'après sa mort alors ça ne compte pas.
Come to think of it, I never did see a guy that inherited a lot of dough that was any good.
Tous les héritiers sont des bons à rien.
If I did that I'd never be sure of anything again in my life.
Dans ce cas, je ne serai plus jamais sûr de rien.
He never did harm that I heard of.
Il n'a jamais fait de mal.
I never would have guessed that ´ s what you did.
Je n " aurais jamais deviné que vous faisiez ça.
Mr. Sloan, I've been working for you five years and never did I believe that you'd be the kind of a man that... Of course, I'm not blaming you entirely. It's the woman that leads the man astray.
M. Sloan, je suis chez vous depuis 5 ans, et je ne vous croyais pas homme à... même si c'est la femme qui débauche l'homme.
I never woulïve thought of giving you that school, like he did.
Jamais je ne t'aurais envoyée à cette école.
Mr. Potter and I have been poking our noses into somebody else's business. That suitcase. That chap left it here and he never did call back.
M.Potter et moi avons été curieux, cette valise, le type qui a laissé cette valise n'est jamais revenu.
I used to and never got past playing bits in stock, and you're the one that did that to me.
Je savais m'arrêter autrefois, mais entre-temps, tu es passée par là.
The last time someone wanted to gag me, he tried it with a mink coat but I never let go until the president of that particular ship company wound up in jail, even though I did get pneumonia that winter.
La dernière fois qu'on a essayé, c'était avec un vison. Mais mon obstination a valu la prison au président de la société en question, même si j'ai eu une pneumonie cet hiver-là.
I never did dig that.
J'ai jamais aimé ça.
Well... I never did like things that came easy.
Je n'ai jamais aimé la facilité.
I never did trust that guy.
Je lui ai jamais fait confiance.
I never dreamt that when you did, I wouldn't care.
Je n'aurais jamais cru que le jour venu, ça me serait égal.
I don't know what that Yusa did, but he's never done anything bad to me.
En tout cas, Yusa ne m'a jamais fait de mal.
And I'll bet they never get the guy that did it. Never.
Ils ne trouveront jamais le coupable.
He never did, of course, but I knew that he wanted to.
Bien sûr, il ne l'a jamais fait, mais je savais qu'il le voulait.
I never say "ain't." Did you notice that?
- Je ne dis jamais : "J'ai pas".
- That dirty... I never did like the way he smiled all the time.
J'aimais pas sa façon de sourire tout le temps.
I never did make a plan that didn't have you in it.
Tu étais dans tous les projets que je faisais.
I'd never felt so close to you as I did that morning.
Je me suis jamais sentie aussi près de toi, que ce matin-là.
I don't want to change that. I never did.
Je ne veux pas changer ça, je ne l'ai jamais voulu.
- I did things that I never dreamed I'd do.
- J'ai fait des choses folles.
- I won't have her speak to you like that. - She never did...
Je ne tolérerai pas qu'elle te parle comme ça.
I was born in this country and I've seen men fight and kill. But I've never seen anything as terrible as what they did to that poor man.
J'ai déjà vu des hommes s'entre tuer, mais jamais rien de si horrible.
And I suppose it's all right now to tell you that I sure never did get much sleep.
Et je suppose que maintenant, je peux te dire... que je n'ai pas vraiment beaucoup dormi.
- I never did like that woman.
- Je n'ai jamais aimé cette femme.
I'd rather stay here. Cobby, did you know that Thomas Edison never slept more than 42 minutes a night in his whole life?
Cobbie, le génial Thomas Edison dormait 42 minutes par nuit!
- How's that? He made a joke. I never did see him so happy.
Je ne l'ai jamais vu aussi heureux.
But before he goes... He did something very bad, and I'm not asking you to forgive him. You have to give him some sign that you love him... or else he'll never be a man.
Mais avant qu'il s'en aille, je ne vous demande pas de lui pardonner, mais faites-lui signe que vous l'aimez ou il ne sera jamais un homme.
That he didn't do it. - I never said he did.
J'ai pas dit que c'était lui.
i never loved you 31
i never lie 31
i never want to see you again 115
i never told you 44
i never stopped loving you 42
i never meant to hurt you 82
i never left 34
i never saw it 34
i never doubted you 28
i never did 142
i never lie 31
i never want to see you again 115
i never told you 44
i never stopped loving you 42
i never meant to hurt you 82
i never left 34
i never saw it 34
i never doubted you 28
i never did 142
i never thought about it that way 17
i never said that 415
i never said 67
i never knew that 44
i never saw him 36
i never do 50
i never told you this 36
i never forget a face 43
i never asked 56
i never thought 60
i never said that 415
i never said 67
i never knew that 44
i never saw him 36
i never do 50
i never told you this 36
i never forget a face 43
i never asked 56
i never thought 60