I think i did traduction Français
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Honestly, I think I did really well.
Honnêtement, je crois que j'ai bien réussi.
Don't think I want to know. These look like copies of papers from that shredding piece that he did.
Cela ressemble à des copies de papiers de cette pièce déchirée qu'il a faite.
Did you honestly think I'd hurt my own grandson?
Tu croyais que je ferais du mal à mon petit-fils?
I used to think, "Why did I marry Don Cobain?"
Je me disais : "Pourquoi ai-je épousé Don Cobain?"
- What do I think? Did you hear my reaction when he asked me if I wanted to do one?
Vous avez entendu ma réaction quand il m'en a proposé une?
I always wondered if I did, but... I don't think I do.
Je me suis toujours demandé, mais... je ne pense pas.
Did you think when I said I was going to bury you in shit, I meant legal work?
Vous croyiez que je parlais de traiter des affaires?
So you think my giving you this and every other nice thing that I ever did for you was just to keep you from finding out about Mike?
Vous pensez que ce cadeau, que toutes mes gentillesses, c'était pour vous cacher la vérité?
But I do think if you had the chance to take back all those nice things you did in exchange for me never finding out about your little secret, you'd do it in a heartbeat.
Mais si vous pouviez tout reprendre pour que votre secret reste gardé, vous le feriez.
If I have a second brain need, did you think I first think of you?
Quand j'ai besoin d'un 2e cerveau, tu crois que je pense à toi en 1er?
George called me about the same time, I think, a-as Trey did.
Il m'a appelé à la même période que Trey.
I don't think he did it.
Je ne pense pas qu'il l'ait fait.
I actually think this girl did it.
Je pense que cette fille est coupable.
Although I don't think he ever did get around to obeying her.
Même si lui ne lui a jamais obéi.
- You think about it, I did you a favor.
- Penses-y. Je t'ai fait une faveur.
You didn't really think I was a British spy, did you?
T'as quand même pas cru que j'étais un espion de Sa Majesté?
I hate to say it, but I think the person that took your truck did it because it's yours and they didn't think you'd call me.
Je pense que la personne qui a pris ton pick-up l'a fait pensant que tu ne m'appellerais pas.
I think we did something wrong.
Je crois qu'on a fait une bêtise.
I think you already asked that. Did you answer?
Tu l'as déjà demandé.
I think I did.
- Je crois que si.
I don't think you did.
- Je crois bien que non.
I didn't think I could do it, but I did.
Je ne pensais pas pouvoir le faire, mais je l'ai fait.
I'm telling you, swearing to you, whatever you think I did, you have the wrong guy.
Je vous dis, je vous crache, Quoi que tu penses de ce que j'ai fait, tu as le mauvais gars.
I think Anna has realized what she did was wrong.
Je pense qu'Anna a compris qu'elle avait mal agi.
I think you guys actually did that.
Je crois même que c'est vous qui avez fait ça d'ailleurs.
Who the fuck did you think I was?
Pour qui, putain?
Not that I think you still love me, that you ever did.
Non pas que je pense que tu m'aimes encore, ou que tu ne m'ais jamais aimé.
Did you not think I saw thy sluttish looks to him, bewitching his eye as any whore?
Penses-tu que je n'ay point remarqué tes regards putasses sur luy, envoutant ses yeux comme n'importe quelle catin?
Did you really think I wouldn't find out You had been tracking me?
Tu croyais que je ne verrais pas que tu m'espionnais?
- Well, what I think... is that you did it to distract me.
- Ce que je pense... C'est que vous l'avez fait pour me distraire.
I mean, what did you think was gonna happen?
Tu t'attendais à quoi?
You didn't really think I'd stay banished for long, now, did you?
Tu ne pensais quand même pas que j'allais rester banni pour toujours, non?
After what you did to me, I don't think so.
Après ce que tu m'as fait, ça m'étonnerait.
I know what I did was unforgivable, but I also know that Cosima really cares for you, and I think...
Je sais que ce que j'ai fait est impardonnable, mais je sais aussi que tu comptes beaucoup pour Cosima, et je pense...
I didn't think I needed to tell you everything I did.
Je ne pensais pas utile de te tenir au courant de tout.
I think it's time that we... did something about that.
Je pense qu'il est temps qu'on fasse quelque chose à ce sujet.
I think I already did.
Je crois que c'est déjà fait.
I did not think it would be such an event.
Je ne savais pas que ce serait un tel évènement.
Did you really think I'd trade my ship without taking a souvenir?
Tu pensais vraiment que j'échangerais mon navire sans prendre un souvenir?
Very clever. Well, you didn't think I'd leave here with nothing, did you?
Tu ne pensais pas que j'allais partir de là-bas sans rien prendre, non?
I think he did 18 months for it.
Je crois qu'il a pris 18 mois pour ça.
Did you really think I'd let it happen and I wouldn't come for her?
Croyais-tu réellement que je te laisserais faire et que je ne viendrais pas pour elle?
I don't think you ever did.
Je ne pense pas que vous l'ayez jamais eu.
You didn't think I was going to allow you to dupe my father-in-law and lie to his heir, did you?
Tu ne pensais quand même pas que j'allais te permettre de duper mon beau-père et de mentir à son héritier, n'est-ce pas?
And I don't think you could've written what you did if there wasn't some small part of you that thought that way about us. I don't regret being with you, Ezra, at all.
Direct sur la messagerie.
Why do you think I did that?
Pourquoi penses-tu que j'ai fait ça?
I did that, I think.
J'ai fait ça je pense.
I think I know what I did wrong.
- La prochaine fois...
I think we did pretty good.
Je trouve qu'on s'est bien débrouillé.
Did you really think I would let you shoot me?
Tu pensais vraiment que j'allais te laisser me tirer dessus?
Damn it, why did I ever think you were smart?
- Moi qui te croyais intelligent.
i think 9249
i think i love you 73
i think i'm losing my mind 16
i think i'll pass 77
i think so too 125
i think so 3742
i think it's time 86
i think i'm in love 61
i think i'm going crazy 20
i think it's perfect 26
i think i love you 73
i think i'm losing my mind 16
i think i'll pass 77
i think so too 125
i think so 3742
i think it's time 86
i think i'm in love 61
i think i'm going crazy 20
i think it's perfect 26