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I thought it was great traduction Français

166 traduction parallèle
I thought it was great.
J'ai trouvé ça bien.
I thought it was great.
J'ai trouvé ça formidable.
I thought it was great.
C'était formidable.
Other than that, I thought it was great.
Pour le reste, c'etait super.
I thought it was great
Je l'ai trouvé super
I thought it was great, Dad.
Je l'ai trouvé génial.
I thought it was great.
C'était super!
I thought it was great that someone defends me and go to fight to keep me.
Je trouvais ça génial que quelqu'un me défende et aille jusqu'à se battre pour me garder.
Offend me? I thought it was great.
j'ai trouvé ça super.
Um, I don't think Advil will go for it, and I'm pretty sure every woman in America will hate it. Other than that, I thought it was great.
Je suis sûre que toutes les femmes vont détester, mais c'est intéressant.
You know, at first, I thought it was great my dad had a friend.
Tu sais, au début je pensais que c'était bien que mon père ait une nouvelle amie.
He said, "Once I got the Tim Burton quote, I thought it was great."
Et moi : "Mais tu l'as lu?" " Ouais.
I showed Mrs. Connelly your work because I thought it was great and beautiful and I'm so proud of you.
J'ai montré tes dessins a Mme Connelly, car je les ai trouvés formidables. Je suis si fier de toi.
- I thought it was great.
J'ai vachement aimé.
I thought it was great.
Il est genial.
I heard you were making this flight to Paris blind, and thought it was a great chance to cash in.
J "ai appris que tu devais aller à Paris I" occasion rêvée pour ramasser le paquet.
I just thought I'd look through it and see what it was Mac said about those great caves appearing in the sides of the hills.
Je voulais juste savoir comment ces grottes se forment sur le flanc des falaises.
It seems this Toy Smith thought I was a great primitive singer.
Toy Smith disait que j'étais un bon chanteur primitif.
I always thought it was a great book.
J'ai toujours pensé que c'était un grand livre.
I'm sure you thought it was great potential raw material.
Tu devais penser que ça t'aiderait à écrire!
Gee, I thought it was a great little icebreaker.
Ça alors! Je pensais que c'était une façon géniale de briser la glace.
I thought it was Thursday. Isn't that great?
J'ai cru qu'on était jeudi.
I thought it was a great idea if we all hopped in the car... and spent a few days on the road together.
L'idée m'a paru bonne Quelques jours sur la route, ensemble
I just thought her kung fu is great but found that it was her stand-in.
Moi qui la pensais habile. Une simple doublure!
It was a great idea, bringing Dawn and Foster together. I would have never thought of that.
J'aurais pas pensé à réunir Dawn et Foster.
I'm sorry, I thought it was a great scene, Nick.
J'ai trouvé la scène géniale, Nick.
I was talking with your dad, and we thought... it would be a great idea if this year... we celebrated our anniversary in the backyard.
Je parlais à ton père et on pensait... que ce serait une bonne idée de célébrer... notre anniversaire dans le jardin cette année.
I looked at the film and thought it was a great film.
J'ai vu le film etje l'ai trouvé super.
- He really didn't want to do it. - I thought he was great.
- Il ne voulait vraiment pas le faire.
Let It Be was such an unhappy record, even though it has some great songs and I really thought that was the end of the Beatles
Let ltBe a été un disque si triste, même s'il contient des grands morceaux etj'ai vraiment cru que c'était la fin des Beatles
That hurts, because I thought it was a great 3 seconds.
Ça m'a blessé, c'était 3 secondes d'enfer.
- I thought it was great.
- C'était bien.
I thought it was pretty fuckin'great, but what do I know?
Je pense que c'était sensass, mais qu'est-ce que j'en sais?
I thought it was pretty fuckin'great, but what do I know?
Je pense que c`etait sensass, mais qu`est-ce que j`en sais?
At least I thought it was a great job.
Enfin, je trouvais.
Well, I thought it was going great, but now... let's just say that I've got a riddle of my own.
Je croyais qu'il faisait des progrès mais à présent... Disons que j'ai moi aussi une énigme à résoudre.
I have to tell you I thought it was really great how you settled that argument today.
Faut que je te dise... j'ai trouvé super ta façon de régler la dispute ce matin.
It just ripened on my tree. I thought it was not for a present like me, but for a great queen.
Cette figue a mûri ce mâtin sur mon figuier et j'ai pensé que ce prodige n'était pas pour un misérable fellah mais pour une grande reine.
I told him about our backpacking trip, and he thought it was a great idea.
Ça ne me va vraiment pas?
You know, Jewel must have taken a few more psychology courses than me, because as crazy as I thought the whole idea was, as reluctant as I was to do it, by the end of the evening, I felt great
Jewel a dû prendre plus de cours de psychologie que moi J'avais trouvé l'idée complètement dingue, j'avais refusé de le faire, mais à la fin de la soirée, je me sentais très bien.
It was great to see you yesterday, so I thought I'd try my luck again.
C'était bien de se voir hier. J'avais envie de recommencer.
I thought it was only a contact a contact between algerians I know arab contacts are very strong one holds hands have some kisses I think in Maghreb, a great lot of people are homosexual
Moi je pensais que c'était simplement un contact un contact algérien-algérien je sais très bien que les contacts... arabes sont très forts on se donne la main on se fait des petits bisoux je pense qu'au Maghreb beaucoup, beaucoup sont homosexuels, énormément
I thought it was a great play.
Je trouvais la pièce géniale.
But he'd gone to press so he couldn't put it in the article. I always thought that if I ever write a book one day a novel or something like that, and you have to put quotes on the back you know, little review blurbs and shit. Like, "It was a great read." "Smith knocks one out of the park!"
Je me dis toujours que si j'ecris un livre... un roman, et qu'il faut mettre des citations derriere... comme une revue de presse... genre : "Un bon roman." "Smith marque un point!"... je prendrais celle de Tim Burton et la mettrais en dernier.
When I first started gay group therapy I just thought it was a really great place to meet guys
Je l'ignore, mais je veux le même rideau.
You see, I thought it was a great idea.
Je me suis dit que c'était une bonne idée.
I just thought it was so... so great, the way you stood up to those guys.
J'ai juste pensé que c'était si- - si super, la façon dont vous vous êtes opposé à ces gars.
I thought it was a great idea but...
L'idée me semblait excellente, mais...
I said I thought it was a great idea.
Je lui ai dit que c'était une super idée.
When you broke up with me, I thought that it was because you knew I was never gonna be a great doctor.
Quand tu as rompu, je croyais que c'était parce que... tu savais que je ne serais jamais un grand médecin.
I caught a great one, everything was good. It's the way I thought it was. But I always knew it could kill me.
J'en ai pris une super, c'était parfait, mais je savais qu'elle pouvait me tuer, ou un autre.

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