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I thought you were joking traduction Français

52 traduction parallèle
But I thought you were joking, your pal René, I find you dull, I find him silly.
Mais, je croyais que tu plaisantais! Ton ami René, je le trouve fade, je le trouve niais!
Ah, I thought you were joking.
Ah, je croyais que vous plaisantiez.
I thought you were joking when you told me that.
Je croyais que vous plaisantiez quand vous m'avez dit ça.
I thought you were joking!
Je croyais que tu te fichais de moi.
I thought you were joking.
Je pensais que a était une blague,
I thought you were joking.
Je croyais que tu plaisantais.
You feed them live goldfish. - I thought you were joking.
Ils aiment les poissons rouges.
I thought you were joking.
Je pensais que vous plaisantiez.
Oh, my God, I thought you were joking.
Oh Mon Dieu, je pensais que vous plaisantiez
Oh, I thought you were joking.
Je croyais que vous plaisantiez.
I thought you were joking at first, but later
Au début, je pensais que tu rigolais mais après..
- I thought you were joking.
- Je croyais que tu blaguais.
- Well, I thought you were joking.
Vous plaisantiez.
Many forms. I thought you were joking.
Diverses formes, je pensais que vous plaisantiez.
I thought you were joking. And Mother had a stroke.
- Ah, puis euh, ma mère a eu une attaque, hier.
- I thought you were joking.
- Je m'en doutais bien.
I'm sorry. I thought you were joking... when you said you had an inbred son who lives in your basement.
Je croyais que vous plaisantiez quand vous disiez que vous aviez un fils consanguin qui vit
I thought you were joking, man. I'm gonna be honest with you.
Je croyais que tu plaisantais, pour être franc.
That would be funny if I thought you were joking.
Ça pourrait être drôle si je pensais que tu plaisantais.
I thought you were joking last night. You got some power, fellow.
Je croyais que tu plaisantais mais tu as vraiment des pouvoirs magiques.
I thought you were joking.
Que tu blaguais.
I thought you were joking.
Je croyais que vous déconniez.
I thought you were joking about the China girl. Thought there was something between you and her.
je croyais que tu rigolais à propos de la chinoise je croyais qu'il y avait quelque chose entre vous deux
- I thought you were joking.
- Je pensais que tu blaguais.
Sorry, I thought you were joking about being cast as Schindler cos you made lists. No.
Désolé, je croyais que tu plaisantais à propos de ces listes.
I thought you were joking when you said you were a dirty cop.
Je croyais que tu rigolais quand tu disais que t'étais un flic corrompu.
I thought you were joking about the $ 5,000 being a lot of money.
Je croyais que tu plaisantais sur le fait que 5000 dollars soit une grande somme.
I thought you were joking about the peacocks.
Je pensais que tu blaguais à propos des paons.
I thought you were joking about that.
Je pensais que tu blaguais.
I thought you were joking.
Je croyais que c'était une blague.
I, uh--I thought you were joking about that, Karma.
Je pensais que tu blaguais à propos de ça, Karma.
- Oh, I thought you were joking.
- Je pensais que tu plaisantais.
I thought you were joking.
Vous plaisantez.
I thought you were joking about that.
Je pensais que c'était une blague.
I thought you were joking.
Je pensais que c'était une blague.
I thought you were joking.
alors là, c'est totalement hors de question.
And what I said when you were joking about that kid thing for a second, I thought you were completely serious.
J'ai mal réagi quand tu blaguais sur les gosses... J'y croyais!
I thought you said you were joking.
- Vous disiez que c'était une blague.
I thought you were joking.
J'ai cru que vous plaisantiez.
I thought you guys were joking about the bike squad.
Je croyais que vous plaisantiez à propos de la brigade des vélos.
I actually heard that you had backward power structures in the UK, but I thought my friends were joking.
On m'avait dit que vous aviez des organisations de pouvoir arriérées en Angleterre, mais je pensais que mes amis plaisantaient.
Ha, ha. No, I seriously thought you were joking.
Non, sérieux, je pensais vraiment que tu plaisantais.
Oh, I thought you were joking.
T'es sérieux?
I really thought you were joking.
Je pensais vraiment que tu plaisantais.
When your mom said you were out on a run, I thought she was joking.
Quand ta mère a dit que tu étais allée courir, je croyais qu'elle plaisantait.
I even thought you were only joking.
J'ai pensé que tu plaisantes.
And I thought that she was just joking, that we were gonna, you know, like, take her into the woods and scare her, but...
J'ai cru qu'elle ne faisait que plaisanter, qu'on allait l'emmener dans les bois et lui faire peur, mais...
No. I'm sorry. I thought that you were doing a joking thing.
Je pensais que tu blaguais.

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