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I was there that night traduction Français

223 traduction parallèle
- I was there that night.
- J'étais là, ce soir-là.
"I was there that night, with Arthur, the King."
"J'étais présent, cette nuit-là, aux côtés d'Arthur."
I was there that night at the Garden, the night Baer beat him. - Really? - Yeah.
J'ai assisté à sa défaite.
I'd like to have your suggestion... as to how I can explain why that money... that those ladies need to finance their ball tomorrow night... must be given to you today. We had no idea there was any difficulty about the deposit.
Suggérez-moi comment justifier le fait que ces dames aient à vous donner aujourd'hui un argent dont elles ont besoin pour organiser leur soirée de demain.
See, Lettie, after last night I didn't want you to think that there was any...
Après hier soir, je ne voulais pas que tu penses qu'il y avait...
You mean to say that when we was having our supper there alone, and I used to pull down them maps and take the teacher's pointer and pick out the places we'd pretend we was that night.
Tu oublies que lorsqu'on dînait tous les deux, nous choisissions un pays sur la carte, et nous prétendions y être.
That night at chevigee's I told you I thought there was still untouched, undeveloped fields.
Il y a encore des gisements inexploités.
- Well, it started last night, I was listening to my... and THAT'S the honest truth, I know they're under there, but I don't know what they do to people.
Tout a commencé, hier soir... C'est vrai! Ils sont là-bas.
There was only one man that I saw smoke a cigar on Saturday night.
Un seul homme fumait le cigare samedi soir.
Do you know that at night I went to listen to your door because I was afraid that she was there?
Sais-tu qu'un soir, je suis allée écouter à ta porte parce que j'avais peur qu'elle soit chez toi?
Jody, I don't think there's one person that knew there was oil on that farm the night Joe Dakota was hanged.
On ignorait la présence du pétrole le soir où Joe a été pendu.
I used to go downstairs a dozen times during the night to make sure that he was there.
Je descendais vingt fois les escaliers la nuit pour vérifier qu'il était là.
That night Furuya sat there, you were there, and I was there.
Furuya était assis là. Vous étiez là, et moi, j'étais là-bas.
Well, about that night, while Aunt Nellie was singing, I went outside... to get a breath of fresh air, and suddenly there was a terriblescream!
Eh bien, ce soir-là, pendant que tante Nellie chantait, je suis sortie... pour prendre l'air, et soudain il y a eu un cri terrible!
When I went into Dorothy's room earlier that night there was washing on the line.
Quand je suis allée dans la chambre de Dorothy, - du linge séchait.
I know, that you were at the Nightclub, when Sabrina was murdered there.
Je sais que vous étiez au night-club quand Sabrina y été assassinée.
Last night when I wrought that remarkable change for the better in your husband's appearance, I was standing here, Dolphin was there.
Peu importe. Hier soir, lorsque j'ai changé en mieux l'apparence de ton mari, je me tenais ici, Dolphin était là.
I also knew that without the shroud, in which it was interred to cloak its festering body, there could be no night of rest for any vampire.
Je savais également que sans le linceul, dans lequel son corps en décomposition était enseveli, le vampire ne dormirait pas la nuit.
Last night I called to tell you that I was comin', but there was no one at home.
Hier soir, j'ai appelé pour vous prévenir, mais il n'y avait personne.
That's what I'm trying to do, and I came here for help. Listen! I was there the other night.
C'est ce que j'essaie de faire.
There I was last night in all that rain with no place to sleep.
J'étais là hier soir sous la pluie sans endroit où dormir.
About that shooting last night, I was there, Uncle.
Pendant la bagarre? J'étais là-bas.
I was there the night he got shot in that, shall we say, house of ill repute?
J'étais là quand il a été abattu dans ce lieu mal famé.
There is no way on earth you can prove that the robot was at the computer that night, let alone that I programmed him to operate it.
Vous ne prouverez pas que MM 7 a utilisé le K 44 ce soir-là, ni que je l'ai programmé.
I don't know if I mentioned this to you or not, Doctor... we know that the flint was dropped there last night.
Je vous l'avais dit, docteur? Nous savons que la pierre est tombée hier soir.
He wasn't at his house last night and he wasn't there this morning, and they just told me at his office that they don't know when he's gonna be in, so I was wondering if, you know,
Il n'était pas chez lui hier soir ni ce matin. On m'a dit à son bureau qu'ils ignoraient quand il serait là.
I really do, but one of you is lying to me. Mr. Caine, you hired me to find Diane, but you left out a few important facts... that in 1941, you were Ensign Robert Wicks... and that the night you and Diane eloped, there was a hell of a fight.
Vous m'avez engagé pour retrouver Diane, mais vous avez oublié de préciser qu'en 1941 vous vous appeliez Robert Wicks et que le soir où vous deviez vous enfuir, il y a eu une bagarre.
No, if someone was going to try and kidnap your dog, they would probably break in at night. That's when I'll make my inspection. There's nothing you can do till tonight?
L'épidémie vient d'être déclarée quand deux gerbilles se sont échappées d'un cargo et ont mordu l'équipage.
I drove straight to the Langham Hotel and was informed that Captain Morstan was staying there. but that he had gone out the night before and had not returned.
On m'a dit qu'il avait pris une chambre, mais il était sorti la veille et n'était pas rentré.
That night I was called away to a forest fire. There was one a week that Summer.
Cette-nuit-là, on est venu me chercher pour un incendie de forêt.
And, I suppose, there is no doubt that the mark was there yesterday? Well, of course McFarland could have crept out of jail in the middle of the night just to strengthen the evidence against himself.
À moins que McFarlane se soit évadé cette nuit juste pour ajouter une pièce au dossier contre lui.
Now, I am aware that there was a most deplorable occurrence in our house last night.
Mais je sais qu'il s'est passé... quelque chose de terrible à notre domicile.
Not that I saw, Mr. Holmes, but then I don't see everything. There was really thick fog that night.
Pas que j'aie remarqué, monsieur Holmes... mais je n'ai pas pu tout voir car le brouillard était épais ce soir-là.
I'd just sit there, staring out into the distance. They gave me a secanoI and put me in a private cell that night. And the next day I was transferred to the neuropsychiatry ward.
On m'a donné un Seconal, mis dans une cellule individuelle, le lendemain on m'a transféré en neuropsychiatrie.
He was supposed to ask his brother if I could stay there that night.
Il devait demander à son frère si je pouvais rester là cette nuit-là.
He didn't say it, he implied it. He said that the first time he saw me, was the night I killed the armed robber in the supermarket, but he wasn't there, Chief, he wasn't one of the fucking witnesses!
II a dit que la 1ère fois qu'il m'a vue c'était au supermarché.
That's a blow-up of a fingerprint that was made at Freddy's studio. And I'm afraid, sir... It places you there on the night of his death.
Voici un agrandissement d'une empreinte au studio de Freddy et je crains... qu'elle ne prouve votre présence la nuit de sa mort.
That was the night I was resting at 56 Hope Road, and to cool out there.
Ce soir-là, je me reposais au 56 Hope Road, je me détendais.
The reason I know that is there was a moment last night... when you were with me and not the president.
Je le sais parce qu'hier soir, il y a eu un moment où vous étiez avec moi et non avec le Président.
I go into the Kool Breeze, the bar your brother was in just before the shootin', the bartender ID'd you in there that night.
Je vais faire un tour à Kool Breeze, le bar où est allé ton frère juste avant le meurtre, le barman t'a identifié. Il t'a vu cette nuit-là.
I wish there was some other way. I stayed up all night racking my brains. Any other way that might be safe.
Je n'ai pas dormi de la nuit pour essayer de trouver une solution.
Soon, I was about to discover that at night, too, there were people on the roads.
J'allais bientôt découvrir que la nuit aussi il y avait des gens sur les routes
I remember, sometimes getting up in the middle of the night and slipping into his room just to make sure he was all right... and I'd sit there and watch him sleep and I'd think to myself that no matter what
Je me souviens des nuits où je me glissais dans sa chambre pour m'assurer qu'il allait bien. Je le regardais dormir.
Look, Scully, I know it's not your inclination, but did you ever look up into the night sky..... and feel certain that not only was something up there,..... but it was looking down on you at that exact same moment,... .. and was just as curious about you as you are about it?
Je connais ton scepticisme, mais tu n'as jamais contemplé le ciel en étant certaine qu'il y avait quelque chose là-haut, et que cette chose te regardait au même moment, aussi intriguée par toi que tu l'étais par elle?
I want you to know that night couldn't have been any more painful than seeing her laying up there with a rock smashed in her head than to tell her I couldn't buy her that sandwich down there because she was black.
Il faut que vous sachiez que c'était aussi insupportable de la voir étendue, le crâne fracassé par une pierre, que de lui dire que je ne pouvais pas lui acheter á manger parce qu'elle était noire.
there he was at my ear and I was... That last night he came to say good-bye and I started crying.
il était péndu à món óréillé ét jé... il ést vénu mé diré au révóir ét... jé mé suis misé à pléurér.
There was a draught in that whole part of Florida... which had gone on for about a month... and I guess sometime the night before the show they sent some... planes out to see the clouds over the Everglades.
Une sécheresse a frappé la Floride pendant un mois. La veille du concert, des avions ont survolé les Everglades pour ensemencer les nuages.
So on one night, that's when I did'Little Miss Strange'. I'd written a song... and there was no one there, so I thought, "Why not?"
C'est au cour de l'une de ces nuits que j'ai composé Little Miss Strange.
I was having dinner with my wife last night... there's a maitre d'and a room full of waiters who know that I was there.
Je dînais avec ma femme, hier soir. Le maître d'hôtel et les serveurs m'ont vu.
And that disastrous night..... the wound broke open, and there was nothing I could do.
Et cette nuit-là, cette horrible nuit, la blessure s'est ouverte et je ne pouvais rien y faire.
That's why I was there last night.
ça explique ma présence hier soir.

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