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I was wrong about that traduction Français

169 traduction parallèle
Like me, I thought Writer Lee also wished sunbae's business to be ruined, but I was wrong about that too.
je pense qu'elle voulait voir le business de sunbae être ruiné mais j'avais tort.
I was wrong about that glass of beer.
Je me suis trompé pour la bière.
I grant I was wrong about that.
J'admets que j'avais tort à ce sujet.
I guess I was wrong about that queen.
J'avais tort pour cette reine.
You know, I guess I was wrong about that guy.
Vous savez, je crois que j'avais tort sur ce type.
- No, I was wrong about that.
- Non, je m'étais trompée.
I was wrong about that.
J'avais tort.
I was wrong about that, so- -
Tu vois comme tout le monde peut se tromper.
I was wrong about that.
Je me trompais.
Boy, I guess I was wrong about that earring.
J'avais tort à propos de ta boucle d'oreille.
Yes, I was wrong about that.
Oui, je me suis trompé.
- I was wrong about that too.
- Je me suis trompé là aussi.
Yes. I can see now that I was quite wrong about them.
Je me rends désormais compte que j'avais tort à leur sujet.
And they're all wrong, if they think Phil was mixed up in that thing on the Island. Why, I saw him myself, going in about 11 : 00...
Ils se gourent s'ils pensent que Phil était mouillé à Long Island parce que je l'ai vu moi-même entrer vers 11 heures...
Dr. Meade, please let me see her. I've been waiting here two days. I've got to tell her that I was wrong about something.
Laissez-moi la voir... pour lui dire que je m'étais trompée sur quelque chose.
Well, wait a minute. Maybe I'm in the wrong garage. What was that line about my job always waiting for me?
Mais vous m'aviez promis de me reprendre.
The only conclusion I can draw now is that I was wrong about you.
J'en conclus que je me suis trompé à votre sujet.
I kept saying to myself that Willie was wrong about the judge.
Je me disais que Wi / / ie se trompait sur / ejuge.
Then he threatened to tell about Michael and me. What words could I say that would tell him it was wrong about us?
Il menaça de tout raconter et de créer un scandale.
About that, I never was wrong.
Sur ça, je n'ai jamais eu tort.
Perhaps I was wrong in the attitude that I took about the school play.
J'ai peut-être eu tort, en effet.
And that Senator Brenner was right about Deong, and I was wrong.
Que Brenner avait raison sur Deong et quej'avais tort.
That's right, but your mommy made me realise that even though I thought there was a lot wrong with my world, there was a lot right about it, too, like Ruthie.
Exact, mais ta maman m'a fait comprendre que bien que mon monde ne soit pas parfait, il y avait beaucoup de choses bien, comme Ruthie.
I would only claim books that was about right from wrong.
Je ne prône que les livres sur le bien et le mal.
I was wrong to talk about that.
J'ai eu tort de vous parler de cela.
If that's what you're mad about, I was wrong.
Si c'est ton reproche, je me suis trompée.
Roger that, sir. Guess I was wrong about you.
Je me trompais...
I was wrong about you buying that truck.
J'avais tort à propos de ce chasse-neige.
When he says he was wrong, when he says that I should have gotten the job, then you talk about bygones being bygones.
Il regrette de m'avoir soutenu? Je lui dirai de passer l'éponge. Ce qui est fait est fait.
I heard about your women. That was wrong.
Je sais ce qu'ils ont fait à vos femmes.
I was flat wrong about that.
J'avais tout faux.
I just wanted to say that you were right and I was wrong. About the Corps.
Je voulais vous dire que vous aviez raison et moi tort, au sujet du Corps.
I was wrong, you see. I was wrong about everything except that she's rich.
Je me suis trompée sur tout, sauf qu'elle est riche.
It's just, I was so worried about saying the wrong thing that I couldn't find the words.
J'avais tellement peur de dire une bêtise que je n'ai rien dit.
I just dreamt that me and Stan and Kyle and Kenny were trapped on a bus and we were talking about everything that happened to us except that it was all wrong, and ended with us eating ice cream.
Tu veux des cafards comme petit déjeuner? Ouais. C'est bon avec de la glace.
I was wrong and you were right, and I'm not just saying that so we don't have to talk about it anymore, like at home.
J'ai eu tort et tu avais raison et je ne te dis pas ça dans le but de ne plus en parler, comme on fait à la maison.
I want you to know that what I said about you being all shut down... and that's why I had to fake the flashes, that was... wrong and very unfair. Wrong and very unfair.
Ce que j'ai dit sur le fait... que tu sois renfermé et que j'ai fait semblant d'avoir des flashes... était faux et très injuste.
I tried to persuade Talyn that he was wrong about Crichton
J'ai essayé de convaincre Talyn qu'il se trompe sur lui.
That somehow I was wrong about everything.
Que j'avais pu me tromper sur toute la ligne.
If you think that... then I was wrong about you.
Si vous pensez ça, je me suis trompée sur vous.
I was so wrong about that.
J'avais tort.
Was I that wrong about you?
Qu'est-ce qui ne te va pas?
Oh, we see how wrong I was about that.
Tu vois à quel point je me trompais.
I was raised Catholic and I was... taught that you don't ask God for specific things, but there is this one miracle that I would really, really like to have. Like something you see in a store and you can't stop thinking about it, and you start to believe that it already belongs... to you, and it's just misplaced, but is it wrong?
Comme quelque chose que vous voyez dans un magasin et vous ne pouvez pas arrêter d'y penser, et vous commencez à croire qu'il vous appartient déjà, et c'est faux, mais est ce que c'est mal?
What I was gonna say was that I just... I didn't think that you were... that tough. But I was clearly wrong about you.
Ce que j'allais dire, c'est que je ne pensais pas que tu étais... si coriace.
I thought it was wrong that we didn't tell you about the assassin here.
Je trouvais mal de vous cacher la venue de ce tueur.
It appears now that I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. Was wrong about the Chechnyans being in charge.
L'Intelligence s'est trompée en soupçonnant les Tchétchènes.
I cannot believe that I was wrong about this bridge.
Incroyable que je me sois trompé pour ce pont!
- Yeah, that's exactly why I was hoping you're wrong about the rain.
- Ouais, c'est exactement pourquoi j'espérais que tu avais tort au sujet de la pluie.
It was the wrong path, and I am sorry about that, too.
C'était le mauvais chemin, et j'en suis désolé, aussi
I guess Famine's momma was wrong about that freezer.
La mère de Famine s'est trompée sur le congélateur.

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