I will tell him traduction Français
971 traduction parallèle
- I will tell him.
- Je vais le lui dire.
And then I will tell him a little piece of my desires.
Et je lui ferai sentir ce que j'ai sur le coeur.
That's why you should revise it. I don't think it's because you don't like melodramas, but because you can't write them. PD Joo, contact the assistant director and tell him Scene 42 and Scene 43 will be revised, so he should proceed with the other scenes'filming, except for those scenes.
Je ne pense pas que c'est parce que vous n'aimez pas les mélodrames mais parce que vous ne savez pas les écrire. excepté ces deux-là.
Ah, if you tell me what you called for, I will leave the message for him.
je lui laisserai un message.
.Apuesto to that I will be able to to tell him / her who he is!
Je parie que je sais avec qui!
Well, will you talk to him for me and tell him I'm not going to take that job?
Tu pourrais lui dire de ma part que je ne vais pas accepter ce boulot?
When Mr. Carson comes in, will you tell him I want to see him?
Quand vous verrez M. Carson, dites-lui que je le cherche.
Tell him youre going with me of your own free will so that he can peacefully take his departure before I become too annoyed with him.
Dites que vous restez de plein gré, afin qu'il parte paisiblement avant que je ne me fâche.
I swear I didn't mean to take you, Ace. Boys, Harve, tell him I'm a right guy, will you?
Les gars, Harve, dites-lui que je suis honnête, d'accord?
And I thought to myself, "Maybe you can restore his faith in himself if you tell him how much you care for him and that you will stand by him for better or for worse."
et que je serais à tes côtés pour le meilleur et pour le pire.
And you all can tell that Mr. Gallagher... that cotton will grow black before I come to see him again, sir.
Dites à M. Gallagher que les poules auront des dents avant que je revienne le voir.
Will you tell Mr Parker please, that I'm leaving my car for him. ─ Yes, sir
Je laisse ma voiture pour M. Parker.
Call Dr. Wong at my clinic and tell him I'll be there before midnight, will you?
Appelez le docteur Wong à ma clinique et dites-lui que je serai là avant minuit.
Come on, let's sit down. I will tell you about him.
Venez vous asseoir, que je vous raconte son histoire.
Will you tell him I just want to use the phone?
Dites-lui que je veux juste téléphoner.
"Tell him how much I miss him... "... and that my love will never cease. "
Dis-lui que que je ne pleurerai pas que de l'aimer toute la vie je ne me lasserai pas.
Will you take a message to Monsieur Armand Duval? Tell him I would like to speak to him.
Allez dire â M. Duval que j'aimerais lui parler ici.
Say, will you please tell him that I had tea this afternoon with Miss Irene at the Normandy.
Dites-le que j'ai pris le thé au Normandy avec Irene.
Now, I want you to tell him that if he will come to me... and make a public statement through the newspapers... that he's the only man who could do this sort of thing... and that the Ranger System is perfectly all right, then I'm perfectly willing to overlook all the things he's been doing.
Je veux que vous lui disiez que s'il vient me voir... et qu'il fasse une déclaration publique dans les journaux... qu'il est le seul homme à pouvoir faire ce genre de choses... et que le Système Ranger est parfaitement sûr... alors, je suis tout à fait prêt à oublier tout ce qu'il a fait.
Yes, I surely will tell him.
Oui, je lui dirai.
- Why don't you tell him that? - I will.
- Pourquoi ne lui dis-tu pas ça?
If you don't tell him tonight, I will.
Dis-lui ou je le ferai.
Will you tell him? - If I tell him, he'll think I'm conceited.
- Si je le dis, il me pensera prétentieuse.
You will tell him exactly what I told you to tell him. Nothing more.
Dites-lui ce que je vous ai dit, rien de plus.
- Tell him I won't. - I will!
- Dites-lui que c'est d'accord!
Will you, please, tell him when he comes that we are not working tonight, and I am coming over. Yes.
Dites-lui quand il rentrera, que nous ne travaillons pas ce soir et que j'arrive.
Tell to him that I will wait for it in Samarkand.
Dis-lui que je l'attendrai à Samarkand.
She will tell her father that she wants him to come home... that I miss him very much and that I want him to come home.
Elle dira a son pere qu'elle veut qu'il revienne... qu'il me manque beaucoup et que je veux qu'il revienne.
I don't know how and I don't know when, Sammy, but I will find a way to tell him.
Je ne sais pas comment, et je ne sais pas quand, Sammy... mais je trouverai une façon de lui dire.
Well tell him I promise that the singing wire will make good medicine for Ogalalla against their enemies.
Promets-lui que Fil Chantant aidera les Ogalallas contre leurs ennemis.
And I always will be a monster. Go on, tell him.
Je serai toujours un monstre, dites-lui tout.
When Mr Duffy wakes up, will you tell him that I'm..
Quand Mr.
Go out and tell old man Henry I want to see him, will you?
- Elle est forte, celle-là!
Aunt Bertha, when you see Henry, will you tell him that as a Van Cleve... I have the right to demand that he keep the shadow of scandal off our name?
Dites à Henry que notre nom ne doit pas être mêlé à un scandale.
Will you tell him I'll be with him in a minute?
C'est sûrement Henry.
You might tell Dr. Sexton that I'd like to see him for a minute, will you?
Dites au Dr Sexton que je souhaite le voir.
I believe too, and I'll say it now that you will tell Bodo the things he needs to know and if the world stays bad so long you will send him after me when his time comes.
Je pense aussi, et je le dis d'ores et déjà, que tu diras à bodo ce qu'il a besoin de savoir, et que si le monde ne va toujours pas mieux, tu l'enverras me rejoindre quand son jour viendra.
- Will you tell him I'm marrying Forrest?
Lui direz-vous que je vais épouser Forrest?
I will let him tell his own story.
Il va vous expliquer sa situation.
Your news will keep until I tell him.
Je me charge de lui dire.
Don't ever tell him I said that though, will you?
Ne lui dis jamais que je t'ai dit ça, veux-tu?
Oh. Tell him I'll be with him in a minute, will you?
Oh, dites-lui que j'arrive dans une minute.
Oh, will you call freddie and tell him i've gone?
Dis à Freddie que je suis partie.
You won't talk to my husband, will you? I'll tell him myself, when I think it's the right time.
N'en parlez pas à mon mari.
Look, I was supposed to meet Charles at the clock tower right away and I can't get there. Will you go and tell him to please wait for me?
J'avais rendez-vous à l'église avec Charles et je ne peux pas y aller, tu peux aller lui dire de m'attendre?
Now, you tell him, or I will!
Tu lui diras ou je le ferai!
Arthur will be touched when I tell him you're so concerned.
Arthur sera touché de ton intérêt.
If you play ball, I won't tell him what a monkey You made out of yourself. You will never see the Emperor.
Je suis venu en Autriche pour lancer cet appareil.
- Will you send this young shaver about his business? - Come along, Phile. - I've got to tell him.
Pourriez-vous renvoyer ce jeune homme à ses chères études?
Gentle Dauphin, if I tell you things so secret that they are known to you and God alone, will you believe that I am sent by him?
Gentil Dauphin, si je vous dis en secret des choses sues de Dieu seul et de vous-même, me croirez-vous son envoyée?
Will you tell me where I can find him?
Tu sais ou le trouver?
i will 7976
i will call you 60
i will never forget you 25
i will marry you 56
i will be back 49
i will never forgive you 52
i will kill you 375
i will never leave you 46
i will always love you 92
i will fear no evil 57
i will call you 60
i will never forget you 25
i will marry you 56
i will be back 49
i will never forgive you 52
i will kill you 375
i will never leave you 46
i will always love you 92
i will fear no evil 57