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I won't do it again traduction Français

314 traduction parallèle
( In Japanese ) I won't do it again... ever!
- I won't do it again.
Je ne le ferai plus, quoi!
I won't do it again.
Je ne recommencerai plus.
I won't ever do it again.
Je ne le ferai plus.
- Please, tell him I won't do it again.
Kay, dis-lui. Je le referai plus.
I won't do it again.
Je me suis repenti.
- I won't do it again.
- Je ne le referai plus.
Please! I won't do it again.
Je vous en prie, je le ferai plus.
I'm sure he won't do it again. Show how many potatoes you brought. And canned meat.
Montre-lui les patates, et les conserves!
I won't do it again, I promise!
Je ne le referai pas...
I won't do it again.
- Non, non! Je ne le referai plus.
Well, if you think it's wrong, Daddy, I won't let them do it again.
Si tu trouves ça mal, je les empêcherai de recommencer.
- I won't do it again, but I had to this time.
Je ne le referai plus, mais il le fallait cette fois.
I won't do it again!
Please, I won't do it again! Please have mercy on me!
Non, Maître, je ne le ferai plus!
I won't do it again!
Je ne recommencerai plus!
Comrade militiaman, I won't do it again.
Camarade milicien, je ne le ferai plus.
I hope you won't do it again.
Vous ne recommencerez pas? Non, monsieur le commissaire.
I won't do it again.
Je ne ferai plus jamais ça.
I hope it happens again. I won't do it.
Mais je ne le referai plus!
If you do it, I won't bother you again.
Si tu m'aides, je ne te dérangerai plus.
Don't be angry, you dear little man, I won't do it again.
Ne vous mettez pas en colère. Je ne le referai pas.
I promise i won't do it again.
Je promets de ne plus le faire.
Not the police. Don't do that to me, mister. I swear I won't do it again.
Ne faites pas ça, ayez pitié de moi, je ne recommencerai plus!
I've already killed twice, so I won't hesitate to do it again.
J'en ai déjà tué deux.
But I won't do it again.
Mais je ne le ferai plus, papa.
They won't do it again, because I will beat him!
- On a eu Zappalà! On a jamais lancé de bananes. Je vais le tuer!
I won't do it again.
Je ne le ferai plus.
Forgive me. I won't do it again!
Pardon, je ne le ferai plus.
I won't do it again.
Je le referai pas.
I won't do it again.
Je ne recommencerai pas.
Please, I'll be good. I won't ever do it again.
Je vous en prie, je serai gentil.
- I won't do it again!
Je ne recommencerai plus.
"I won't do it again."
- Je ne recommencerai plus.
Uh? ... "I won't do it again..."
Je ne recommencerai plus...
I won't do it again.
- Je ne recommencerai plus...
I won't do it again.
On ne m'y reprendra plus.
Mum, I won't do it again.
- Maman, je ne le ferai pas encore.
I won't do it again.
Je ne le ferai plus. Pardonne-moi
- All right, darling. - I won't do it again.
Cette fois, je vous laisse.
Je le ferai plus.
I won't do it again.
- Je ne recommencerai plus.
I didn't mean it! I won't ever do it again.
Je ne recommencerai plus jamais.
I swear to you I won't do it again.
Je te jure que je ne recommencerai pas.
I intend to make sure you won't do it again.
Et je vais m'assurer que ça ne se produira plus.
Comment savoir que ça ne va pas se reproduire?
Master, I won't do it again.
Je ne recommencerai plus.
I'm terribly sorry. I won't do it again.
Je suis vraiment désolée. Je ne le ferai plus.
I won't do it again, Bell.
Je ne parlerai plus de ça, Bell.
I won't ever do it again!
Je ne le ferais plus!
I'm sorry about that too, Ma. He won't do it again, I promise.
Je te promets qu'il ne le refera plus.

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