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I won't do it anymore traduction Français

39 traduction parallèle
- All right. I won't do it anymore.
Je ne le ferai plus.
I won't turn back... I can't do it anymore.
Jamais je ne reviendrai en arrière, je ne le pourrais plus.
But I swear I won't do it anymore.
Mais promets que je ne le ferais plus
And I suppose, when I do quit... which will be in two years because I can't stand it anymore... I won't be able to get silicosis because you have to be dead.
Et je suppose que quand j'arrêterai, ce que je ferai dans 2 ans, parce que j'en peux plus, je ne devrai pas développer de silicose puisque je serai censé être mort.
I don't how he does what he does, but he won't do it anymore!
J'ignore comment il fait, mais il ne le fera plus!
I won't do it anymore.
Je n'en ferai pas plus.
Every time I try to make any kind of effort, he just lashes out at me, and I won't do it anymore.
Chaque fois que je fais un effort, il se défoule sur moi. Je n'en peux plus.
But it was wrong and I won't do it anymore.
Je me suis trompée. Je ne recommencerai pas.
I won't do it anymore, okay?
Je ne le ferai plus jamais.
You know, you're out of line if you think that I was faking... the part about enjoying... whatever you and me- - and... if that's how you feel about the betting stuff, I won't do it anymore,
Tu sais, tu te trompes si tu penses que je faisais semblant... d'apprécier... ce que toi et moi... et... Si c'est ce que tu penses des paris, je ne le ferai plus.
Okay, I won't do it anymore.
OK, je le ferai plus.
- I won't do it on tick anymore.
- Je peux plus te faire crédit.
I won't do it anymore. "
Je ne le ferai plus. "
Well, I can't do it anymore, and I won't let them do it either.
Je peux pas continuer comme ça, et eux non plus.
I won't do it. I won't play the role of nagging girlfriend anymore.
Je ne jouerai plus le rôle de la petite amie casse-pieds.
I won't do it anymore.
Je ne le ferai plus.
I won't do it anymore.
C'est fini tout ça. Je ne le ferai plus.
I won't do it anymore, I promise!
Je ne le ferai plus, je le promets!
I won't do it anymore.
Je peux plus continuer.
I won't do it anymore.
Je ne m'en occuperai plus.
I won't do it anymore.
Je ne vais pas plus le faire.
Well... I won't do it anymore.
Mais j'en ai fini avec tout ça.
I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I won't touch your breasts anymore.
Je recommencerai plus.
I won't do it anymore...
Je ne recommencerai pas.
I won't do it anymore, I promise.
Je le ferai plus, c'est promis.
Then... I won't do it anymore.
Alors... je ne lui parlerais plus
I won't do it anymore.
Je ne veux plus de ça maintenant.
I won't do it anymore.
Je n'accepterais plus ça.
- I won't do it anymore.
- Je ne veux plus maintenant.
I don't want I won't do it anymore
Non, plus jamais.
I won't do it anymore.
Je ne le referai plus.
- Dad, now that I think about it, if I do, you won't have to worry about anyone calling me "Andy" anymore, because when I convert, I'll get a Hebrew name.
- Au fait, Papa, si je le fais, tu n'auras plus à t'inquiéter que quelqu'un m'appelle "Andy", parce que quand je serais converti, j'aurais un nom hébreu.
I won't do it anymore.
Je ne veux plus le faire.
I won't do it anymore.
Je ne le veux plus maintenant.
♪ But I won't do it anymore ♪
Mais je ne recommencerai plus C'est promis
I told you, I won't do it anymore.
Je t'ai dit que je ne le ferais plus.
I won't do it anymore!
Je ne le ferai plus!
I won't do it anymore!
Plus jamais!

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