I won't do that traduction Français
1,019 traduction parallèle
I tell you, I won't stay married to that addleheaded little - a man must stand by what he does, Bob, so whatever you decide to do,
Je ne veux pas de cette écervelée... Un homme doit répondre de ses actes, Bob.
I won't do it the way I did at the club... if that's what you're afraid of.
Je ne chanterai pas comme au Club.
That won't do any good. I have a copy. Oh.
Inutile, j'ai une copie.
I only understand that Betty was my sister that Vanning killed her, and that you won't help me do anything about it.
Je sais seulement que Betty était ma sœur, que Vanning l'a tuée et que vous ne m'aiderez pas.
I may have to do some things that perhaps you won't understand.
Je pourrais avoir à faire des choses que peut-être tu ne comprendras pas.
You can't do that to Rocky. I won't let you.
Je ne vous laisserai pas faire.
You do that, I won't hear it. Good night, Mr. Bartlett.
Je ne serai pas chez moi.
Will I? When I do, I hope that I won't think it's silly.
J'espère que je ne le trouverai pas bête.
You'll get them after me again. I won't let you do that.
Ils seront une fois de plus à mes trousses.
Won't you join us? I don't think he'll be able to do that.
- Je ne pense pas qu'il pourra.
Well, don't worry, Dan, I won't do that.
Ne vous en faites pas, Dan. Je ne ferai pas ça.
I won't support you. What do you think of that?
Je te couperai les vivres.
I admire your keen perception, but I'm afraid that won't do.
J'admire votre perception aiguë, mais je crains que ça n'aille pas.
I won't let him do that.
Je ne le laisserai pas faire ça.
I do hope you won't say anything about it to my wife, not that I have anything to conceal, but I just don't want to have her worry about my hair.
Surtout, pas un mot à ma femme. Je ne voudrais pas qu'elle s'inquiète pour mes cheveux.
I'm sorry, Kit, but that's one thing I won't do.
Navré, Kit, c'est une chose que je ne ferai pas.
I'm afraid that won't do.
J'ai peur que ça ne suffise pas.
It won't work, and I'm dame enough to be glad of it. What do you think of that?
Ça ne marchera pas, et en tant que femme, j'en suis fort aise.
I won't do that.
Je refuse.
No, no, I... I won't do that!
- Non, je ne le ferai pas!
There's nothing that I won't do.
Je serai prêt à tout.
But when I get home, there won't be a single organization that'II do business with him.
Quand je serai rentré, plus personne ne voudra faire affaire avec lui.
How do I know I won't be like that in a year or so?
Qui dit que je ne serai pas comme ça dans un an?
Do you realize that in the two months you've been here I haven't won a game?
Depuis que tu es là, je n'ai pas gagné une seule fois!
I won't do that again.
Je ne ferai plus ça.
I won't put you under orders on your first day here, But I do recommend that you lie down for a while.
Je vous laisse tranquille pour le premier jour ici, mais je vous conseille de vous allonger pendant un certain temps.
- I won't let you do that.
- Tu ne feras pas ça.
I suppose, sir, that you won't refuse to do me this favour.
Je suppose, cher Monsieur, que vous consentirez à me rendre ce service?
I know that you won't do anything embarrassing or unconventional, but...
Je sais que tu ne ferais rien de gênant...
No, I won't do that neither. What do you think of that?
Je me calmerai pas, figure-toi!
I won't do that to anyone I love.
Je ne veux pas faire subir ça à quelqu'un que j'aime.
And when we do meet, old man, it's you I want to see, not the police. Remember that, won't you?
Mais c'est toi que je veux voir... et non la police.
I won't let you do that. Why :
- Je ne te laisserai pas faire ça.
If Equity or my lawyer can't or won't do anything about it, I shall personally stuff that pathetic little lost lamb down Mr DeWitt's ugly throat!
Si les syndicats ou mes avocats ne peuvent rien y faire, je fourrerai personnellement ce petit agneau perdu dans la gorge de M. DeWitt!
I won't do that.
- Je ne le ferai pas.
But if we do, I won't stand out there and tell you that I'd take it back.
Mais si on s'en tire, je ne te dirai pas que je retire ce que j'ai dit.
And now, won't you join me? - I'm afraid we can't do that.
- Asseyez-vous, je vous en prie.
I won't get out of here until you say you will, that you're going to do it!
Je ne pars pas d'ici avant que tu me dises que tu vas le faire! D'accord.
You do justice, I won't say you don't, but that makes one more dead person.
Vous rendez la justice, mais avec une mort de plus.
- No I won't allow you to do that.
Tu ne peux pas faire ça.
What guarantee do I have that he won't go cold on the deal?
Quelle garantie ai-je qu'il ne se rétractera pas à son retour?
And then, when I finally do get to sleep, I know that, when I wake up in the morning, there won't be any dawn.
Et quand j'arrive enfin à dormir, je sais qu'au réveil, je ne verrai pas l'aube.
That won't do. I need the children with me.
Je veux mes enfants avec moi.
And I'm not saying that I won't do it.
Et je ne dis pas que je ne le ferai pas.
If I just talk to myself right now, that won't do anything
Si je parle toute seule maintenant, ça ne va plus
I won't do that again.
Je ne le ferai plus. Viens.
I'm happy to do favors, but I won't touch that.
- J'aime rendre service, mais ces trucs-là, ça finit toujours mal.
And you know I won't do that.
Et tu sais que je ne ferai pas ça.
If I make my husband give you the big prize, you won't be Walter's man, you'll be mine and you'll do as I say, and you won't forget that.
si j'obtiens de mon mari qu'il te donne le gros lot, tu ne seras pas l'homme de Walter, mais le mien. Et tu feras ce que je dirai. Et tu ne l'oublieras jamais.
If I tell you where it is, what guarantee do I have that you won't drill me anyway?
Si je te dis où il est, qu'est-ce qui me dit que tu me liquideras pas?
I've asked the officers to lend a hand, but even that won't do it.
Même avec l'aide des officiers ça ne suffira pas.
i won't do that again 18
i won't 3058
i won't forget you 27
i won't be late 34
i won't let you down 206
i won't leave you 95
i won't give up 42
i won't have it 79
i won't tell you 54
i won't forget 80
i won't 3058
i won't forget you 27
i won't be late 34
i won't let you down 206
i won't leave you 95
i won't give up 42
i won't have it 79
i won't tell you 54
i won't forget 80
i won't be a minute 39
i won't be there 36
i won't hurt you 134
i won't be a moment 22
i won't tell if you won't 28
i won't forget this 45
i won't do it again 117
i won't tell anyone 179
i won't hide anymore 51
i won't do it 327
i won't be there 36
i won't hurt you 134
i won't be a moment 22
i won't tell if you won't 28
i won't forget this 45
i won't do it again 117
i won't tell anyone 179
i won't hide anymore 51
i won't do it 327