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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ I ] / I won't hurt you

I won't hurt you traduction Français

726 traduction parallèle
I won't hurt you, buddy.
Je ne vais pas te faire de mal.
I won't hurt you.
Moi, je ne fais du mai à toi.
No one shall hurt you, baby. I won't let them.
Tu es en bonnes mains, je suis là.
- Yes? No, I won't hurt you.
Non, je vous ferai pas de mal.
No, no, no. I won't hurt you.
Non, non, je vous ferai point de mal.
I won't hurt you.
Je vous ferai point de mal.
I'd gone with you chasing trains or anything, but... but you were hurt, and Pennie won't care.
Je serais allée courir après les trains ou n'importe quoi, mais... Mais tu étais blessé et Pennie ne t'en voudra pas.
Oh, I won't do anything to hurt you.
Ah, je ne voudrais pas vous faire de mal.
I won't hurt you.
Je ne vous blesserai pas.
I won't hurt you.
Je ne vous ferai aucun mal.
I won't let them hurt you.
Je te protégerai.
I won't let that doctor hurt you.
Viens voir papa.
You'll feel something pulling at you, dragging you towards the table but I won't let that force hurt you.
Tu sentiras quelque chose te tirer vers la table... mais je contrôlerai cette force.
Don't give me trouble, I won't hurt you. Hand over your dough.
La caisse, et y aura pas de bobo!
Come on, I won't hurt you.
Je ne te ferai pas de mal.
Buli, I won't hurt you.
Je ne te ferai pas mal.
Do as I say. They won't hurt you.
Allez-y, ils ne vous feront aucun mal.
I won't hurt you.
Te voici.
My poor kitties. I won't let her hurt you.
Mes pauvres chatons, je ne permettrai pas qu'on vous fasse du mal.
You're all right, Hester. Nobody's going to hurt you. I won't let them.
Personne ne te fera de mal.
I won't let him hurt you.
Il ne vous fera pas mal.
I won't hurt you, I just want to ease your pain.
- Je ne te veux rien faire, seulement te calmer.
I know only you are fond of Chuchito and you won't let those thugs hurt him.
Je sais que vous êtes friands de Chuchito Et vous ne serez pas laisser ces voyous lui faisaient mal.
It's all right, I won't hurt you.
Viens, je ne te ferai pas de mal.
Gloria, come back! I won't hurt you.
N'aie pas peur, je plaisantais!
Now, I know you've had hard times, but we won't hurt you. We never will.
Vous avez eu des coups durs, mais on ne vous veut aucun mal!
I can see you like it, and it won't hurt you to admit it.
Je vois que vous l'aimez, et ça ne vous ferez pas du mal de l'admettre.
I won't hurt you. I just want to know where to find your husband.
Je cherche seulement à joindre votre mari.
Just do like I say, you won't get hurt.
- Faites ce que je vous dis.
I won't let them hurt you.
Non, on ne te fera pas de mal.
I won't let them hurt you.
On ne te fera pas de mal!
I won't hurt you. "
Je ne te ferai pas de mal. "
I give you my word, we won't hurt your brother.
Je promets de ne rien faire à ton frère.
I won't hurt you, I swear.
Je veux pas vous faire du mal. Je vous jure.
I won't hurt you.
Je ne ferai rien.
I won't let you hurt him. I won't.
Je ne vous laisserai pas lui faire du mal.
I won't hurt or bother you again.
Je ne te ferai plus de mal.
I won't let anything hurt you again.
Je ne laisserai rien vous taire de mal.
I won't hurt you.
Rien qu'une petite caresse.
Relax, I won't hurt you.
Je ne te fais pas de mal! Tu es trempé!
I won't hurt you.
Je ne te ferai pas de mal.
Jo, promise me you won't take him to jail that you won't hurt him, and I'll make him leave.
Jo, promettez-moi de ne pas l'envoyer en prison... de ne lui faire aucun mal, et je le ferai partir.
That's it. Don't worry, I won't hurt you.
Ne n'inquiète pas, je ne te ferai pas mal.
I reckon this liniment won't do much good for the kind of hurt you think you have.
Cet onguent ne soigne que les blessures physiques, Clint.
I won't hurt you, I promise.
Je ne te ferai pas de mal, promis.
I hope you won't be hurt if I don't introduce you today.
Tu ne te vexeras pas si tu ne le vois pas aujourd'hui?
Now look here, if you hurt her, you hurt her work, and I won't allow that.
Je ne vous permettrai pas de briser sa carrière!
I won't hurt you.
Je ne m'emporterai plus.
I won't hurt you.
Je ne vous mangerai pas.
Yes, all right, but I won't let you hurt Katarina.
Très bien, mais ne faites pas de mal à Katarina.
It won't hurt anything if I race with you.
Ça ne te dérangera pas si je cours.

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