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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ I ] / I won't tell anybody

I won't tell anybody traduction Français

162 traduction parallèle
Eddie, if I tell you something, will you promise me you won't tell anybody?
Si je te dis un truc, tu me promets de ne pas le répéter?
And when he grows up to be a man, if anybody puts anything over on him... it won't be because I didn't tell him!
Quand il grandira, si on veut profiter de lui, ce ne sera pas faute de l'avoir prévenu.
- I won't tell anybody.
- Je ne le dirai ø personne.
I won't tell anybody.
Vous me prenez pour un fou.
You won't tell anybody where I am.
Ne dites à personne où je suis.
Look, I won't tell anybody about it.
Tu sais, je ne le dirai à personne.
You won't tell anybody? There's a chicken leg I saved for you.
Ne le dites à personne, je vous ai réservé du poulet.
- I won't tell anybody but the commissioner. - Okay. Sit down and wait, buddy.
D'accord, asseyez-vous et attendez.
I won't tell anybody. Thanks.
Je n'en parlerai à personne.
- I won't tell anybody.
- Je dirai rien à personne.
I won't tell anybody.
Je le dirai à personne.
I won't tell anybody.
Je ne le dirai à personne.
I won't tell anybody.
Je ne dirai rien à personne.
I won't tell anybody.
Je ne dirai rien.
Why won't anybody here tell me what's happened to him? I have a right to know if he's hurt, if he's been in an accident.
J'ai le droit de savoir s'il est blessé, s'il a eu un accident.
Don't worry, I won't tell anybody.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, je ne le dirai à personne.
- I won't tell anybody. Please.
- Je dirai rien à personne.
I won't tell anybody.
Je garderai ça pour moi.
- You better not tell anybody else or I'll... I'll kill Doc and you won't have another friend in this town.
Gardez-le pour vous ou je tue le docteur et vous n'aurez plus aucun ami.
I won't tell anybody else, not even Whitey.
Je ne dirai rien. Pas même à Whitey.
I won't ever tell anybody anything.
Je ne dirai rien à personne.
I beg you to promise that you won't tell anybody.
Je vous prie de garder en secret.
I swear that I won't tell anybody.
Je vous jure, je ne dirai rien.
- Don't worry, I won't tell anybody.
- Je ne dirai rien à personne.
Don't you tell anybody, and I won't.
Si vous ne dites rien, je ne dirai rien non plus.
I won't tell anybody, I promise.
Je le garderai pour moi. Je te le promets.
You know, I won't tell anybody.
Tu sais, je n'en parlerai à personne.
No, I won't tell anybody else.
Je ne dirai rien.
I won't tell anybody about this, see?
Je ne dirai rien à personne.
- I won't tell a word to anybody.
You know I won't tell anybody.
Tu sais que ca restera entre nous.
- I won't tell anybody if you don't.
- Je dirai rien si tu fais pareil.
I won't tell anybody anything.
je ne dirai rien à personne.
- Look, please, i won't tell anybody.
- Ecoutez, je ne le dirai à personne.
I can keep a secret. I won't tell anybody. Not even our kids.
Je ne le dirais à personne, pas même à nos enfants!
But I have to be sure you won't tell anybody.
Seulement, il faut que je sois sûr que vous ne disiez rien.
I gotta tell you something, but swear on your mother's name that you won't tell anybody.
Je vais te dire un truc, mais jure sur la tête de ta mère que tu le diras à personne.
You won't tell anybody, will you? I know-
Surtout n'en parlez à personne.
I won't tell anybody.
Je dirai rien.
It's okay, I won't tell anybody.
N'ayez crainte, je ne dirai rien à personne.
But I can tell you this, he won't sell anybody out to buy his future!
Mais je peux vous dire ceci : il ne vendra personne pour acheter son avenir!
Look, as soon as you're free I want us to go off for a couple of weeks... And we won't tell anybody where we're going.
Ecoute, dès que tu auras moins de travail, je voudrais qu'on parte une quinzaine de jour... sans dire à personne où on va.
And the next day. I won't tell anybody.
Et après-demain. Je n'en dirai rien.
Here we are. Have no fear, I won't tell anybody about this cheque, this is the reason I came here.
Voilà, ne craignez rien, je ne parlerai pas de ce chèque.
I won't tell anybody, not a soul.
Je le dirai à personne, je te le jure.
- I won't tell anybody.
Tu racontes tout à tout le monde.
- [Voices Overlapping] - I can't tell what anybody says ifyou people won't shut up!
Je ne peux pas dire ce qu'ils disent si vous ne la fermez pas tous!
It's going to be okay. I won't tell anybody. I swear.
Je ne dirai rien à personne, je te jure.
I promise I won't tell anybody.
Je ne le dirai à personne.
I won't tell anybody.
Je le répéterai à personne.
If I told you a secret, you won't tell anybody else?
Mon Dieu! - T'es niqué!

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