Isn't that so traduction Français
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He had been brought back into Russia as proof that Osborne could get people in and out! Isn't that so?
On l'a renvoyé en Russie pour prouver qu'Osborne pouvait faire entrer et sortir des gens!
So, they must be helped, isn't that so?
Donc, il faut les aider, n'est-ce pas?
I'm so relieved that your wound isn't serious.
Je suis très soulagée que votre blessure ne soit pas grave.
Isn't that so?
Isn't that so?
Isn't that blasphemy, so soon after the War?
N'est-ce pas un sacrilége, si prés de la guerre?
Unique in the annuls of crime I believe, isn't that so inspector?
Oui, docteur. Je vous conseille de coopérer avec M. Holmes.
Isn't it ironic that the bees look so good?
Quelle ironie! Les abeilles sont radieuses!
Listen, I know this isn't easy for you, so... I'm gonna let you in on a sorority secret that was passed on to me at Miss MacGyver's Finishing School.
Je sais que c'est dur, et je vais te confier mon secret du pensionnat de Miss MacGyver.
I'll go, Lieutenant, but that pompous fool of a district attorney isn't going to railroad my friend... so that he can get himself elected mayor.
J'y vais, mais ce crétin arrogant de procureur... ne fera pas plonger mon ami pour se faire élire maire.
Isn't that better? - So why are you here?
Et qu'est-ce que vous faites la?
Then there's another side that comes out that isn't so scared.
Mais une autre partie de moi ne ressent pas cette peur.
Unlike Andreas who's really bored right now, isn't that so?
Pas comme Andreas qui s'ennuie beaucoup maintenant, pas vrai?
Isn't that so Andreas?
Pas vrai Andreas?
Isn't it amazing that three people could accumulate so much stuff?
C'est fou ce que 3 personnes peuvent accumuler.
Isn't that so, Frankie?
Hein, mon Françou?
I be freak again. Isn't that so?
Je serai à nouveau un monstre, pas vrai?
So that's what happened, isn't it, MacGyver?
C'est ce qu'il s'est passé, hein?
So shaking all over, I went to the construction site of a building going up on 2nd Avenue and signed a lease on a two and a half bed-sitter apartment that isn't even there yet.
L'esprit lucide mais le corps tremblant, j'ai visité le chantier d'un nouvel immeuble de la 2ème avenue, et j'ai signé le bail pour un deux-pièces et demi, qui n'existe même pas encore.
Isn't it a terrible thing to die so young as that?
N'est-ce pas terrible de mourir si jeune?
So, my golden-age fiancés, isn't that wonderful?
Mes fiancés Vermeil. C'est pas beau tout ça?
And that's what's so essential, isn't it?
Et c'est ça le plus important, pas vrai?
Isn't that a spot appearing on your so-called face?
C'est pas un énorme bouton qui pousse sur ce que t'appelles ta figure?
Isn't that so, Monsieur Rodin?
N'est-ce pas, M. Rodin?
He's so afraid I might come back. That's why he's keeping me here, isn't it, Paul?
Il a une de ces peurs de me voir revenir... qu'il retarde le plus possible ma sortie, n'est-ce pas?
That's so weird, though. Isn't that weird?
Et aussi très bizarre!
Isn't that so?
Hein, que c'est ca?
So Katie isn't a ghost... and Julia still has her head on... and Eamon isn't a mummy... and the castle isn't haunted, but what of that?
Katie n'est pas un fantôme, et Julia a toujours sa tête, et Eamon n'est pas une momie, et le château n'est pas hanté, bon, et ensuite?
Hey, so there's soldiers. Isn't that good news?
Des soldats?
- Isn't that so?
N'est-ce pas Holmes?
Isn't that right? The royal family came to your grandfather's and crying the blues, you know, and all that begging and he laid the bread on so he could beat Napoleon. Right?
La famille royale est venue trouver ton grand-père, ils lui ont chanté le blues, vraiment supplié... et il a allongé le blé pour qu'il batte Napoléon?
I know what you like. So... Isn't that wonderful?
oui encore... n'est-ce pas merveilleux?
I know that Oprah isn't paying people to watch her show with their mouths open, so how'd you get the money?
Il a raccroché. - Il sait où j'habite.
The trouble is, most of the time they're half mad with in booze and drugs so what they see isn't all that reliable.
Ils sont souvent ivres ou drogués et donc pas très fiables.
Isn't that why you're gettin'married, so you can have children and keep Riata in the family?
N'est-ce pas pour ça que vous vous mariez... pour avoir des enfants et garder Riata dans la famille?
Isn't that so?
N'est - ce pas?
I'm so sorry, but that pie you were supposed to deliver isn't ready yet.
À vrai dire, le plat que je cuisinais n'est pas encore cuit.
But I've been saving up so I can pay for my girl's studies and then she won't have to follow my footsteps in life, although my life isn't that bad.
Mas je fais des économies pour que la petite puisse faire ses études et qu'elle n'ait pas à mener la vie que je mène, quoique la vie que je mène ne soit pas si moche qu'on le dit.
But you and I know that isn't so, don't we?
Mais toi et moi on sait qu'il en est autrement.
In difficult situations we help each other out, isn't that so?
Dans les moments difficiles, on se serre les coudes, pas vrai?
So, that really is a wonderful restaurant, isn't it?
Alors, avoue que c'est un fabuleux restaurant.
Isn't that wonderful? You must save so much ink signing checks.
Vous devez économiser beaucoup d'encre pour signer vos chèques.
But you're so busy playing the game, it isn't until we look back later that you understand or have a sense of how special it really is.
Mais quand on joue, ce n'est que plus tard qu'on comprend, qu'on se rend compte à quel point c'est unique.
So, working with that premise, the next question becomes isn't there something that we in the medical community - i. e., me - can do for you, the afflicted, for the next 36 to 48 hours,
Donc, en partant de ce principe, la prochaine question devient n'y a-t-il rien que le monde médical - par exemple, moi - puisse faire pour vous, les affligés, pendant les 36 à 48 heures,
Isn't this foolish? It isn't even that he's so handsome.
II n'est même pas séduisant.
That somebody so strong isn't confident in who he is.
- Merci. - C'est juste un petit...
Isn't it great that we can all get together, so soon after our break-up?
C'est super d'être tous là, si peu de temps après notre rupture!
It is so right that we have come together, isn't it right Dr Marvin?
C'est tellement bien qu'on soit ensemble, c'est pas vrai Dr Marvin?
Isn't that so my dear?
N'est-ce pas, ma chère?
So.. ... If there isn't enough for all it's best that people have nothing.
S'il n'y a pas assez pour tous, mieux vaut que certains n'aient rien
Isn't it beneath you as a thinker to allow your lead character to waste so much energy obsessing over a psychotic woman that you fantasize as powerfully sexual and inspired when she was pitifully sick.
N'est-ce pas indigne d'un penseur mature... de laisser votre héros gâcher tant d'énergie affective sur son obsession d'un rapport psychotique avec une femme en qui vous voyez un fantasme sexuel et inspiré et qui n'était qu'une pauvre malade?
isn't that something 73
isn't that the point 36
isn't that enough 159
isn't that what you wanted 60
isn't that crazy 40
isn't that right 1289
isn't that beautiful 37
isn't that great 227
isn't that nice 131
isn't that cute 44
isn't that the point 36
isn't that enough 159
isn't that what you wanted 60
isn't that crazy 40
isn't that right 1289
isn't that beautiful 37
isn't that great 227
isn't that nice 131
isn't that cute 44