It's about to start traduction Français
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Excuse me, Fräulein von Attems, but it's about to start
Pardon Melle von Attems, mais nous commençons.
He's over there, it's about to start...
Il nous court!
It's tough to get yanked out of the ring when the main event is about to start.
C'est dur d'être mis à l'écart au moment où la bataille va commencer.
Well, it's about time to start the services. - You'll hurry along, won't you?
C'est l'heure du service, vous venez?
It's just that, well, I try to be like everyone else and want what I'm supposed to want... but then I start thinking about people I've never known and places I've never been.
Mais... j'essaie de désirer ce que je dois désirer et puis je pense à tout ce que je ne connais pas.
But it's certainly nothing for you to start worrying about now.
Mais ce n'est certainement pas la peine de t'en soucier maintenant.
Right away, he'll start thinking about to get rid of it.
Il voudra s'en débarrasser illico.
Get ready. It's about to start!
Préparez-vous, ça va commencer.
I mean, if two people just start out being nice to each other if they're just concerned about what happens to each other that's all... and they're just nice... then I think it happens.
S'ils se préoccupent de leur devenir. C'est tout. Et ils sont gentils.
The show must be about to start It's beginning!
Le spectacle va commencer ll commence!
It's a little late to start worrying about that, isn't it?
C'est un peu tard pour vous en soucier, vous ne trouvez pas?
I think it's about to start now.
Je pense que ça va commencer.
Yeah, well, I guess it's a little early to start thinking about Christmas.
Oui, c'est peut-être un peu prématuré.
You know, I actually thought about taking it up myself, but I think it's one of those things you have to start when you're young.
Tu sais, j'ai même pensé m'y mettre. Mais je crois que c'est le genre de truc où il faut commencer très tôt.
Can't tell you about all of America, it's a pretty big place, I wouldn't know where to start.
Impossible de vous raconter toute l'Amérique, c'est un pays assez grand, je ne sais pas par où commencer.
And then you start to think, what's it all about?
Et ensuite on commence à se demander ce que ça veut dire.
Don't you think it's time to start thinking about something else?
Tu ne devrais pas passer à autre chose?
Mom, it's about to start!
Maman, ça va commencer!
How about if we get Lord Farrow's head and body and we take it to the Queen, except, exc-ept, just before we get in, we start shouting and screaming and then we say, "We were on our way when he said something traitorous."
Et si... si on rassemble la tête et le corps de Farrow et qu'on emmène le tout chez la Reine, sauf que... juste avant d'entrer, on pousse des hurlements... et puis on dit qu'en chemin,
Oh, Herbert, au fait, du fond du cœur, merci pour les lolos.
It's time to start thinking about another job, Rose.
Vous allez devoir chercher du travail.
~ We've got a show... ~ ~ but it's about to start to meet the Feebles. ~
On a un show fantastique, il est temps pour vous de rencontrer les Feebles.
Look, you're HIV positive, if you think you'll hang around till you get sick, you'll start to feel lousy, it's hardly unusual to think about suicide.
Imaginez. Vous êtes séropositif... Vous vous voyez vivotez jusqu'à tomber malade...
Listen, I've got a personnel review scheduled to start in about five minutes and I know it's been a long day for you.
J'ai un compte rendu personnel à faire d'ici cinq minutes. Vous avez eu une dure journée.
Come on in, it's about to start.
Ben, allez, venez. Ça va commencer.
Once people start discussing a scandal, it's hard to talk about anything else.
En présence d'un scandale, on ne peut parler d'autre chose.
i don't understand it, but... it's about that time of year to start thinking about planting summer vegetables.
C'est le moment de planter vos légumes d'été.
- Kramer, sit down. It's about to start.
Assieds-toi, ça va commencer.
But once you think about how he's toying with that... how he's shoving it in your face... you start to think about your attitudes... and how the stereotypes came about, and it gets complicated.
Mais si vous réfléchissez sur sa façon de jouer avec ça, comment il vous le jette à la figure, vous vous posez des questions sur votre attitude, vos stéréotypes et alors, tout se complique.
No, once you start something, specially research... lf it ´ s the dreams, you ´ ll have to do something about them...
Non. Quand tu commences, il faut finir. Si c'est à cause des rêves, tu ferais mieux de les orienter.
Since the police can't seem to get off their duffaroonies... to do something about this burglareeno... I think it's time we start our own neighborhood watch... aroonie! - Yea!
Comme la police n'a pas l'air de se manier le popotin pour trouver cette frappouillette, je pense qu'il est temps de former notre propre milice... ounette
You start talkin'to'em about puppy dogs and ice cream, of course it's going to end up on the friendship tip.
Tu leur parles de niaiseries ça ne peut déboucher que sur l'amitié.
It's about to start.
Ça commence.
Afterwards, I mentioned that it might be a good time To start thinking about Whether we were really right for one another
Plus tard, je lui ai dit que ce serait le moment de décider... si nous étions faits l'un pour l'autre... ou s'il fallait... décider de nous séparer.
It's about to start. Get rid of all your "gifts"
Débarrasse-toi de tous "tes cadeaux" et du reste.
I was thinking, I know it's your boy and I hate to keep bringing it up, but seriously, we need to start thinking about us.
J'ai bien réfléchi. Je sais que c'est ton pote. Mais il faut penser à nous.
Inside, a mixture of enzymes and hydrochloric acid start to digest your food. Very probably, your dinner's still in there. It churns away for about four hours.
Si vous aviez été là vous auriez assisté au début de l'histoire de la vie.
There was enough left. There was a big spoonfunl. It's about to start raining again.
Il en restait une grande cuillerée... ll va encore pleuvoir.
Michael, there comes a point in a man's life, and maybe that time for you is now, when it doesn't hurt to start thinking about the future.
Michael, il y a un moment dans la vie, et c'est peut-être le moment pour toi, où il faudrait penser à l'avenir.
It's just about to start.
Ah, ça va commencer!
It's about to start!
Ça va commencer!
We've got about four hours to the new year and so I think it's time to START IT UP!
Plus que 4 heures avant l'an 2000. Il est temps de mettre le feu.
Maybe it's time to start thinkin about down-the-line time.
Il est peut-être temps de penser à l'avenir, non?
Memphis, maybe it's time for us to start thinking about... - how to get these young kids out of town,'cause...
Memphis, faut peut-être éloigner les jeunes du secteur.
Got to give me some way to disguise that coverage. Let's start thinking about it.
Il faut cacher notre stratégie.
Maybe it's about time to get the boys to the car and start that up.
Il est peut-être temps d'amener les garçons à la voiture.
Okay, it's about to start.
Il va bientôt démarrer.
Quiet, it's about to start.
Silence, ça va commencer.
It's time to let go of the past and start thinking about your future.
Oubliez le passé et commencez à penser à votre avenir.
I think it's about to start.
Ça va commencer.
I'm sorry about what happened and I probably can't make it up to you but here's a start.
Excuse-moi pour ce qui s'est passé. J'aurai du mal à me rattraper, mais... voilà un début.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about him 23
it's about us 42
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
to start with 71
to start 63
to start over 22
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's about us 42
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
to start with 71
to start 63
to start over 22
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
it's only fair 72
it's time to move on 61
it's time to go 391
it's not that difficult 19
it's like a fairy tale 19
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
it's only fair 72
it's time to move on 61
it's time to go 391
it's not that difficult 19
it's like a fairy tale 19