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It is not enough traduction Français

628 traduction parallèle
It is not enough!
Sûrement pas.
- It is not enough.
- Ça ne suffit pas.
It is true that God has called us to the work we are to do, but it is not enough that God is on our side, we must be on his side.
C'est vrai que Dieu nous a appelés pour l'oeuvre que nous allons accomplir, mais ça ne suffit d'avoir Dieu à ses côtés, il faut aussi que nous, nous soyons aux côtés de Dieu.
It is not enough to have men of science.
Des hommes de science ne suffiront pas.
It is not enough to live well.
Tel un prince, j'ai vécu.
It is not enough that you destroy my beautiful car.
Ce n'est pas assez d'avoir détruit ma belle voiture.
- All I have is your word. It is not enough.
- Votre parole ne me suffit pas.
What are you talking about? I could have given my resignation, but it is not enough.
- Vous avez du génie, celui de compliquer les choses.
- No, it is not enough, and you know it.
- Non, et vous le savez bien.
And it is not enough that the subcommittee has permitted a great man to be smeared. Now the chairman of that subcommittee is deliberately blocking the committee vote.
La Commission a permis qu'un homme soit sali, à présent, son Président fait de l'obstruction.
This little taste of bad weather we've had today is enough to upset anybody, if they're not used to it.
Ce mauvais temps suffit à bouleverser quiconque n'a pas l'habitude.
But, Lily, losing my job was bad enough, but not seeing you is worse. I can't stand it.
Ne pas te voir est encore pire que d'avoir perdu mon boulot.
For them it is not simply enough to make the pledge : "I believe.!"
Pour eux, il ne suffit pas de dire, "Je crois!"
Competent. It seems that competence is not enough.
Compétents... ll semble que la compétence ne suffit pas.
Skill is not enough Otoku helped you, not sparing herself If it hadn't been for her, you wouldn't be where you are now
Ce que tu es maintenant, tu le dois à Otoku, qui s'est... donné tant de peine pour te faire apprendre ton art.
And from your memory of the chart... it appears this strip is too long to be an island... not large enough to be a continent.
D'après ce que vous me dites, ce n'est ni une île ni même un continent.
Well, I eat them on my steak when I'm out and the meat's not good enough as it is.
J'en mange avec mon steak quand il n'est pas assez bon au restaurant.
Is it not enough that you've been told that you cannot sail today?
Vous croyez mieux connaître la mer que ceux qui vivent ici?
What if this cursed hand were thicker than itself with brothers blood? Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens... to wash it white as snow?
Ce sang fraternel est-il si épais... que l'eau des cieux ne peut laver votre main?
I suppose I build a lot of big theories about how good it is to be a country doctor, because I'm not good enough for anything else.
Je loue le métier de médecin de campagne, car je ne sais rien faire d'autre.
It's not much profit, but it is enough to save my honor.
Ce n'est pas un gros gain, mais ca suffit pour sauver mon honneur.
What is it, I'm not good enough?
Je ne suis pas assez bien pour toi?
It's not enough that we know a man is guilty. We have to prove it.
Ça ne suffit pas de savoir qu'un homme est coupable il nous faut le prouver.
It is enough for them not to get busy.
Il suffit de ne pas s'en occuper.
I guess she'll have enough to get by on, that is, when it's all settled up. But in the meantime, if she needs any ready cash, it's not much considering what's happened.
Avec la maison et le reste, elle devrait s'en sortir quand tout sera réglé, mais... d'ici là, elle aura besoin d'argent liquide.
The conflagration you describe does not blaze enough. It is not all-consuming.
L'embrasement que tu décris manque d'intensité, de brûlant.
It is not mature enough.
Il n'est pas assez mûr.
- Is it possible there's not enough movement?
- Devrait-il y avoir plus d'animation?
For me it is but it's not enough to ease your conscience!
Que ceux qui ne veulent pas donner le fassent au grand jour.
Not enough hatred among these men to fill a poison thimble... because it is difficult... to hate so impersonal an enemy as the weather.
La haine de ces hommes ne suffit pas à remplir un dé à coudre, car il est difficile de haïr un ennemi aussi impersonnel que le temps.
Is not it enough to slap the other day?
Je vais à la chasse, tu m'accompagnes? La gifle de l'autre jour t'a pas suffi, t'en redemandes?
They say my part is too long and there's not enough time to do it.
Ils trouvent mon rôle trop long, maintenant.
No, no. Not for me, I have enough expense as it is
Non, je suis plutôt juste en ce moment.
- Gold is not enough. - You say it's not enough?
Vous dites que l'or n'est pas tout?
I tell you, it's not enough to have faith if one is not a good person at the same time.
Il ne suffit pas de croire, si on n'est pas aussi un homme bon.
Is it not enough?
Cela ne suffit-il pas?
Is it not enough to know that he has saved you from the Pharaoh's anger?
Ce n'est pas assez de savoir qu'il t'as sauvé de la colère du Pharaon?
Marry? As though life were not complicated enough as it is!
Comme si la vie n'était pas assez compliquée!
If you want to vote not guilty, do it because you are convinced he is not guilty, not because you've had enough.
Si vous voulez voter non coupable, faites-le par conviction, et non par lassitude.
I must tell you mine is not a good enough one, and it never has been.
- La mienne n'est pas assez bonne. - Et elle ne l'a jamais été.
Because everything you mean to me, and it is so much, is not enough.
Tout ce que tu signifies pour moi ne suffit pas.
It's not going to be open now. Is that plain enough?
elle ne va pas être réouverte maintenant.
My father said that when the time came that we had enough again and there would be such a time, he said I must not forget what it is like to be hungry.
Mon père a dit que lorsque nous aurions à nouveau ce qu'il faut, et ce temps viendrait, disait-il, je ne devais pas oublier ce qu'est la faim.
- I thank you. But it's not enough to be decent where you have to kill men and judge which men to kill, the word is the law.
Mais la correction ne suffit plus, quand il s'agit de tuer... et de décider qui on tue.
So it's not enough. Akiyama is missing out on passion!
Manquerait plus que ça, qu'Akiyama ait des passions!
It is not enough.
Pas suffisant!
It is not enough.
Je veux que le Prince marche sur des perles.
It's busy No don't bother counting I took everything from the register and not even adding my bonus pay is enough
Il est emprunté. et même en mettant mon bonus il n'y a pas assez.
Particularly not Martin. He's too anxious and has enough worries as it is.
Martin est si faible et il a des soucis.
Maybe it is better in the pit, but it's not big enough.
C'est peut-être mieux ici, mais ce n'est pas Ie même niveau.
Is it a symposium of doubles, or matter and antimatterapproximation, which I would not recommend, as it could lead to annihilation and thus, to the creation of an unknown power, and the known powers are just enough.
Un congrès de sosies? Ou une rencontre de la matière avec l'antimatière? Pas à conseiller, ça.

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