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Jaffe traduction Français

200 traduction parallèle
Mr. Jaffe's taking rehearsal today.
M. Jaffe vient aujourd'hui.
She's hopeless, and the worst of it is that Jaffe's going to blame me... for the fact that a lingerie model hasn't turned out to be a Bernhardt.
Et je vais prendre pour ne pas avoir su transformer un modèle pour lingerie en Bernhardt.
I just encountered Mr. Jaffe in the lobby, all of a twitter.
Je viens de croiser M. Jaffe.
Now, Mary Jo, remember what I told you. - Mr. Jaffe.
Mary Jo, rappelez-vous ce que je vous ai dit.
Mr. Jaffe, I'm afraid I'm all in.
- Je n'en peux plus.
Why, Mr. Jaffe...
Mais, M. Jaffe...
It's a good name, too, just as good as Jaffe.
Un nom qui vaut bien celui de Jaffe.
The people are waiting to draw your carriage through the streets.
Tu as mis le public à tes pieds. - Où est M. Jaffe?
- Where's Mr. Jaffe? - Never mind.
- Peu importe.
- Yes, Mr. Jaffe.
- Oui, M. Jaffe.
Let it ring.
C'est M. Jaffe.
I  s Mr. Jaffe. He can stand there pushing that bell till he rots.
Il peut bien pourrir derrière cette porte.
You can tell Mr. Jaffe.
Tu peux aller lui dire.
How do you do, Mr. Jaffe?
Enchanté, M. Jaffe.
Yes, Mr. Jaffe. Tapping telephone wires is our specialty.
Les écoutes téléphoniques sont notre spécialité.
- You gray rat. Mr. Jaffe, Mr. McGonigle is outside.
M. McGonigle est là.
Mr. Jaffe, I'm resigning.
Je renonce.
I know it, Mr. Jaffe.
- Je le connais déjà, M. Jaffe.
- What'd he say? - The sheriff won't listen to reason. If he doesn't get his money by tomorrow morning, Jaffe don't leave this town.
Jaffe ne pourra quitter la ville que lorsque le shérif aura son argent.
Where did you leave Jaffe?
Il est où?
When she left Jaffe, she took his genius with her.
Elle lui a pris son génie en partant.
Say, listen, my fine-feathered friend, you're just wasting your time... patrolling this lonely coast.
Tu perds ton temps, mon gars. Jaffe ne prendra pas ce train.
Mr. Jaffe is not getting on this train. I'll say he ain't. I've got four men watching every gate.
Mes hommes surveillent tous les accès.
The minute I lay eyes on this fellow, Jaffe... he's going right over to the South Clark Street Police Station.
A la minute où je l'attrape, ce Jaffe il va tout droit au commissariat de South Clark Street.
He's only doing his duty. If he's going to arrest Jaffe, he's going to arrest him.
Si Jaffe doit être arrêté, il sera arrêté.
The first thing they're going to do tomorrow morning... is to land on the Jaffe Theatre with a writ and take it away from you. - And whiskers won't save you.
Dès demain, ils se précipiteront sur ton théâtre, assignation en main.
- Mr. Jaffe? - No, the other one.
M. Jaffe?
- Join Jaffe and see the world.
Suivez Jaffe, vous verrez du monde...
- Don't mention Jaffe's name to me. - What's the matter now?
Ne mentionne plus jamais son nom.
- About a million dollars'worth... if Jaffe and that girl could get together again.
Le million de $ que ces deux là feraient s'ils se remettaient ensemble.
- Not me. Count me out. Mr. Jaffe fired me once too often.
Jaffe m'a viré une fois de trop.
Is Oscar Jaffe on this train? You'd better tell me.
- S'il est ici, dis-le moi.
His head bloodied but still unbowed. Jaffe?
Tête ensanglantée mais toujours sur les épaules.
Owen, I'm free from Mr. Jaffe and I'm going to stay free.
Je me suis libérée de lui et je resterai libre.
Ran around telling everybody, "Where would Lily Garland be without the great Jaffe?"
"Que serait Lily Garland sans moi?"
- Lily, don't fly off the handle.
Je ne roule plus pour Jaffe.
Confidentially, I'm not with Jaffe anymore.
Demande à Owen.
Everything but the name of Jaffe.
Tout sauf le nom de Jaffe.
Mousing around with boys... after Oscar Jaffe.
Divaguer avec des bellâtres après Oscar Jaffe.
- Mr. Jaffe. - Did you hear that?
Vous avez entendu?
- Oscar Jaffe's telling you to stop this train.
- C'est un ordre d'Oscar Jaffe!
Oscar Jaffe or no Oscar Jaffe. Fires, floods, or blizzards... this is the 20th Century and we get to New York on time.
Oscar Jaffe ou pas Oscar Jaffe, incendies, tempêtes, le 20th Century arrivera à New York à l'heure.
We're going to draw up a contract between Oscar Jaffe and Lily Garland.
Établissons un nouveau contrat entre Oscar Jaffe et Lily Garland.
The only man in my life... - was that cavalier in there, Oscar Jaffe.
L'unique homme de ma vie s'appelle Oscar Jaffe.
- Men you've known? Jaffe, you mean.
Tu veux dire Jaffe?
- Yes, Jaffe. He'll tell you what I am : a first-class passenger entitled to privileges.
Il te dirait que je suis une passagère de 1ère classe habituée aux privilèges.
Your philosophy of love doesn't interest me, Mr. Jaffe.
Votre philosophie de l'amour m'importe peu, M. Jaffe.
How small, how cheap, what egotism not to know... that it was Lily Garland instead of Oscar Jaffe that really mattered.
J'ai été minable de ne pas m'être rendu compte que c'était Lily Garland et non Oscar Jaffe qui comptait.
And sign it Oscar Jaffe. Right.
Signé Oscar Jaffe.
He's not causing Mr. Jaffe any trouble, is he?
Il n'a pas causé d'ennuis à M. Jaffe?
Let him go, you fools! That's Oscar Jaffe.
C'est Oscar Jaffe.

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