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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ L ] / Let's get him out of here

Let's get him out of here traduction Français

165 traduction parallèle
Come on, chop him again. Let's get out of here.
Assomme-le et on s'en va.
Throw him in the boat and let's get out of here.
Mettez-le dans le bateau et partons d'ici.
Come on, grab this rascal. Let's get him out of here. - No!
Emmenez-moi cette canaille au plus vite!
Come on. Let's get out of here before this hothead makes us plug him.
Partons avant que cette tête brûlée nous provoque un coup de trop.
Let's give it to him and get him out of here.
Payons-le, qu'il parte d'ici.
Come on. Let's get him out of here.
Sortons-le de là.
- Kill him and let's get out of here! - No.
- Descends-le et partons vite!
Stuff him under a tree where he'll be quiet, and let's get out of here.
Mettez-le sous un arbre et partons d'ici.
- Let's get him out of here. - Bring him into the study.
Portons-le à côté.
Let's get him out of here.
Let's get him out of here. Come on, come on!
Let's get him out of here!
Viens m'aider.
Let's get him out of here.
Tirons-le de là.
He's still alive. So let's get him out of here.
Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour aller le chercher?
Let's get him out of here.
Roger! Sortez-le.
Let's get out of here and look for him.
- Essayons de le retrouver.
Don't worry about that now, let's get him out of here. Before that thing comes back.
Ne t'en occupe pas maintenant, sortons-le d'ici avant que cette chose ne revienne.
Let's try and get him out of here.
Essayons de le sortir d'ici.
Shoot him and let's get the hell out of here!
Descends-le et filons.
Come on, let's get him out of here before a crowd forms.
Emmenons-le avant qu'il y ait foule.
Let's get him out of here!
Sortons-le d'ici! - Viens, Hall.
Just give him some money and let's get out of here.
Donne-lui des thunes et fichons le camp.
Let's get him out of here.
Sortons-le de là!
Let's keep him busy, give those kids time to get out of here.
Il faut l'occuper pendant que les gosses se mettent à l'abri.
All right, if he's that anxious to get out of here, let him doff his fine coat and help us tear down the set.
S'il est si pressé de partir, qu'il nous aide à démonter le décor.
Let's bury him and get out of here.
Enterrons-le et tirons-nous de là.
Let's get him out of here and calm him down.
Emmenons-le et essayons de le calmer.
Don't look at him. Let's get out of here.
Regarde pas!
GUARD : Let's get him out of here. ALEX :
- Ne le laissons pas ici.
Let's get him out of here.
Faut le sortir d'ici.
Come on, let's get him out of here!
Dégageons-le d'ici!
Let's get him out of here as fast as possible. Inspector, brandy.
Monsieur Melas est encore en vie!
Let's get him out of here.
Sortons-le de là.
Well, then let's go find him and get out of here.
Trouvons-le et partons d'ici.
- Well, let's get him out of here.
- Sortons-le d'ici.
- Let's hit him up! - Why, you - - Get out of here!
Laissez-moi tranquille.
Let's get him out of here.
Sortons-le d'ici.
- Let's get him out of here.
- Sortons-le d'ici.
Get the fuck up! Let's get him out of here.
- Emmenons-le.
Let's get him out of here!
Dégageons-le d'ici.
Let's get him out of here!
- Sortons-le de là!
Oh, I think he.... oh yah, here comes the mayor now.... let's go over and maybe we can get a few words out of him.
Le voilà. Allons-y. Il nous accordera peut-être quelques mots.
Let's get him out of here.
Allez, sortons-le de là.
Forget him! Let's get out of here first.
- Non, on n'a plus le temps.
Let's get out of here before they bring him back!
Grouille-toi! Faut qu'on se barre d'ici avant qu'ils nous le ramènent!
Let's just pay him and get out of here.
Payons et partons d'ici.
Let's get him out of here.
- Let's get him out of here.
Sortons-le d'ici.
Let's get him out of here!
Il faut l'évacuer.
OK, let's get him out of here.
O.K., emmenons-le.
Let's just go in there, get him, and get out of here.
On entre là-dedans, on le prend et on se barre.

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