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Mookie traduction Français

160 traduction parallèle
That was the day Mookie Wilson stole home.
Laisse-moi réfléchir. Depuis le jour où Mookie Wilson s'est barré.
Stop, Mookie. That's not funny.
Arrête, Mookie, c'est pas drôle.
What's the matter? You don't love your brother Mookie anymore?
T'aimes plus ton homme Mookie?
I'll get a lock on my door and keep your ass out of here, Mookie.
Je vais mettre une serrure pour t'empêcher d'entrer.
Morning, Mookie.
- bonjour, Mookie.
Now, Mookie, don't work too hard today.
Travaille pas trop dur.
Pino, Mookie, Vito, Sal.
- Pino, Mookie, Vito, Sal.
What do we pay Mookie for?
Pourquoi on paie Mookie?
Don't start that "Mookie don't work" shit, all right?
Commence pas avec tes "Mookie bosse pas".
Mookie. Mookie, you want to get your friend out of here?
Mookie, tu veux bien faire sortir ton pote?
Come on, Mookie, get him out, all right?
- Mookie, sors-le.
Mookie, I paid for my slice, man!
Mookie, J'ai payé ma part.
Bye, Mookie.
Salut, Mookie.
Mookie left... Where the hell you been, Mookie?
Où t'étais passé, Mookie?
Hey, Pop, I'm gonna go with Mookie, okay?
Papa, Je vais avec Mookie, d'accord?
You make sure Mookie don't jerk around.
Fais gaffe qu'il traîne pas.
My main man Mookie has saved the day! Straight from Sal's Famous Pizzeria up the block.
Mon grand pote Mookie est venu à la rescousse, tout droit de la célèbre pizzeria de Sal.
Step up to the mike, Mookie.
Viens Jusqu'au micro, Mookie.
Mookie, you are too, too tired. All right, all right, damn.
- Mookie, J'en ai vraiment marre.
Mookie, do you love me?
Mookie... est-ce que tu m'aimes?
Mookie, get off the phone!
- Raccroche.
How's anybody gonna call in, Mookie?
- Comment les gens vont téléphoner?
Mookie's fucking talking on the phone, people are trying to call in orders.
Mookie parle au téléphone, et les gens veulent passer des commandes.
He's making us lose business. Mookie!
On perd des clients.
Hey, Mookie, forget about it.
- Mookie, laisse tomber.
That depends, Mookie.
- ça dépend, Mookie.
air conditioner WHlRRlNG ) Mookie, how come you're not at Sal's?
- Pourquoi t'es pas chez Sal?
What is this, Mookie, another one of your patented two-hour lunch breaks?
Encore tes deux heures de pause-déJeuner?
Yeah, Mookie, that's real smart.
C'est vraiment malin.
You know, Sal pays you, Mookie, that's why you should work. Did you ever think about that?
Sal te paie, tu dois travailler.
Yeah, Mookie, I just don't want you to lose the one job you've be able to keep for more than a month. That's all. Okay?
Ne perds pas ce boulot, c'est le seul que t'aies gardé plus d'un mois.
What, are you deaf, Mookie?
- Tu es sourd, Mookie?
I got to talk to you. Mookie.
- Faut que Je te parle.
All right, Mookie. Come on.
Allez, on y va.
Hey, Mookie, take it easy, will you? Grabbing her arm, you're going to bust her arm.
Doucement, tu vas lui arracher le bras.
Jade, I do not want you in Sal's no more, all right?
- Je veux plus que t'ailles chez Sal. - Quoi, Mookie?
Mookie, what? Stop tripping.
Te fais pas de film.
You're really crude, Mookie. You know that?
Tu es vraiment vulgaire, Mookie.
I'm gonna tell you something for the last time, Mookie, stop trying to play big brother to me, okay? I'm a grown woman!
Je te le dis pour la dernière fois, arrête de Jouer au grand frère avec moi, Je suis une adulte.
When, Mookie? That's what I wanna know. When?
- Quand, Mookie, quand?
I want to know when you're going to pack your bags and go, okay, Mookie?
Quand est-ce que tu vas partir avec tes valises?
You know, Mookie, not for nothing, but if you were just a little bit taller, I'd kick you right in the ass for what you're thinking.
Tu sais, Mookie, si t'étais un peu plus grand, Je te botterais le cul pour ce que tu penses.
Oh, no, come on, Mookie. That's out.
- Non, Mookie, pas question.
Trust you? Mookie, the last time I trusted you, we ended up with a son. Remember your son?
Je t'ai fait confiance et on a eu un fils, tu te souviens de lui?
Mookie, I already told you it's too fucking hot to make love.
Je t'ai dit qu'il faisait trop chaud pour faire l'amour, putain.
What the hell are you talking about, Mookie?
- Comment ça?
- M-M-Mookie.
You're pushing it, Mookie.
Tu exagères, Mookie.
Well, he's... Mookie is...
Mookie est...

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