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Murtaugh traduction Français

178 traduction parallèle
- It's up to Judge Murtaugh.
- Ça dépend du juge Murtaugh.
Judge Murtaugh? H...
Le juge Murtaugh?
Hey, Mayor, who is this Judge Murtaugh?
Monsieur le maire, qui est le juge Murtaugh?
My name is Detective Murtaugh.
Je suis le Sgt Murtaugh...
I want Murtaugh taken alive.
Je veux Murtaugh vivant.
Officer Murtaugh, don't be foolish. Look at the hardware.
Murtaugh, ne sois pas idiot, regarde cette quincaillerie...
Since we have Murtaugh we don't need you.
Nous tenons Murtaugh... plus besoin de toi.
The shipment, Mr. Murtaugh.
L'arrivage, Murtaugh!
That's a real good-looking young woman you got there, Mr. Murtaugh.
C'est vrai, c'est une jolie souris... que tu as fabriquée là, M. Murtaugh...
3-W-30 en route to Sgt. Murtaugh's residence.
3 / William-30, nous nous rendons au domicile du Sgt Murtaugh...
I'm Sgt. Murtaugh. My responsibility here!
Sgt Murtaugh, je prends toute responsabilité!
Watch commander is en route. Until then, Sgt. Murtaugh is in charge on site.
L'officier de service est en chemin... d'ici là, c'est le Sgt Murtaugh qui commande.
- That's Riggs, Murtaugh.
- Riggs, Murtaugh.
- $ 20 on Riggs and Murtaugh.
- 20 $ sur Riggs et Murtaugh.
Murtaugh, in his wife's wagon.
Murtaugh. Le break de sa femme.
- Don't make jokes, make arrests.
- Pas de blagues, Murtaugh!
I'm Sgt. Murtaugh, this is Sgt. Riggs.
Inspecteurs Murtaugh et Riggs.
- Sgt. Murtaugh and Sgt. Riggs.
- Inspecteurs Murtaugh et Riggs.
Sergeant, it's the guy from the hotel!
Inspecteur Murtaugh, c'est le mec de l'hôtel!
- Has Murtaugh checked in with you?
- Tu as eu Murtaugh? - Non.
- I hope better than Murtaugh.
- Mieux que ton pote Murtaugh?
- Riggs and Murtaugh.
- Riggs et Murtaugh.
Murtaugh's taking the witness to a new location.
Murtaugh emmène le témoin dans une nouvelle planque.
This is Sergeant Murtaugh.
- Patience. Voici le Sgt Murtaugh.
Mr. Murtaugh, let me assist you.
C'est à vous d'en porter.
So long as I get an invite to Casa de Murtaugh, I'm happy. Casa what?
Tant que je suis invité à la Casa de Murtaugh, ça me va.
- And you're Sergeant Murtaugh. - I used to be.
- Vous êtes le sergent Murtaugh.
- Riggs, how's Murtaugh? - He's good.
- Comment va Murtaugh?
You want to do something, Sergeant Murtaugh?
Vous voulez faire quelque chose?
Where's Sergeant Murtaugh?
Où est le sergent Murtaugh?
Can you tell me where I can find good-Iooking Murtaugh?
Où puis-je trouver le beau Sgt Murtaugh?
Can you tell me where I can find the lovely Sergeant Murtaugh?
Tu peux me dire où est ce mignon Sgt Murtaugh?
Murtaugh didn't see it, so I push him.
Murtaugh l'a pas vu, je le pousse.
Sergeant Riggs, Sergeant Murtaugh. What are you doing here?
Sgt Riggs, Sgt Murtaugh, que faites-vous ici?
Yell, "Riggs, Murtaugh, I'm the captain."
Gueuler : "Riggs, Murtaugh, c'est moi le capitaine!"
- Captain Murtaugh!
- Capitaine Murtaugh!
Captain Murtaugh.
Capitaine Murtaugh.
... I want to marry Murtaugh. "
"Doc, je veux épouser Murtaugh."
- Captain Murtaugh.
- Capitaine Murtaugh.
- Sorry, Sergeant Murtaugh.
- Pardon, Sgt Murtaugh.
Captain Murtaugh I know this is a bad time...
Capitaine Murtaugh... Le moment est mal choisi... mais j'ai un aveu à vous faire.
Riggs, it's Murtaugh.
C'est Murtaugh.
What'd you say?
Murtaugh, répète!
Butters'baby. Better not be Murtaugh.
Murtaugh, y a pas intérêt!
The one with fucking Murtaugh and Riggs.
Celui avec Murtaugh et Riggs.
Jimmy Murtaugh - Mr Competitive.
Jimmy Murtaugh, le roi de la compétition.
- Thank Jimmy Murtaugh.
- Merci, Murtaugh.
There's Jimmy Murtaugh!
Voilà Jimmy Murtaugh.
Eliot Murtaugh.
Eliot Murtaugh.
- I know about Murtaugh.
Je sais.

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