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O'brian traduction Français

348 traduction parallèle
Rudy o'brian, how are ya?
Rudy o brian, comment ça va?
- O'Brian, Julie.
- O'Brian, Julie.
A big guy? Know him? And how!
O'Brian passe aux 8 jours, pour voir si tout est en ordre.
We operated together in 1932.
- O'Brian? Bill O'Brian?
For the time being?
- Goodbye, Mister O'Brian.
Mr. O'Brien's first victim.
- Première victime de mister O'Brian.
- O'Brien?
- O'Brian?
Goodbye, Mr O'Brien.
- Au revoir, M. O'Brian.
Mr O'Brien is counting his bars.
M. O'Brian compte ses briques.
I'd leave you or she'd tell O'Brien about you and me.
Je te lâchais ou elle parlait de nous à O'Brian.
O'Brien, see if you can have Hobart... released to us for a clinical examination under test conditions.
O'Brian, voyez si on peut disposer de Hobart... pour un examen clinique et une série de tests.
- Michael James, Tempest O'Brien.
- Michael James, voici Tempest O'Brian.
Darrin, dear, this is Brian O'Brian.
Darrin, chéri, voici Brian O'Brian.
They were dear friends and neighbours of the O'Brians.
C'était de bons amis et voisins des O'Brian.
My name is Brian O'Brian.
Je m'appelle Brian O'Brian.
You are a disgrace to the O'Brians. You've set the cause of leprechauns back 1000 years.
Vous faites honte aux O'Brian et ruinez la cause des lutins.
Full of the O'Brian fire.
Il a le feu des O'Brian.
An O'Brian an informer?
Un O'Brian délateur?
Mr. Robinson, Mr. O'Brian here is from Ireland and he had hidden that pot in the fireplace before you bought it.
M. Robinson, M. O'Brian vient d'Irlande, et il avait caché ce chaudron dans la cheminée avant que vous l'achetiez.
- Very well, Mr. O'Brian.
- Très bien, M. O'Brian.
Very well, Mr. O'Brian.
Très bien, M. O'Brian.
Mr. O'Brian, what is it?
M. O'Brian, qu'avez-vous?
The itchy bang entitled "Where Do You Go From Here, Baby?" by Brian O'Brian.
Et voici le super tube de Brian Obine "Where Do You Go From Here, Baby?".
- All right, O'Brien.
Très bien, O'Brian.
He knows Hugh O'Brian.
Il connaît Hugh O'Brian.
He was Hugh O'Brian's stand-in on Wyatt Earp.
Il doublait O'Brian dans Wyatt Earp.
- Who is it?
C'est Dennis O'Brian.
- It's Dennis O'Brian.
Pas maintenant!
Oh, one of your neighbors, a Mr Brian Mickey O'Donovan was murdered a few hours ago.
Votre voisin, M. O'Donovan, a été tué il y a quelques heures.
And this afternoon, Rena's guests are Max Renn... controversial president of Channel 83, radio personality Nicki Brand... and media prophet Professor Brian O'Blivion.
Et ce soir Les invités de Rena sont Max Renn, le président controversé de la chaîne 83, une personnalité de la radio, Nicki Brand, et le prophète des médias, le professeur 0'Blivion.
Brian O'Blivion.
Brian 0'Blivion.
Professor Brian O'Blivion.
Le professeur Brian 0'Blivion.
Max, that other cassette is from the office of Brian O'Blivion.
Cette autre cassette vient de Brian 0'Blivion.
Brian O'Blivion died quietly on an operating table 11 months ago.
Brian 0'Blivion s'est éteint pendant une opération, il y a 11 mois.
You murdered Brian O'Blivion, didn't you, you freak?
Vous avez assassiné Brian 0'Blivion, hein, taré?
They can make you do what they want... and they want you to destroy whatever is left of Brian O'Blivion.
Ils font de vous ce qu'ils veulent. Ils veulent que vous détruisiez ce qui reste de Brian 0'Blivion.
brian, if we want to get to an eight o'clock movie... would you like to come in and have some tea? - y eah, that'd be nice. - some other time, mother.
A présent, on voit clairement la dégradation de Quentin.
Phone call Delano made to a number here in Seattle belonging to a Brian and Pam O'Hara.
Delano a appelé un couple à Seattle, Brian et Pam O'Hara...
Now, this man... I'll call him Mr. O'Banion, for sake of conversation.
Cet homme, appelons-le M. O'Banion, cet homme est très riche, Brian.
Malpractice. - Jodi O'Brian?
Jodi O'Brian?
I was just commenting on what a wonderful woman your mom is.
Qui êtes-vous? Agent spécial O'Brian et Bob Cannon.
- ( gunshots crack )
Agent spécial O'Brian et Bob Cannon.
Isn't it true that in the spring of 1995, a Mrs. Jodi O'Brian a healthy 29-year-old, pregnant with her first child died from your misdiagnosis?
N'est-il pas vrai qu'au printemps 1995, une Mme Jodi O'Brian, 29 ans, en bonne santé, enceinte de son 1er enfant meurt suite à votre diagnostic?
Following the death of Mrs. O'Brian, did you express feelings of guilt?
Après le décès de Mme O'Brian, avez-vous exprimé une culpabilité?
O-U-T. Well, Brian.
When Brian Boitano was in the Olympics Skating for the gold
Quand Boitano fit les J. O. Patinant pour l'or
- Mr. Seaborn, Mallory O'Brian.
M. Seaborn. Mallory O'Brian.
Please believe me when I say I'm a nice guy having a bad day.
Mme O'Brian, je comprends. Mais je suis un type bien qui passe une sale journée.
- This is Officer Brian O'Conner.
- lci l "agent Brian O" Conner.
Yeah. Yeah, this is Officer Brian O'Conner.
lci l "agent Brian O" Conner.

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