Of course it was traduction Français
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- Of course it was.
Bien sûr que si!
Perhaps it was an accident. Of course it was an accident!
- C'était peut-être un accident.
Of course it was noisy...
Yes, of course it was a banner of truce.
Of course it was you!
C'est toi, bien sûr!
Of course it was.
Bien sûr.
- Of course it was me.
Of course it was.
Bien sûr que oui. Je le sais.
- Of course it was!
- Bien sûr.
Once, of course, it was a gorgeous gorgeous time. We were all... living our dreams.
Il était une fois une époque absolument fabuleuse.
So it was your first wedding back. Of course things are going to be a little shaky.
Bon, d'accord, c'était ton premier mariage, depuis... les choses vont être un peu difficiles.
Of course, it was an altogether different trick, that disappearing act... you pulled today at your group's meeting.
Pas mal non plus, le coup de la disparition aujourd'hui... L'absence à la réunion du groupe.
It was a polaroid, of course. I was so happy.
C'était cet appareil Polaroïïïd, bien entendu.
Of course the dirty sod was raring to go as usual! It was the doctors examination set up. I was the patient and he was the evil doctor.
On a joué au docteur.
It was rather dark, but not too dark to see faces, of course.
C'était un peu sombre, mais on pouvait voir le visage des gens.
- I had a sense that it might be safe. Of course, I could have been wrong, but it was worth the risk.
- Je me sentais en sécurité mais ça valait le coup d'essayer.
Of course, I'm sorry it happened. I know it was a terrible ordeal.
Mais je suis désolé, c'était une terrible épreuve.
Of course I do. It was our first date.
Biensur. c'était notre premier rendez-vous.
Because now, of course, I realise now that it was a crazy thing to do Because now, of course, I realise now that it was a crazy thing to do to follow someone I don't know 3,000 miles, and I sort of panicked, to follow someone I don't know 3,000 miles, and I sort of panicked, but I just wanted you to know that I'm past that.
Parce qu'aujourd'hui, bien sûr, je comprends que c'était fou de suivre un inconnu à 5 000 km, alors j'ai un peu paniqué, mais je voulais juste que tu saches que j'ai dépassé ça.
- Was it the dog from the Beethoven movies? - Of course not.
- Le chien du film Beethoven?
Of course it was fun!
Bien sûr, c'était marrant.
Of course, I wasn't suggesting that it was irony is the opposite of what is or might be expected.
Bien sûr je ne voulais pas insinuer que... L'ironie : Désigne une manière de se moquer, exprimant l'inverse de ce qu'on pense!
It was, of course, a miserable childhood.
C'était, bien sûr, une enfance misérable.
Of course, I have no basis for comparison, but, uh, it was good.
Bien sûr, je n'ai pas de base pour faire la comparaison, mais... C'était bien.
I wouldn't have the heart to cut down something if it wasn't partially mine, which, of course, it was.
Je n'aurais jamais abattu un arbre qui ne m'appartient pas!
Of course not, it was locked.
Évidemment, c'était fermé!
- Of course at first it was a shock because... Karli had been living with us for three months, and... Karli is our child.
- Evidemment, au début, ça a été un choc... parce que Karli a vécu avec nous 3 mois, et que c'est notre enfant.
- Of course at first it was a shock because... KarIi had been living with us for three months, and... KarIi is our child.
- Evidemment, au début, ça a été un choc... parce que KarIi a vécu avec nous 3 mois, et... que c'est notre enfant.
And Egypt, of course, was one of the main parts of ancient civilisation, and he was intrigued by it.
Et l'Égypte, une des plus grandes civilisations anciennes, l'intriguait beaucoup.
So, of course, he was in his element. He loved it.
Il était dans son élément et s'est beaucoup amusé.
And, of course I couldn't very well share it with my husband so, as a result, it was a very lonely day.
Bien évidemment, je ne pouvais guère confier cela à mon mari. De ce fait, j'ai ressenti une grande solitude.
- Of course, it was only for a moment.
- Pendant un moment seulement.
Of course, during the plague, it was always parts falling off.
Pendant la peste, il y avait des parties du corps qui tombaient.
Of course, it was tough love...
Pas évident...
Daddy, of course, was annoyed. But I was elated, because it was just the three ofus... trapped together in the house.
Papa, bien sûr, était énervé, mais j'étais aux anges car on était tous les trois pris au piège dans la maison.
Of course, Szcerbiak's theory that the military cover-up of the 1947 landing... was financed by an international consortium... lacks credible evidence to support it.
La théorie du camouflage par l'armée de l'atterrissage de 1947... qui aurait été financé par un consortium international... manque de preuve pour l'appuyer.
We had some zabaglione that, of course, we did make it together but everybody was raving about it!
Il y avait un zabaglione en dessert. On l'a préparé ensemble, certes... mais tout le monde était ébahi!
Of course it's not a party. I can't help it if he was cheap, can I?
Il aimait le kitsch, j'y peux rien.
When Roger Corwin first got involved in the world of racing a lot of people said it was a stopgap for my waning libido.
Quand Roger Corwin est entré dans le monde de la course automobile... Quand Roger Corwin est entré dans le monde de la course automobile... beaucoup voyaient là un substitut censé pallier une libido défaillante.
It was a pity for us in a way, of course, because it was lovely to have it there.
Dommage pour nous, car c'était très bien de l'avoir là.
Hodges subpoenaed it, of course, but, uh... it was a faulty recording.
Hodges l'a versée au dossier, bien sûr, mais... l'enregistrement était défectueux.
It was a question of removing danger. Only one course was available. Protective custody.
Face au danger qui nous menaçait, notre seule option était la détention préventive.
- it was fiction. - Of course.
- Une fiction, bien sûr.
- Are you sure it was parked there? - Of course I'm sure!
Tu en es bien sûr?
Of course, they make you work. But it was a goodplace to clear your mind.
Du travail, bien sûr, mais ça permet de se vider la tête.
Of course, whether it was his ashes, one never knows.
Etaient-ce ses cendres, nul ne le sait.
And our other problem was our own flak coming down did as much damage to many of us as did the kamikazes, because it'd go right through your helmet, of course, if it hit you directly.
On avait un autre problème, nos propres obus antiaériens qui explosaient nous ont causé autant de dégâts que les kamikazes, car ils vous traversaient le casque, et vous touchaient directement.
Well, we cast spells to prepare your way of course, but we know it was the power of All Hallows Eve that brought you here, not us.
Même si nous avons fait des incantations pour vous attirer, c'est le pouvoir d'All Hallows Eve qui vous a amenées ici, pas nous.
Joey, it was just a kiss. lt wasn't the running of the bulls in Pamplona.
Ce n'était qu'un baiser, pas la course de taureaux de Pamplune.
Of course there was a chance. It's our prom.
Mais y avait une chance.
I bought her a Harvard sweatshirt when she was four. Of course, it was way too big for her.
Je lui ai ramené un sweat d'Harvard quand elle avait 4 ans, bien sûr trop grand pour elle
of course it wasn't 21
of course 48716
of course not 6388
of course you can 486
of course you do 750
of course i do 1281
of course i can 204
of course you don't 199
of course i will 266
of course i am 561
of course 48716
of course not 6388
of course you can 486
of course you do 750
of course i do 1281
of course i can 204
of course you don't 199
of course i will 266
of course i am 561
of course it is 783
of course i did 471
of course you will 145
of course i have 140
of course there is 125
of course he is 228
of course he did 242
of course you are 582
of course we are 128
of course he does 186
of course i did 471
of course you will 145
of course i have 140
of course there is 125
of course he is 228
of course he did 242
of course you are 582
of course we are 128
of course he does 186