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One foot in front of the other traduction Français

119 traduction parallèle
That's when you put one foot in front of the other.
Quand on met un pied devant l'autre.
Put one foot in front of the other.
Mets un pied devant l'autre.
You can't even walk with one foot in front of the other! Come on now, Annie.
- Tu n'arrives même pas à marcher!
One foot in front of the other, then the other one in front of the first. That's the answer!
Trap... trap... trap... un pied devant l'autre, et l'autre devant le premier, voilà.
One foot in front of the other?
Vous savez, faire des pas?
One foot in front of the other, and we'll assemble to raise the colours in regulation dress.
Un pied devant l'autre et on se rassemble pour lever les couleurs en tenue réglementaire.
One foot in front of the other.
Un pied devant l'autre.
Walk one foot in front of the other.
- One foot in front of the other.
– En route.
Homeward bound after three weary years of putting one foot in front of the other.
Je rentre chez moi après trois longues années de marche sans but.
[Segarra] It took all my strength and concentration... just to put one foot in front of the other.
Je rassemblais toutes mes forces et ma concentration pour pouvoir mettre un pied devant l'autre.
one foot in front of the other... there you go.
Un pas devant l'autre!
They put one foot in front of the other, and carry a huge pole to keep their balance.
Ils marchent comme ca, un pied devant l'autre, avec un baton super long pour tenir en équilibre.
Very slowly, walk the grid one foot in front of the other.
Tout doucement, avance-toi... un pied devant l'autre.
In the meantime, one foot in front of the other starting in that direction.
En attendant, tu mets un pied devant l'autre et tu vas dans cette direction.
You know, one foot in front of the other? Repeat as needed. You know.
Elles ont été faites à Montréal.
It's easy. You put one foot in front of the other. That's a good girl.
C'est facile, tu mets un pied devant l'autre.
- One foot in front of the other, you know?
- Je prends chaque jour comme il vient.
I couldn't put one foot in front of the other.
Impossible de mettre un pied devant l'autre.
Put one foot in front of the other and anything's possible.
Un pied devant l'autre et tout est possible.
Just put one foot in front of the other.
mets un pied devant l'autre.
No. no. no. I'm petrified. I'm... I'm gonna forget everything. I won't be able to put one foot in front of the other.
Non, je suis terrorisé. Je vais tout oublier, je serai incapable de danser et je vais tout gâcher.
- One foot in front of the other.
- Un truc à la fois.
You have to walk just one foot in front of the other.
Tu dois marcher un pied devant l'autre.
So why don't you start tomorrow... by putting one foot in front of the other?
Commencez dès demain, en procédant pas à pas.
Let's just keep placing one foot in front of the other.
On continue à mettre un pied devant l'autre.
All we have to do is put one foot in front of the other and we'll get to the top.
Tout ce que nous devons faire, c'est poser un pied devant l'autre et nous arrivons ainsi au sommet!
One day at a time, one foot in front of the other.
Jour après jour, un pied après l'autre.
Quit, or put one foot in front of the other and tough it out.
Abandonner, ou mettre un pied devant l'autre et t'endurcir.
The doctor said there was- - look, this whole "one foot in front of the other" thing is easier for some people than others.
Le docteur a dit qu'il y... Ce truc "un pas après l'autre" est plus facile pour certain.
I don't know how Ridley made it through. I mean, I guess he just toughened up and just, you know, as he can do, and just put one foot in front of the other.
Je ne sais pas comment Ridley a tenu. ll s'est endurci et avançait comme il le pouvait, au coup par coup.
Even in my own shoes, I can't put one foot in front of the other.
Même dans mes chaussures, je peux pas mettre un pied devant l'autre.
Even in my own shoes, I can't put one foot in front of the other.
Même dans mes chaussures, je peux pas mettre un pied devant l'autre.
Looks like I can put one foot in front of the other after all.
Je peux mettre un pied devant l'autre apparemment.
One foot in front of the other. Huh!
Mets un pied devant l'autre!
That's how you get out of bed in the morning and put one foot in front of the other?
C'est comme ça que tu te lèves le matin et que tu mets un pied devant l'autre?
I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other.
J'essaie juste de poser un pied devant l'autre.
Just one foot in front of the other.
Un pas à la fois.
Put one foot in front of the other.
Un pas après l'autre.
One foot in front of the other.
Un pied après l'autre.
Mija, you keep putting one foot in front of the other, open your eyes to the opportunities, you're gonna get to where you wanna go, guaranteed.
Mija, tu continues à avancer, un pied devant l'autre tu saisis les opportunités qui se présentent à tes yeux, tu arriveras là où tu veux aller, je te le promets.
Just put one foot in front of the other. We'll be out of here in no time.
Il suffit de mettre un pied devant l'autre et on va être sortis d'ici en un rien de temps.
Just put one foot in front of the other.
Y a qu'à mettre un pied devant l'autre.
- Put one foot in front of the other.
- Mets un pied devant l'autre.
You put one foot in front of the other.
Tu mets un pied devant l'autre.
Try to keep one foot in front of the other.
J'essaie de garder un pied devant l'autre.
One foot in front of the other it sounded so easy when mom used to say it.
Un pied devant l'autre. Ça semblait si simple quand maman le disait.
"just put one foot in front of the other and good things will come."
Mets un pied devant l'autre et les bonnes choses viendront toute seules.
one foot in front of the other.
Un pied devant l'autre.
When you're at the end of your rope, all you have to do is make one foot move out in front of the other.
Il suffit de mettre un pied devant l'autre.
One foot in front of the other.
- -- Un pied devant l'autre.

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