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Pooh bear traduction Français

74 traduction parallèle
Chugalug, pooh bear.
D'un trait, l'emmerdeur. J'arrive pas a croire que tu sois si populaire, en etant comme ca.
Pooh Bear?
Pooh Bear?
Where is my Pooh Bear?
Où est mon Pooh Bear?
Oh. I am so sorry, Pooh Bear.
Je suis désolée.
Now, then, Pooh bear, release the counterweight.
Winnie! Relâche le contrepoids.
- Where are you? - Pooh bear? I didn't know Tigger had a family.
Winnie, je ne savais pas que Tigrou avait une famille.
- Piglet. - Yes, Pooh bear?
Oui, Winnie.
D-Do you think it could be... Tigger's family up there, Pooh bear?
Tu crois que ça pourrait être la famille de Tigrou là-haut?
Pooh bear's been up in that tree an awful long time, don't you think?
Winnie est là-haut depuis très longtemps, tu ne trouves pas?
Uh, Pooh bear.
Good point, Pooh bear.
C'est judicieux, Winnie.
Take care, Pooh bear!
Sois prudent, mon Winnie.
Pooh bear!
- Pooh bear!
- Winnie!
Pooh Bear...
Elle... Lapin...
Pooh Bear?
- Pooh Bear, just get in the car.
- Lapin, monte dans la voiture.
Pooh Bear, I didn't know she would be here.
Lapin, je ne le savais pas.
Pooh Bear, I love you.
Lapin, je t'aime.
AII right, Mr. Pooh Bear, remember what we discussed in the car?
M. l'Ours, vous vous rappelez ce dont on a parlé dans la voiture?
Hello, Pooh Bear!
Salut Winnie l'Ourson!
Boy they called Pooh Bear, chubby fellow with braids.
Un garçon appelé Pooh Bear, un gars potelé avec des tresses.
I gots to get back to the studio, but I'll holler at you later, okay, pooh bear? Mm-hmm.
Je dois retourner en studio, mais je te verrai plus tard, d'accord, mon coeur?
I used my dad's old tape recorder and a Winnie the Pooh bear.
En utilisant le vieux magnéto de mon père et Winnie L'Ourson.
Looks like Pooh Bear got in the honey pot.
Winnie a été attrapé la main dans le pot de miel!
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
Un ourson prend soin de son bedon
That was a close call there, Pooh Bear.
Heureusement que je passais par là, Winnie.
Because the Hundred Acre Wood needs a hero, Pooh Bear, and I'm the only one.
Parce que la Forêt des Rêves Bleus a besoin d'un héros, Winnie, et que je suis le seul.
Edward Bear, known to his friends as Winnie the Pooh, or Pooh for short...
Edward Bear, que ses amis appelaient Winnie I, ourson, ou Winnie tout court...
But of all his animal friends... Christopher Robin's very best friend... was a bear called Winnie the Pooh.
De tous ses amis animaux, celui que préfère Jean-Christophe est un ourson appelé Winnie.
Uh, Pooh bear?
- Schmoopsie-pooh. - Googly bear. - Want to get going?
On y va, Gloubinours?
I want to do a big score with Pooh-Bear.
Je veux... acheter un max de dope à l'Ourson.
Tell him I wanna make a deal with Pooh-Bear.
D ¡ s-lu ¡ que je veux fa ¡ re un deal avec l'Ourson.
Why do they call him Pooh-Bear?
Pourquo ¡ on l'appelle l'Ourson?
Pooh-Bear did so much gak they had to cut his nose off.
L'Ourson a tant sn ¡ ffé qu'¡ I a fallu lu ¡ couper le nez.
Pooh-Bear likes that in a young man.
L'Ourson a ¡ me ca, chez un jeune homme.
Pooh-Bear is in.
L'Ourson marche.
Pooh-Bear is his nickname.
Holland Dale Monty, a.k.a. Pooh-Bear.
Holland Dale Monty, al ¡ as l'Ourson.
Pooh-Bear scores dope by ripping off other slingers.
Ton copa ¡ n s'approv ¡ s ¡ onne en volant d'autres fourgues.
Do everything by the book. Pooh-Bear goes down, nobody gets hurt.
Fa ¡ s ce que tu do ¡ s fa ¡ re à la lettre... on cue ¡ Ile l'Ourson, et y aura pas de bobo.
I want to talk to Pooh-Bear.
Je do ¡ s vo ¡ r l'Ourson.
- Pooh-Bear, what's up?
Ourson, quo ¡ de neuf?
Make sure you come alone because Pooh-Bear doesn't like surprises.
V ¡ ens seul. L'Ourson a ¡ me pas les surpr ¡ ses.
Get Pooh-Bear to meet at the Tropic Motel. Everything will work out fine.
Amène l'Ourson au Trop ¡ c Motel et tout se passera b ¡ en.
- Pooh-Bear needs a little landscaping.
On demande paysag ¡ ste.
Any word from Pooh-Bear?
Des nouvelles de l'Ourson?
- Hi, pooh-bear!
- Salut, mon nounours!
Lena, let's do it this way, if you love Oleg then say it now and then we'll be just friends, like Pooh-Bear and Tiger.
Si tu l'aimes alors on reste bons amis.
And his best friend among them is a bear named Winnie the Pooh.
Et son préféré est son meilleur ami un ours du nom de Winnie l'Ourson.

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