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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ P ] / Put him out of his misery

Put him out of his misery traduction Français

111 traduction parallèle
I'm going to put him out of his misery.
Je vais abréger ses souffrances.
- Put him out of his misery.
- Allons lui expliquer.
We'll put him out of his misery at once.
On va mettre fin à sa misère.
Like a lame horse. Might as well put him out of his misery.
C'est un cheval blessé bon pour l'abattoir.
I'll just put him out of his misery.
Non, donnez-moi cette arme.
Come on, Seurat, put him out of his misery.
Allez, Seurat, sors-le de son ignorance.
I won't say I put him out of his misery.
Je l'ai tué.
- They should put him out of his misery. - One bullet.
Ils devraient lui donner le coup de grâce.
I just can't call up the vet and tell him to come put him out of his misery.
Je ne vais pas demander au vétérinaire De venir mettre fin à ses souffrances.
We just put him out of his misery.
On l'a juste libéré de son état de souffrance.
The least I can do is kill him to put him out of his misery.
Le moins que je puisse faire, c'est le tuer pour abréger ses souffrances.
I just put him out of his misery!
J'ai abrégé ses souffrances.
The main thing is that we put him out of his misery.
Les temps sont durs. Nous n'avons fait qu'abréger ses souffrances.
In case you have to put him out of his misery.
Au cas où le coup de grâce serait nécessaire.
I'll sit in the back and then at the right moment I'll put him out of his misery.
Je serai à l'arrière et le moment venu... je le libérerai de sa douleur.
Had to put him out of his misery.
Il fallait en finir avec lui.
Go ahead, put him out of his misery.
Allez, sortez-le de cette misère.
Put him out of his misery.
Je vais abréger ses souffrances.
Can I put him out of his misery, pretty please?
Je peux abréger ses souffrances?
So put him out of his misery
I say we put him out of his misery!
Faut en finir avec lui.
Someone really should just put him out of his misery.
Quelqu'un devrait lui rendre service et le zigouiller.
The fucker was an epileptic, so I put him out of his misery.
L'enfoiré était épileptique, alors je l'ai achevé.
He carry him away and put him out of his misery.
Il l'emportera loin et le soulagera de ses souffrances.
Maybe we should put him out of his misery.
On devrait mettre fin à ses souffrances.
I was just gonna put him out of his misery.
J'allais abréger ses souffrances.
Why don't we put him out of his misery?
Abrège donc son calvaire.
- First I'm gonna put him out of his misery. - No. No!
Mais d'abord, je vais abréger ses souffrances.
Can't we just, you know, put a pillow over his head and put him out of his misery?
Avec un simple oreiller on pourrait rendre service à tout le monde.
Put him out of his misery and come with me.
Délivrez-le de sa souffrance. Et venez avec moi.
Be a blessing to put him out of his misery.
Il serait charitable d'abréger ses souffrances.
Can't you put him out of his misery?
Tu ne peux pas l'achever?
If eating is what this man lives for, we should put him out of his misery.
Si cet homme ne vit que pour manger, on ferait mieux de l'achever tout de suite.
I put him out of his misery.
J'ai mis fin à ses souffrances.
Put him out of his misery, tommy.
Abrège ses souffrances, Tommy.
- Put him out of his misery.
- Rassure-le.
I took that coward who was afraid to size himself up for what he really was and put him out of his misery.
J'ai liquidé ce poltron qui craignait de se voir tel qu'il était, et j'ai mis un terme à ses souffrances.
He didn't want to take a head shot and put him out of his misery.
Il ne voulait pas tirer dans la tête et mettre fin à ses souffrances.
Just put him out of his misery.
Mets juste un terme à ses souffrances.
- this is incredibly sweet, but I think I should probably put him out of his misery.
- C'est incroyablement mignon, mais je pense que je dois le sortir de cette galère.
Who'd put him out of his misery, ladies and gentlemen?
Qui voudrait le sortir de la misère, mesdames et messieurs?
I think it's time we put him out of his misery.
Je crois qu'il est temps nous a mis hors de sa misère.
Put him out of his misery.
Libère-le de sa misère.
- We can put him out of his misery.
En abrégeant ses souffrances.
- Put him out of his misery, Joe.
- Achève-le, Joe!
I think we'll have to put him out of his misery.
Il nous faut abréger ses souffrances.
While you're waiting for the Messiah, why not put Mr. Two o'clock out of his misery and invite him over to our table?
En attendant de rencontrer le Messie, soit chic avec M. 14 heures, et invite-le à notre table.
And he went... And then I put him out of his misery.
Puis j'ai abrégé ses souffrances.
I couldn't even put him out of his misery.
Je n'ai même pas pu mettre fin à ses souffrances.
Hold him, Chupa. Just put him out of his fucking misery!
Snowman, abrège ses souffrances, merde!
- He loves it. - Just tell him no. Put him out of his misery.
Grâce à l'hypnose, j'ai découvert que des tests médicaux étaient faits, et que des suivis étaient nécessaires.

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