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Reasoner traduction Français

25 traduction parallèle
Brinkley, Sevareid, Reasoner all have their comments.
Brinkley, Sevareid, Reasoner ont tous leur mot à dire.
Walter Cronkite, Harry Reasoner, Hollenbeck, Bob Trout.
Walter Cronkite, Harry Reasoner, Hollenbeck, Bob Trout.
My dear Watson, that name David should have told me the whole story had I been the ideal reasoner, which you are so fond of depicting but alas, my powers of deduction failed me.
Mon cher Watson, le nom de David aurait dû tout m'expliquer, si j'étais vraiment le grand penseur que vous croyez. Hélas, mes pouvoirs de déduction ont échoué.
It can be built up as an exact science by the reasoner.
Alors vous avez pris le train... De 23 h 40, je crois.
And you said on many occasions that the impression of a woman may be more valuable than the conclusion of an analytical reasoner.
Et vous avez coutume de dire que l'intuition d'une femme peut être plus fiable que des conclusions fondées sur la logique.
No offense to Harry Reasoner, but I think I'm putting a better product on the field.
Sans vouloir offenser Harry Reasoner, je crois que ce que j'ai à offrir est bien mieux.
Mrs. Reasoner, I hope you're not trying to deny that your husband is the man in that video.
Mme Reasoner, j'espère que vous ne niez pas - que c'est votre mari sur la vidéo.
Mrs. Reasoner, yeah, we read the parole report.
Mme Reasoner, nous avons lu son dossier.
Mrs. Reasoner, do you recognize either of the other two men in the video?
Mme Reasoner, reconnaissez-vous ces deux hommes?
Did a few years at Lewisburg when Reasoner was there.
Il était à Lewisburg en même temps que Reasoner.
So you start to leave but... Frank Reasoner and his boys take it off you?
Tu allais partir, mais les braqueurs te l'ont pris?
Reasoner's trying to get ahold of his wife.
- Reasoner va contacter sa femme.
All right, let's go, Mrs. Reasoner.
- Allons-y, Mme Reasoner.
Chief deputy Art Mullen, Mr. Reasoner.
Chef Art Mullen, M. Reasoner.
Right this way, Mrs. Reasoner.
- Par ici, Mme Reasoner.
Mr. Reasoner, let's talk about how we can end this business without anybody else getting hurt.
M. Reasoner, voyons comment mettre un terme à tout ça sans faire davantage de blessés.
How long would it take us to get up on Reasoner's computer?
Combien de temps pour accéder à l'ordinateur de Reasoner?
You get into Reasoner's hard drive?
- T'as accès au disque de Reasoner?
Mirror drive of Reasoner's computer and we've been through everything but the games ; haven't found shit.
- Un disque miroir du PC de Reasoner. On a tout regardé, sauf les jeux, sans rien trouver.
Now, Reasoner...
Reasoner, don't...
Reasoner, ne...
And now those network newscasts, anchored through history by honest-to-God newsmen with names like Murrow and Reasoner and Huntley and Brinkley and Buckley and Cronkite and Rather and Russert-
Ces présentateurs de grandes chaînes sont liés à l'histoire par des journalistes intègres, aux noms tels que Murrow, Reasoner, Huntley, Brinkley, Buckley, Cronkite, Rather et Russert.
Uh, oh, Frank Reasoner.
Frank Reasoner.
Mr. Reasoner...
M. Reasoner...
Oh. Reasoner, stop!
Reasoner, arrêtez-vous!

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