She doesn't have to traduction Français
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You bring your daughter to an isolated old house in the country you shut her off from all outside contacts you even hired me as a private tutor so that she doesn't have to be with other children.
Vous avez amené votre ville à la campagne dans une vieille maison isolée... Vous lui avez coupée tout contact avec l'extérieur... Vous avez même engagé un précepteur afin qu'elle ne soit pas avec d'autres enfants.
She doesn't have to be beautiful.
Elle n'a pas besoin d'être belle.
- She doesn't have to.
- Pas besoin.
Why don't you tell her she has to pay compensation, and if she doesn't have the money she has to work it off with by body or something?
Exigez une compensation, et si elle n'a pas l'argent, faites-la travailler.
She doesn't have to dash around like those Volkswagen types.
Elle n'a pas besoin de courir partout comme les créatures Volkswagen.
If she doesn't clean up the room... then these scraps of paper, they have to be somewhere.
Si elle ne l'a pas nettoyée, ces bouts de papier doivent être quelque part.
Does she have your permission to go or doesn't she?
A-t-elle, oui ou non, la permission de partir?
Yeah, Mother says she doesn't mind if you have to cut down some privet for the garden.
Mère dit que tu peux couper des arbres pour faire le potager.
- ♪ For life is unkind ♪ - You see, she doesn't want to eat anymore'cause she got so fat... so I have to sit here and starve all the time.
Elle fait un régime et moi, je meurs de faim.
She doesn't have to be killed...
On n'a pas à la tuer.
Et ma grand-mère est très gentille, elle ne me crie pas dessus, et je n'ai pas besoin d'avoir peur dans sa chambre.
She sure doesn't have much to her name, but she does have a sewing machine... and maybe will make me a new dress or somethin'.
Elle n'a pas amené grand-chose, mais avec sa machine à coudre, elle me fera peut-être une robe.
She doesn't want to do it, I have to hit her.
Elle ose pas, il faut que je la frappe.
She doesn`t have much to cross herself about these days.
Ta mère a pas trop d'occasions de remercier Dieu.
Every photographer's got to look at layouts. She doesn't have to look at layouts.
Tous les photographes ont besoin de la maquette.
You know, she doesn't have to be beautiful, just patient.
Elle n'a pas besoin d'être belle, juste patiente.
You sit her on a chair, you feel her legs... to check she doesn't have a fracture.
Te l'assois ser ene chaise, te lei tâtes les jambes poer regarder si elle a pas de fractere.
- Well, she doesn't have to know I'm your lover.
- Tu n'es pas mon amant.
She doesn't have to.
Elle n'y était pas obligée non plus.
My concern is that the child could have a very serious breakdown... if she doesn't come to terms with what she's experienced.
Elle pourrait faire une très grave dépression si elle n'intègre pas ce qu'elle a vécu.
She doesn't even have to pay for it.
Elle n'a même pas besoin de payer.
And she doesn't have another place to stay.
Elle n'a nulle part où aller.
She doesn't see her kids. She doesn't have time to take a bath.
Elle ne voit plus ses gosses, ne prend pas de bain.
Now at least she doesn't have to get a divorce.
Au moins, elle n'aura pas à divorcer.
My mother doesn't have a place for me where she lives and she doesn't know what else to do with me.
Il n'y a pas de place pour moi chez ma mère. Elle ne sait que faire de moi.
If she feels like it, she should join us. And if she doesn't, she doesn't have to.
Et si ça lui dit, qu'elle vienne ici, et sinon, tant pis.
And when Eva said she wanted to have one, but it's not possible with Herbert... and she doesn't want one by that old guy, only by you, oh, Franz, I was so happy!
Eva m'a dit qu'elle en voudrait un, Herbert ne peut pas, semble-t-il, le vieux, c'est exclu, mais avec toi... ça m'a rendue si heureuse, j'ai pleuré de joie.
I'm afraid you'll have to keep her dry and warm... and pray that she doesn't develop pneumonia.
Gardez-la au chaud et priez pour qu'elle n'ait pas une pneumonie.
It's a good thing Martha is gone, She doesn't have to witness this,
C'est bien que Martha ne soit plus là et ne voit pas tout ça,
If Alfredo doesn't return... to the bosom of his family... the young man she loves and who loves her... and whom she is soon to marry... would break the engagement... that would have made them so happy.
Deux enfants? Dieu m'a donné une fille... aussi pure qu'un ange. Si Alfredo ne revient pas... dans le sein de sa famille... le jeune homme qu'elle aime et qui l'aime... et qu'elle doit épouser bientôt... va rompre l'engagement... qui les aurait rendus si heureux.
She doesn't have to see who I do it for. However, I do.
Elle ne voit pas ceux que je défends.
She doesn't have to cheat ; she just does it because she's a Pye.
Enfin, pas comme Josy, en tout cas!
I mean, sure, she didn't have time to talk to me last night... and she doesn't have time to be with me today... but I love seeing the two of you together.
Bien sûr, elle n'a pas eu de temps pour me parler hier soir, elle n'en a pas pour être avec moi aujourd'hui, mais je suis très contente de vous voir ensemble.
She doesn't have to jerk off like the rest of us, Captain. She got an honest-to-God dick to get off on, huh?
Pas besoin, elle a son godemiché personnel à portée de la main pour s'envoyer en l'air.
Anyways, your daughter is her hostage, - She doesn't have a reason to hurt her. - "A reson"?
De toute façon, votre fille lui sert d'otage, elle n'a aucun intérêt à lui faire du mal.
I hope she doesn't have to sell her farm, that would be a terrible loss.
Pour l'amour du Ciel! Que veut dire tout ce tapage?
Maybe she doesn't have the money to see another doctor.
Peut-être qu'elle n'a pas d'argent pour voir un autre docteur.
She doesn't have to know how we do this.
Elle n'a pas besoin de savoir.
Being married to a dentist, she doesn't have to worry about him buying it in a crash.
Mariée à un dentiste, elle n'a pas à se soucier qu'il ait un accident d'auto.
Hell, if she doesn't wash it, we won't have to pay for the poison, either.
Si elle ne la lave pas, pas grave, on économisera le poison.
The clouds have tried to clothe her, but she doesn't want them. She's showing herself completely naked in the sky!
Les nuages cherchent à la vêtir, mais elle ne veut pas.
Well, let's just hope she doesn't have to stay there too long.
Espérons seulement qu'elle n'y reste pas trop longtemps.
How come I have to learn responsibility and she doesn't?
Pourquoi je dois être responsable et pas elle?
I have a friend, who has a man growing in her field and she doesn't know if, in order to have relations with him, she needs an agreement of us all here or there's freedom on this.
J'ai une amie qui vient d'avoir un homme dans son champ, elle ignore si si pour avoir des relations avec lui elle a besoin de notre accord ou si elle est libre.
She doesn't have to make any more decisions. [Grunts]
Elle n'a plus à prendre de décisions.
She doesn't have to deliver.
Elle n'a pas à accoucher. Je sais ce que je dis.
Mark, she doesn't have to go.
Mark, elle peut rester.
She doesn't have to worry about that anymore... because now you tell her what to do, right?
Elle n'a plus à s'en soucier puisque tu te charges de tenir ce rôle, n'est-ce pas?
If she doesn't scream soon, I'm gonna have to give my frog a drink.
Si elle ne crie pas très vite, je vais devoir faire boire ma grenouille.
She doesn't even have to get out of the car. She's here 30 seconds, maybe a minute, tops, and she's gone without a trace.
Même pas besoin de descendre, ça prend 30 secondes et elle repart, ni vu ni connu.
– She doesn't have to say a word! He did have a drink.
- Elle n'a pas à répondre.
she doesn't have to know 16
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't 359
she doesn't know 197
she doesn't like me 38
she doesn't understand 44
she doesn't exist 24
she doesn't know anything 66
she doesn't mean it 22
she doesn't love you 27
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't 359
she doesn't know 197
she doesn't like me 38
she doesn't understand 44
she doesn't exist 24
she doesn't know anything 66
she doesn't mean it 22
she doesn't love you 27