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Spencer traduction Français

4,730 traduction parallèle
Spencer gonna be there, Adele?
Spencer sera là, Adele?
What happened to Spencer Cavanaugh, Miss Borden?
Qu'est-il arrivé à Spencer Cavanaugh, Melle Borden?
Spencer Cavanaugh.
Spencer Cavanaugh.
Did he ask you about Spencer?
Est-ce qu'il a parlé de Spencer?
The last time I saw Spencer was Sunday in the hotel lobby.
La dernière fois que j'ai vu Spencer c'était dimanche au hall de l'hôtel.
Spencer is a good and talented man.
Spencer est un homme bon et talentueux.
They think you have information about Spencer.
Ils pensent que tu as des informations sur Spencer.
Spencer Cavanaugh,
Spencer Cavanaugh.
Spencer Cavanaugh and Nance O'Keefe weren't trash.
Spencer Cavanaugh et Nancy O'Keefe n'était pas des déchets.
People of Massachusetts versus Charles Siringo in the murders of Spencer Cavanaugh and Isabel Danforth.
Les citoyens du Massachusetts contre Charles Siringo pour les meurtres de Spencer Cavanaugh et Isabel Danforth.
Just as he decapitated Spencer Cavanaugh.
Tout comme il a décapité Spencer Cavanaugh.
Well, for the record, Miss Borden, in the eyes of God, under the laws of Massachusetts, and in light of the defense's claims, did you have anything to do with the murder of Spencer Cavanaugh
Pour que tout soit clair, Mlle Borden, aux yeux de Dieu, en vertu des lois du Massachusetts, et à la lumière des déclarations de l'accusé, êtes-vous impliquée de quelque manière dans le meurtre de Spencer Cavanaugh
The man next to him, Spencer Redding, checked into a hospital three days ago with tremors in his limbs.
À côté, Spencer Redding, il s'est présenté à l'hôpital il y a trois jours pour des tremblements au niveau des membres.
Spencer Redding was barely coherent when he checked into hospital.
Spencer Redding était à peine cohérent quand il s'est présenté à l'hôpital.
Apparently, Spencer said he was 34 years old, but he'd been alive for many more years than that.
Apparemment, il a dit avoir 34 ans, mais qu'il avait vécu depuis plus d'années que ça.
Rosita, Spencer, and Holly.
Rosita, Spencer et Holly.
I'm sorry, Spencer, but Deanna is asleep at the wheel.
Deanna se fait complètement manipuler.
He's gone, Spencer.
Il est parti, Spencer.
- Morning, Spencer.
- bonjour, Spencer.
Our clients deserve our full attention, Spencer.
Nos clients méritent notre pleine attention, Spencer.
Spencer, baby.
Spencer, bébé.
Spencer, you have your seat.
- Spencer, assieds-toi.
Hey, don't sweat it too hard, Spencer.
Hé, ne panique pas trop, Spencer.
You remember Spencer.
Vous vous souvenez de Spencer.
Shit, girl, everyone shows up for Spencer Strasmore.
Tout le monde vient pour Spencer Strasmore.
And Spencer say we spend too much?
Et Spencer dit qu'on dépense trop?
But you, Spencer, you pretend to be something you ain't.
Mais toi, Spence, tu prétends être celui que tu n'es pas.
Hey, uh, Spencer.
Hey, Spencer.
Spencer, it's on you.
Spencer, je te les confie.
Do you remember Endless Love by Scott Spencer? Excuse me.
Vous vous rappelez Un amour infini de Scott Spencer?
- Spencer.
- Spencer.
Okay, Spencer.
D'accord Spencer.
- Funny stuff, Spencer.
- Amusant, Spencer.
- Spencer, don't panic.
- Spencer, ne paniquez pas.
- Same with me and Spencer.
- Comme Spencer et moi.
- Hey, come on, chill, Spencer.
- Détends-toi, Spence.
You got to think positive, Spencer.
Tu dois être optimiste, Spence.
Yo... yo, Spencer. Come on, man.
Yo Spencer, mon gars, allez.
When I was in the organized crime unit, she worked as an attorney for Spencer Romero.
Quand j'étais dans l'unité des crimes organisés, elle travaillait comme avocate pour Spencer Romero.
Wait, Spencer Romero?
Attends, Spencer Romero?
- The Spencer Romero?
- Le Spencer Romero?
Okay. His real name is Spencer Romero.
Son vrai nom est Spencer Romero.
What did you and Caleb find? SPENCER :
Ashley, veux-tu m'épouser?
SPENCER : Then we can tell Tanner that we traced Mona's laptop there.
Le pasteur a l'air distrait.
Not a marriage proposal.
Notre sang. Vraiment, Spencer?
And I need your help. Okay? Spencer.
Quoi de neuf est que je t'ai vu lire mes réponses, en les recopiant.
Like Hanna. She isn't taking mine or Spencer's calls. Have you talked to her?
Putain mais qui est ce Hank Mahoney?
It's a list of headhunters in the area. It shouldn't be too hard to find someone to replace me.
Ok, eh bien, pas un mot d'Hanna, mais Spencer va prendre l'autoroute.
Spencer and Aria almost froze to death tonight. And I-
Crois moi, je le suis
Well, it's not gonna be easy working with my father.
Comment allez-vous rentrer? Spencer nous ramènera.

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