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Stinky traduction Français

981 traduction parallèle
Come on, Stinky!
Allez, Stinky!
All stinky! Stinky!
Puer, beaucoup puer.
The air is black with them and stinky. And where they come down there's nothing left!
L'air est noir, et à leur départ, il ne reste rien.
"Yours truly, Stinky Moore".
"Sincêrement, Stinky Moore".
Stinky, your mother wants you.
Ta mère t'attend.
- Generally, they called me, "Stinky."
- En général, c'était "le puant".
" Do not worry, Stinky.
" Ne vous inquiétez pas.
Go to bed. Oh, Stinky.
Congratulations, Stinky.
Félicitations, canaille!
Oh, Stinky, leave the poor girl alone.
Canaille! Laisse-la tranquille.
Or take Stinky Davis.
Stinky Davis.
- Stinky Davis? The Stinky Davis case illustrates what I mean about Nick.
L'affaire Stinky Davis illustre ses dons.
Do you still take two lumps in your Stinky...?
Toujours deux sucres dans ton stinky...
I see. Nobody suspected Stinky, because he'd been a cripple since nitro went off while he was cracking a canister in Salt Lake.
Personne n'a soupçonné Stinky qui était infirme depuis une explosion due à la nitroglycérine.
But all the time Nick was certain that Stinky Davis was the killer.
Nick, lui, restait persuadé que c'était Stinky Davis.
Wild as loco buttons because Stinky was a cripple and couldn't navigate.
Stinky étant infirme.
He said, "Stinky, you're the two-timing, double-crossing rat who strangled Knobs McClure, Greasy Joe and Horse-faced Dan and Denver Mike."
Il a dit : "Tu es le salopard qui a étranglé McClure et Greasy Joe, Horse Face et Denver Mike."
And then he turned his back on Stinky. And the trick worked.
Sur quoi il lui a tourné le dos.
Stinky got up out of his wheelchair and tried to strangle Nick with a wire he'd hidden in his mouth.
Stinky s'est levé de son fauteuil roulant et a tenté d'étrangler Nick avec un fil électrique.
But just in time, Nick turned around, gave him the old one-two and knocked Stinky colder than an ice flounder.
Mais Nick s'est retourné à temps et l'a assommé!
Stinky wasn't a cripple at all.
Stinky n'était pas infirme.
- Well, if Nick suspected that Stinky wasn't a cripple, why didn't he have him examined by a doctor?
- Si Nick le soupçonnait de simuler, il n'avait qu'à le faire examiner par un docteur.
He'd better be. Unless he wants to hear that Stinky Davis story again.
Sinon je lui ressors l'histoire de Stinky Davis.
Who is this Stinky?
Qui est-ce, celui-là?
Well, Buttons'brother helps a kid named Stinky O'Hara deliver newspapers... and his sister was making an honest living as a watchdog... until she was hit by the Baltimore and Ohio.
Votre chienne ignore-t-elle qu'on ne mord pas un gentil chien?
Well, you pay or I take your stinky boat.
Règle tes dettes ou je prends ton bateau.
Mal lavé!
Hawaiian dancer, I could understand, but stinky!
"Danseuse hawaïenne", ça pouvait encore passer, mais "mal lavé", jamais!
Stinky old bum living in a dirty courtyard talking about an empire!
Un merdeux habitant un taudis qui parle de l'Empire japonais... quelle foutaise!
I want to throw this lot over on the stinky little cow.
Je vais lui jeter dessus, sale petite truie!
Oh, are you all right? You're terribly stinky.
Superbe fête, j'ai passé un moment merveilleux
We used to call him Stinky.
On l'appelait "le puant".
Don't hit me, stinky shepherd!
Pourquoi me frappes-tu, espèce de sale berger?
You stinky goat herder!
Sale berger!
And he walk in here stinky drunk, and he say to me, "I want that wall."
Il a débarqué ivre mort et m'a dit : "Je veux ce mur."
It's dark and it's stinky!
Et ça pue.
You stinky-minding pokeheads!
Blaireaux, coyotes puants!
I used tollie inh that stinky-aass four-by-five cell,
J'ai passé tout ce temps couché dans une cellule puante, à regarder les murs.
Listen, besides being stinky, just what is - What is this gunk, anyway?
- Ecoutez, en plus de puer, qu'est-ce que... - Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette crasse graisseuse, de toute façon?
Maybe he'll like your cabbage, your stinky cabbage!
Peut-être que lui, il aime ton chou. Ton chou qui pue.
Go on your stinky picnic.
Allez à votre pique-nique minable.
Where'd you get that stinky thing?
Où tu as trouvé ce cigare?
That stinky old Mrs. Schmauss said I was too young to know any better and picked everything up.
Mais cette satanée Mme Schmauss a dit que c'était idiot et a tout ramassé.
Sometimes I can be so goddamn furious with you... That was a stinky thing to do!
Parfois tu me rends tellement furieuse... ça, c'est dégueulasse!
Just that stinky old whale of a wife for 30 years...
Juste cette vieille baleine puante de femme depuis 30 ans...
"Ooh, stinky-poo!" You ran around the studio lot, laughing and carrying on!
Tu courais dans tous les sens et riais.
How much do you think this stinky stuff weighs?
A votre avis, combien pèse cette masse puante?
Stinky, you're now a member of our traditional circle jerk. Congratulations.
Il m'a serrée contre lui et m'a murmuré quelque chose à l'oreille.
- Hi, Stinky!
- Bonjour, canaille!
Take this fish stinky here.
Fous-moi la paix!
I'm neither stinky nor clean.
ni sale ni propre...

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