Such as it is traduction Français
397 traduction parallèle
Perhaps now, Yancey, you'll stop this ranting up and down... and be content to settle down here in Wichita... run that newspaper of yours, and conduct your law practice, such as it is... with no more talk of Oklahoma.
Yancey, tu vas peut-être cesser de divaguer et être content de t'installer ici, à Wichita, diriger ce journal, devenir avocat et ne plus nous parler de l'Oklahoma.
Supper is ready, such as it is.
Le dîner est prêt.
Her dress will be a simple, black little affair, with hat and purse to match, such as it is today.
Sa robe será simple et noire... avec sac et chapeau assortis, comme aujourd'hui.
"In short, the sum total of my knowledge, such as it is."
La somme totale de mes connaissances.
- Welcome home, such as it is.
- Bienvenue dans ce qui reste.
Ma défense, pour ce qu'il en est... débute le jour de notre remise de diplôme, un jour de juin 1917.
I can give you a little breakfast such as it is.
Je peux vous offrir un petit déjeuner.
I'm sorry to have to tell you, my dear, that your education, such as it is, was paid for by many a broken heart.
Sache que ton éducation m'a coûté de nombreux coeurs brisés.
You as your business and desire shall point you, for every man hath business... and desire such as it is, and from mine own poor part, look you, Ill go pray.
Allez où vous appellent affaires et désirs. Moi, humblement, j'irai prier.
After all such as it is, it's home.
- Mais après tout, j'ai l'habitude. - Merci, Sire.
Well, now we have a lab, such as it is.
On a un labo qui vaut ce qu'il vaut.
Herr Pohlmann has some coffee on, such as it is.
Et Pohlmann a réussi à faire du café.
Une année entière à monter une vieille voiture.
Such as it is, the play is yours.
La pièce est à toi.
Then with Sonia and Camille Father Doonan got himself a staff, such as it is.
Et avec Sonia et Camille, Père Doonan s'est constitué l'équipe qui existe aujourd'hui.
Such as it is, come and get it.
Ça vaut ce que ça vaut, mais servez-vous.
Not only will Babcock's brain, such as it is... give us the precious fuel formula... their bodies will provide vital information... to combat the hazards of future space travel.
Non seulement Babcock va nous révéler la précieuse formule, mais avec leurs corps, nous étudierons les dangers du voyage dans l'espace.
Do you mind, lady? This is my boat, such as it is.
Attendez un peu, c'est mon bateau!
Welcome to my home such as it is.
Bienvenue dans mon humble demeure.
- Such as it is.
- En effet, c'est nous.
Now, let's hear from Mr. Kang Hyun Min's management staff. As you know, our Hyun Min is so gentle and considerate, that it causes such misunderstandings... but at any rate, they're not in a relationship at all.
écoutons ce que le manager de Hyun Min nous a dit. il n'y a aucune relation.
Do you know yourself? Your script analysis is emelentary level, you don't even know how poor your acting is, you're the world's biggest idiot there ever was! As such, when the script comes out, don't even change one thing about it, and just read it properly!
Est-ce que vous vous connaissez? Vous êtes le plus idiot que le monde n'ait vu! Lisez-le juste attentivement! compris?
Well, such as it is.
Well, it's kind of hard to believe that someone who is as little and as dainty and, as you French say, as petite as you could have such a big brother.
C'est dur de croire qu'une personne si menue et délicate, comme disent les Français, petite, puisse avoir un frère bien bâti.
Now, if there is such a word as "measle" it's the singular of "measles," is that right? Or am I too rash?
Si mot le "oreillon" existait, ce serait le singulier d'oreillons, n'est-ce pas?
There can't be any such thing as civilization unless people have a conscience because if people touch God anywhere where is it except through their conscience?
Il n'y a de civilisation que si les gens ont une conscience. Et où peut-on toucher Dieu... sinon en notre conscience?
It is such lovely women as you who drag men down.
Ce sont les belles femmes comme vous qui entraînent les hommes à leur perte.
But it is just such a kind of misgiving... as would perhaps trouble a woman.
Un pressentiment qui troublerait une femme.
For me, it is a religion. And one doesn't really care to see one's religion practiced... in an atmosphere such as this.
Pour moi, c'est une religion, et on ne tient pas à voir sa religion pratiquée...
It's just that there is no such thing as a little garlic.
Il faut finir ce que tu as commencé
The only thing I worship, and I've seen so little of it in life is man's ability to produce work such as yours.
La seule chose que j'admire et qui est si rare, c'est un génie comme le vôtre.
Mrs. Forbes, it is a privilege to have as our tenant... a representative of such a celebrated family.
Mme Forbes, c'est un honneur d'avoir pour locataire une parente d'une famille aussi célèbre.
These fellows have some soul, and such a one do i profess myself for, sir, it is as sure as you're roderigo, were i the moor, i would not be lago.
Voilà des gens qui ont du coeur. Et j'avoue être de leur nombre. Aussi sûr que tu es Roderigo, si j'étais le Maure, je ne voudrais pas être Lago.
'Tis just. And it is very much lamented, Brutus, that you have no such mirrors as will turn your hidden worthiness into your eye, that you might see your shadow.
Et l'on déplore, Brutus, qu'aucun miroir ne reflète à tes yeux ta valeur cachée et te dévoile ton ombre.
In such a time as this it is not meet that every nice offense should bear its comment.
Il faut passer sur bien des choses, de nos jours.
It is safest here And as for taxes, how many millions have you in tax-exempt bonds and oil wells whose power of production your government protects while it denies such benefits to the brain?
Quant aux impôts, combien avez-vous en titres exonérés et en puits de pétrole dont votre gouvernement protège la production, mais sûrement pas celle du cerveau?
As a matter of fact, it is not such a large sum of money and it'll give me the opportunity to start a completely new life. I can go away from here.
Ce n'est pas une grosse somme si on considère qu'elle me permettrait de partir loin d'ici et de refaire ma vie.
It is with stones such as this, and others, that the passages will be sealed.
Ce sont de telles pierres qui scelleront les passages.
And if the speech is right... it will not even mention a national mental health campaign. But at the end of it, the entire audience will rise as one man and demand... not only that such a campaign be launched at once, but that Mr. Hopkins should head it.
Si le discours est bien fait, il n'évoquera aucune campagne... mais quand il aura été prononcé, l'assistance se lèvera... pour exiger une campagne qui sera menée par M. Hopkins.
is it true, as they say, that you bought a mule with such a temper that no one would hire it?
Tu aurais acheté un mulet si têtu que personne n'en veut?
It's your opinion then, Dr. Howard, that a subhuman such as Blake describes is impossible?
C'est donc votre opinion, Dr Howard, que la créature décrite par Blake n'existe pas?
Otherwise, the world would not be in such a state as it is now.
Si ce l'était, le monde ne serait pas dans cet état.
Shocks such as the one you had last night whether the cause is real or imaginary can deal the mind a very serious blow. A blow which could affect it permanently.
Des chocs comme celui d'hier aux causes réelles ou imaginaires, peuvent sérieusement affecter votre esprit, et cela de façon permanente.
Well, well! The Court and jury know what to make of this testimony, marked as it is by such overwhelming passion.
- Eh bien, la cour et messieurs les jurés apprécieront ce qu'il faut retenir de ce témoignage si manifestement marqué par une aussi touchante passion.
It is the order of this court that these chiefs be incarcerated until such time as the detachment of the United States Cavalry be made available to escort them and the Comanche nation to Fort Sill.
Le tribunal ordonne que ces chefs soient incarcérés jusqu'à ce que le détachement de la Cavalerie américaine puisse venir les escorter, eux et la nation Comanche, à Fort Sill.
It is a large, plain moor and, as such, it's a fair field for the enemy horse and cannon against which the Highlanders will be defenceless.
C'est une vaste lande plate un terrain idéal pour l'artillerie et la cavalerie ennemies qui tiendront les Highlanders à leur merci.
But it is such a kind of gain-giving as would perhaps trouble a woman.
Un pressentiment qui suffirait peut-être à troubler une femme.
All I know is that it's a recognized profession such as typist or social worker.
Je sais juste que c'est une profession reconnue, comme dactylo ou assistante sociale.
Didius! The, slaves we've already brought from Gaul are in no condition for further travel and the quality as such we shall have to take far below the market price as it is.
Les esclaves que nous avons déjà ramenés de Gaule ne sont pas en état de poursuivre le voyage, et au vu de leur qualité, nous devrons les revendre bien en dessous des prix du marché.
As such... it is unthinkable that there was an accidental disclosure that would allow the House of li to learn of our intentions!
Le ministre Ii Naosuké ne pouvait pas être au courant.
Is it probable that after so long a silence on this... the very point so urgently sought of me... I should open my mind to such a man as that?
Est-il vraisemblable qu'après un si long silence sur ce sujet, j'aie souhaité en parler si ardemment que j'aie ouvert mon esprit à un tel homme de cette façon?
such as 496
such as what 21
such as yourself 24
as it is 114
as it is in heaven 21
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
such as what 21
such as yourself 24
as it is 114
as it is in heaven 21
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it isn't 1519
it is mine 58
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it isn't real 27
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151
it isn't easy 32
it is mine 58
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it isn't real 27
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151
it isn't easy 32