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Tait traduction Français

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But she was very supportive of me. And we were very close.
Elle m'a toujours soutenue, on Ž tait tr  s proches.
I had a dream that I was in my living-room. It wasn't my living room, but it was like playing my living room in the dream. And I walk through to the backyard and there's a pool and as I'm diving in there's a shark...
J'ai fait le r  ve que j'Ž tais dans mon salon, c'Ž tait pas vraiment mon salon, mais il jouait mon salon dans mon r  ve, je me dirigeais vers le jardin, et dans la piscine,
He would lock... He'd roll up all the windows and lock them and fart in the car with the heat up.
Il enfermait sa famille, vitres ferm Ž es dans la bagnole, et p Ž tait avec le chauffage ˆ fond.
I think it was more like'I want pussy.'
Je crois que c'Ž tait plus :
That this is the person who grew up, who was a child you know, whose mother and father probably never gave him any pussy.
Il Ž tait Ž vident, pour moi, que c'Ž tait une personne qui a grandi, un enfant dont les parents ne lui ont probablement jamais donn Ž de chatte.
But I noticed that his pinky was out.
Mais j'ai remarqu Ž que son petit doigt Ž tait lev Ž.
Ladies it was work, it was a job.
Mesdemoiselles, c'Ž tait un travail, juste un job.
There's a dream in your head that will never come true. There's a stickiness all over and it didn't come from you. You wish your dad had been there but more often times he was not.
Il y a un r  ve dans ta t  te, qui ne se r Ž alisera jamais, il y a un truc qui colle sur toi, et  a vient pas de toi, tu aurais voulu que ton p  re soit l ˆ, mais la plupart du temps il ne l'Ž tait pas,
My nana was a survivor of the Holocaust. I'm sorry, alleged Holocaust.
Ma mamie Ž tait une survivante de l'Holocauste.
God she was at one of the better concentration camps. She had a vanity number, it's said a... "Bedazzled."
Elle Ž tait dans un des meilleurs camps de concentration, elle avait un num Ž ro personnalis Ž :
It was in the context of a joke, you know.
C'Ž tait dans le contexte d'une blague.
And you get ask yourself, is that an edgy joke or is that the racist joke?
Je me suis demand Ž si c'Ž tait une blague limite ou une blague raciste.
And he took me to the gay pride march this year and it was blast, I haven't been there before.
Il m'a emmen Ž ˆ la Gay Pride cette ann Ž e, c'Ž tait incroyable.
He's half white. And he totally broke up with me.
Il Ž tait ˆ moiti Ž blanc, et il m'a totalement largu Ž e...
You know like this woman came up to me last night a she was Mexican and she was so irate, you know she was so angry.
Une femme est venue me voir hier soir, elle Ž tait mexicaine. Et elle Ž tait tellement irrit Ž e, elle Ž tait tellement en col  re.
It's like all new material.
- C'Ž tait g Ž nial. Il y a plein de nouveaux trucs.
I was so cool.
C'Ž tait... cool.
Stay here and keep quiet.
Reste là et tait toi.
We sit tight and keep quiet.
On s'assoit... et on se tait.
The dead shouldn't speak
Quand on est mort, on se tait.
I realized the longer you draw out the time of talking, that's where you are better off shutting your mouth and you just observe from a distance.
Evidemment, avec l'expérience, je me suis aperçu que plus on retarde le moment de parler, mieux cela vaut. On se tait, et on observe de loin.
The bastard won't speak up!
Il se tait comme un sale traître.
Shut up, everyone!
Tout le monde se tait!
Be quiet in the corridor.
On se tait dans le couloir!
Dad was a farmer there, he sowed oats.
Mon père y tait fermier ; il semait l'avoine.
Now he is suffering, but is silent.
Il souffre, mais il se tait... - Il se tait.
Oh, everybody quiet.
Tout le monde se tait.
And no talking
Et tout le monde se tait.
Well, sure, it's the sort of thing a man keeps quiet around his wife, isn't it?
Bien sûr, c'est le genre de choses qu'un homme tait à sa femme, non?
Quiet on the crapper?
On se tait aux chiottes?
I don't care what apu was in a past life, in this life, he's a blabbermouth!
Je me fiche de ce qu'Apu fut dans sa vie passée, dans cette vie, il ne se tait jamais!
If someone was prompted to dial 999 and tell us he was kidnapped, why won't they talk to us now?
Si quelqu'un n'a pas hésité à appeler les services d'urgence lors du rapt, pourquoi tout le monde se tait, à présent?
- Not a peep?
- On se tait?
- Nobody's talking, Jack.
- Tout le monde se tait, Jack.
Locked up at camp, used to look up and see it all white and clean.
Au camp, elle йtait toute blanche et nickel.
'Cause on the outs you'd be dead.
Si on йtait dehors... tu serais mort.
He was my cousin, man.
C'йtait mon cousin.
What was that?
C'йtait quoi, зa?
A couple hours later, she was gone.
Deux heures plus tard, elle йtait morte.
That game today was just like a dream.
Le match йtait comme un rкve.
Your father was a loser, Willie.
Ton pиre йtait un loser.
My old man was the same way.
Mon pиre йtait pareil.
That was a fair hit!
C'йtait rйgulier!
Wha-What was that?
Wha-ce que c'Ã © tait?
Fingers That was fingers through the hair
Des doigts. C'Ã © tait juste des doigts dans les cheveux.
I mean, technically, that wasn't shaking
Je veux dire, techniquement, ce n'Ã © tait pas secouer.
Who totally broke up with me. Cause I'm a fucking loser.
Je peux dire  a, parce que je suis sortie avec un mec qui Ž tait ˆ moiti Ž noir, qui m'a compl  tement largu Ž e, parce que je suis nulle.
It was amazing.
- C'Ž tait d Ž ment.
It was awesome.
C'Ž tait g Ž nial.
Again, gentlemen, no talking.
Je le répète, on se tait.
Be quiet.
On se tait.

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