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That's not going to happen traduction Français

477 traduction parallèle
That's not going to happen.
Ca n'arrivera pas.
That's not going to happen to us.
Ça n'arrivera pas.
But it's not going to happen, because we're fighting openly... and honestly when we admit that you killed Otto Krayler.
Mais rien ne va t'arriver, car nous allons nous battre... ouvertement en admettant que tu as tué Otto Krayler.
And that's not going to happen to you.
Et ça ne t'arrivera pas.
Believe me, that's not going to happen.
Fais-moi confiance, personne passera au travers.
You can rest assured that's not going to happen with me.
Soyez assuré, M. Ullman, que pareille chose ne m'arrivera pas.
Forget Rancho Rosa. That's not going to happen.
Il n'y aura pas de Rancho Rosa.
Les hommes font l'amour avec leurs corps.
But that's not going to happen to our passionate love, my dearest.
Mais ça n'arrivera pas à notre amour passionné.
That's not going to happen for a while, Damell.
C'est pas pour tout de suite, Darnell.
But we're not gonna know anything until we nail down what flammables he's using, and that's going to happen with good, hard detective work.
Mais on n'avancera pas tant qu'on ignore le combustible qu'il utilise, et on l'apprendra avec une bonne enquête.
I'm afraid that's not going to happen.
- Pourquoi?
that's not going to happen, so... well, i'll call charlene.
That's not going to happen.
Mais non!
Well, that's not going to happen now.
Rien de tout ceci ne se produira à présent.
You must think that I'm an idiot and maybe I am but... it's not going to happen.
Tu dois te dire que je suis un idiot. C'est peut-être vrai. On annule tout.
- That's not going to happen.
- Pas question.
That's not going to happen to me.
Moi, ça ne m'arrivera pas!
No, that's not going to happen, Jude.
Ça n'arrivera pas, Jude.
I'm not convinced that's going to happen.
- Je ne pense pas que ce sera le cas.
That's not going to happen.
Ça n'arrivera pas.
But that's not going to happen right now.
- Mais ça n'arrivera pas.
That's not going to happen, is it?
Mais il n'en est pas question...
That Dominion counterstrike you were so worried about... it's not going to happen.
Cette offensive du Dominion qui vous préoccupait tant... - elle n'aura pas lieu.
I'm going to make in this possible future. It's not as if I've seen everything that's going to happen over the next six years.
Je n'ai pas vu tout ce qui allait se passer.
Not that it's going to happen anytime soon. I mean, everybody thinks about this.
Je ne dis pas que ça va arriver lâ, mais on y pense tous de temps â autre.
That's not going to happen.
That's not going to happen, Jason.
Ça n'arrivera pas.
We're supposed to be on a roadtrip to Maine right now, but that's obviously not going to happen.
On devrait être en route pour le Maine en ce moment... mais visiblement, ça se fera pas.
- Yeah, well, that's not going to happen this time.
Eh bien... pas cette fois.
That's not going to happen.
Il n'en est pas question.
It's bad enough that I'm just going on Saturday but don't expect me to get out there and start bustin'a move'cause it's just not going to happen.
ça me pèse déjà assez d'y aller. Ne t'attends pas à me voir sur la piste.
That it's not going to happen?
Que ça n'arrivera pas?
That's not going to happen.
Pas de mon vivant!
That's not going to happen again.
- Cela n'arrivera plus.
That's not going to happen.
Ça ne se passera pas comme ça.
That's not going to happen to me.
Ça ne m'arrivera pas.
That's not going to happen.
I'm afraid that's not going to happen.
Je suis désolée mais ça n'arrivera pas.
That's going to happen whether we let you go or not.
Ce qui arrivera que nous vous laissions partir ou non.
- That's not going to happen.
- Ca n'arrivera pas.
But that's not going to happen before two weeks from Thursday.
Mais rien ne va changer d'ici à deux semaines.
Mr. Paris, try to stay calm. No, that's not going to happen.
Ne peut-on rien faire d'autre?
I mean, I know what I want but that's probably not going to happen.
Je sais ce que je veux, mais ca n'arrivera sans doute pas.
That's not going to happen.
Mais non pas du tout.
That's not going to happen unless he comes back.
Tu devrais arrêter de t'inquiéter.
That's not going to happen here.
Aucune chance que ça arrive ici.
12,000 more tomorrow, and the reason is that you girls wake up in the morning and say, "It's not going to happen to me."
Et demain 12 000 de plus, et tout cela, parce que vous pensez dans vos petites têtes :
- That's not going to happen.
- Sûrement pas.
With respect, sir, that's not going to happen.
Sans vouloir vous vexer, ça n'arrivera pas.
That's not going to happen.
Cela ne va pas se produire. Cela ne va pas se produire, Gavin.

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