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That's something else traduction Français

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There's death there for me, and life for something else inside me that isn't me.
La mort m'attend là-bas. Et la vie pour quelque chose en moi qui ne m'appartient pas.
Well, that's the most pathetic statement I've ever heard from anyone but if you can't understand Hamlet, you may be able to understand something else though I doubt it.
Je n'ai jamais entendu affirmation plus pathétique. Si vous ne comprenez pas Hamlet, vous comprendrez peut-être ceci. Bien que j'en doute.
Well, that's something else, again.
Voilà qui est mieux.
That's something else again, isn't it?
- Voilà encore autre chose.
And here's something else that may upset your plans a bit.
Il y a autre chose qui pourrait venir contrecarrer tes plans.
You're awful sweet and all that, but your mind's always on something else. Or maybe someone else. ls it, sugar pie?
Mais vous semblez toujours penser à autre chose... ou quelqu'un d'autre.
- That's something else.
- C'est quelque chose, ça.
-... that's something else.
- ce sera différent.
But if that doesn't work something else will
Mais s'il n'y a pas façons Ils le feront différemment
I hate the army, I'm through with it, but friendship, that's something else.
Je déteste l'armée et j'en ai fini avec elle, mais l'amitié, c'est autre chose.
That's right. There's something else I wouldn't do.
Il y a autre chose que je ne ferais pas.
Oh, no, that's something else.
C'est pas ça...
There's something else I probably should have told you before, but I really don't see that it makes the slightest difference, do you?
Il y a autre chose que j'aurais dû vous dire auparavant, mais je ne vois vraiment pas quelle différence cela fait.
That's something else.
Ça alors.
And there's something else that's wrong.
Et il y a un autre problème.
That's something else, of course!
Voilà autre chose, bien sûr!
Just looking at Artur, you can tell right away that it ´ s something else.
Il suffit de regarder Artur pour comprendre que c ´ est autre chose.
That's something else to learn.
C'est autre chose que tu dois apprendre.
That chair... But now there's something else, Nora : My friends.
Ce poste, mais il y a autre chose.
- I know all that, chief. I don't like it any better than you. But there's something else.
Je sais, chef, je regrette cela autant que vous, mais ce n'est pas tout...
Ballet dancing is an art, and when you combine it with rhythm, that's something else.
Le ballet est un art, mais le cabaret, c'est tout autre chose.
It's something that has never happened to me before... something I never expected would happen... but suddenly it is as if nothing else existed... even my music, which used to mean so much to me. Yes.
But there's something else that needs sorting out for which I feel partly responsible.
Mais il y a autre chose que j'aimerais régler et dont je me sens en partie responsable.
That's something else again, eh, Marius?
C'est plus pareil.
But to stay and live with someone, share his everyday life... that's something else.
Mais rester, vivre avec un seul être, partager avec lui la petite vie quotidienne, c'est autre chose.
If she can't get us back, she can't. That's that. We must try to think of something else.
Si elle ne peut rien, trouvons autre chose.
That's something else I've gotta get used to :
Il va falloir que je m'y habitue.
That's something else I remember too. Even if it didn't happen to me, but to a guy named Taylor.
Je me souviens de ça aussi, même si c'est arrivé à un type appelé Taylor.
You have something that's worth more than the coin to someone else.
Vous avez quelque chose qui vaut plus que la pièce à quelqu'un d'autre.
That's something else I never could figure.
Ça aussi, ça me dépasse.
That's a fine thing - I'll have to change into something else
Je vais devoir me changer.
Jail don't bother me none, but that Sidneye, he's something else.
La prison me fait pas peur, on en sort.
I got something else here that's the truth.
J'ai ici une autre vérité.
It's something else about guns that gets him, not killing.
Ce n'est pas pour ça qu'il est attiré par les armes.
It's good that you're not dropping your guard, but this is something else!
Ils ont dit ça à San Giorgio.
Now that's something else.
Ben, alors là, c'est autre chose.
On the other hand, when a man makes a deal with me takes my money and then double-crosses me like you did that's something else again.
Mais quand un homme fait affaire avec moi, prend mon argent et me double comme vous l'avez fait, c'est autre chose.
Trying to win Camilla, that's something else.
Gagner le cœur de Camilla, c'est une autre histoire.
Now that's something else again.
Tiens, voilà autre chose.
Oh, that's something else.
Oh, c'est un autre sujet.
There's something else I saw that night in the museum.
J'ai remarqué autre chose cette nuit-là au musée.
You look for one thing here in the Gulf. I'm looking for something else. That's the only difference.
Vous cherchez quelque chose ici et moi, autre chose, voilà tout!
You know something else that's very beautiful?
Il y a encore mieux :
Reverend, that's not all. There's something else.
Il y a encore autre chose que je ne digère pas.
But before he goes... He did something very bad, and I'm not asking you to forgive him. You have to give him some sign that you love him... or else he'll never be a man.
Mais avant qu'il s'en aille, je ne vous demande pas de lui pardonner, mais faites-lui signe que vous l'aimez ou il ne sera jamais un homme.
The liar's kiss that says "I love you"... but means something else.
Le baiser de Judas qui dit : "Je vous aime" mais veut dire autre chose.
Well, that's something else you gonna worry about.
Débrouille-toi! Allez! Circule!
That's something else I ain't heard in 14 years.
Ça non plus, je ne l'avais plus entendu!
Anyway, that's all over now... and we were talking about something else, remember?
De toute façon, c'est passé, et nous parlons d'autre chose, vous vous rappelez?
There's something else in that sack for you. Uhh.
Il y a autre chose pour vous dans ce sac.
But there's something else that isn't going to be easy either.
Il y a autre chose qui va te bouleverser.

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