That doesn't matter traduction Français
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That Don Eppes doesn't matter.
Que Don Eppes ne serve à rien.
But that doesn't matter. It wasn't about me at all.
Mais qu'importe ce que je pouvais ressentir.
We don't know that, and even if we did, it doesn't matter.
On n'en sait rien et même si c'était le cas, ce n'est pas le problème.
So it doesn't even matter that I'm gonna walk down the aisle without a veil in a room that has no flowers to the music of half a harp played by a woman who's crowning, as my high school boyfriend reads Guns N'Roses lyrics.
Alors ça n'a pas d'importance que je descende l'allée sans voile dans une pièce sans fleurs avec comme instrument, la moitié d'une harpe jouée par une femme qui accouche, pendant que mon petit-ami du lycée me lira des paroles des Guns N'Roses.
That doesn't matter, it's over.
Ce n'est pas important, c'est fini.
Well, that doesn't matter right now.
Eh bien, ça n'a pas d'importance, pour le moment.
Right, sorry, I forget that doesn't matter in your world.
C'est vrai, désolé, j'oublie que ça ne compte pas dans votre monde.
Well, that doesn't matter.
C'est pas important.
Well that doesn't matter.
Bref, on s'en fiche.
Yeah. It doesn't matter. Because the law says that you are just as guilty as he is.
Parce que la loi dit que vous êtes aussi coupable qu'il l'est.
That's the bitch of it all- - it doesn't matter what you did or didn't do, and nothing... nothing changes that, nothing.
Peu importe ce qu'on a fait ou pas, et rien ne peut changer ça, rien.
- I'm the son that doesn't matter.
- Le fils dont on s'en fout.
Oh, that doesn't matter now.
Oh, ça n'a plus d'importance.
Zach Thaler, un voleur de diamants, a succombé à un paralysant injecté sur le côté.
Oh, that doesn't matter.
Oh, c'est pas important.
Look, it doesn't matter anyways because long before that happens, they're going to fuse together so tightly, they will be rendered essentially inert.
Cela n'importe pas, car avant que ça se produise, ils vont se souder si fortement qu'ils seront inertes.
It doesn't matter to you, does it, that I have given everything to this firm, - including my integrity.
Vous vous foutez que j'aie tout donné à cette entreprise, n'est-ce pas,
I'm kind of surprised she hasn't told you that doesn't matter.
Je suis surpris qu'elle ne vous ait pas dit que ça ne change rien.
Jake, that doesn't matter.
Jake, c'est pas un problème.
Oh, that doesn't really matter, does it?
Ça n'a pas vraiment d'importance.
Sighted women seem to be concerned with form and figure, but that doesn't matter to us.
Les femmes qui peuvent voir considèrent que leur apparence est importante. Mais pour nous, non.
The principal told me but that doesn't matter for me
Le principal m'en a parlé. Pour moi, ça n'a aucune importance.
He tell you not to care? That your niece's death doesn't matter?
Il vous a dit de ne pas vous soucier de la mort de votre nièce?
That doesn't matter, I don't know anything about electricity and I'm the Minister for Energy.
Ça fait rien. Je connais rien en électricité et je suis Ministre de l'Énergie.
That's the fundamental law. Doesn't matter?
Allons plus loin, pourquoi plus et moins sont-ils une paire?
That doesn't matter.
Peu importe.
That doesn't really matter.
Est-ce important?
Couples believe that their children are to blame for all crisis. It doesn't matter if they're there, or if they're gone.
On croit que les enfants sont la cause de toutes les crises, parce qu'ils sont là, puis parce qu'ils partent.
It made me realize that it doesn't matter where you come from.
J'ai réalisé que peu importe d'où vous êtes.
No, but that doesn't matter now.
Non, mais ça n'a plus d'importance.
That's what he said. - Yeah. He summed it up, basically, " It doesn't matter what the fuck,
Il a raison, c'est ce qu'on a de plus précieux.
Maybe that doesn't matter any more.
Ça n'a peut-être plus d'importance.
That... That doesn't matter, but you've...
Ca n'a pas d'importance, mais tu dois...
That's weird, cos all day I've been fretting about... It doesn't even matter.
C'est marrant parce que toute la journée j'ai... aucune importance, un verre?
Well, that doesn't matter now.
Ça n'a plus d'importance, maintenant.
That doesn't matter.
Ça, ça compte pas.
The only profile we have is that it lives to eat. Doesn't matter what.
Tout ce qu'on sait, c'est qu'il vit pour manger.
It doesn't matter what you say,'cause all your boys are going to hear is that you rolled on Alvarado.
tout ce que tes gars vont entendre dire, c'est que tu as balancé Alvarado.
That doesn't matter.
Ça n'a pas d'importance.
That's not true, but it doesn't matter.
Ce n'est pas vrai, mais ca n'a pas d'importance
So it doesn't matter that Darken Rahl is growing more powerful every day, that people in the Midlands are losing their freedom,
Peu importe que le pouvoir de Darken Rahl grandisse de jour en jour, que les peuples du Milieu perdent leur liberté,
Doesn't matter that Darken Rahl is growing more powerful?
Donc, peu importe que le pouvoir de Rahl grandisse de jour en jour?
It doesn't matter what your dad thinks. I like that john kid.
Peu importe ce que dit ton père, j'aime bien ce type, John.
I know it doesn't matter anymore and that you'll probably spend the rest of your life hating me.
Je sais, il est trop tard, tu me détestes...
- So it doesn't matter that I wasn't here, right?
Pas gênant que je sois pas là, alors?
Doesn't matter. I'm gonna get it done next week. I've been telling him that.
Je devais le faire pour la semaine prochaine.
That doesn't matter now.
Mais ça n'a plus d'importance.
God, Mum, that doesn't matter.
Je m'en fiche. C'est trop cool!
But that doesn't matter.
Mais peu importe.
Doesn't matter that he makes me happy
Peu importe qu'il me rende heureuse
Thing is, it doesn't matter that I'm there for her.
Le fait est, ça ne compte pas que je soit là pour elle.
that doesn't matter now 26
that doesn't seem fair 27
that doesn't exist 18
that doesn't make any sense 402
that doesn't sound like you 29
that doesn't sound right 46
that doesn't bother you 34
that doesn't sound good 109
that doesn't even make sense 56
that doesn't mean 35
that doesn't seem fair 27
that doesn't exist 18
that doesn't make any sense 402
that doesn't sound like you 29
that doesn't sound right 46
that doesn't bother you 34
that doesn't sound good 109
that doesn't even make sense 56
that doesn't mean 35