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That wasn't a lie traduction Français

72 traduction parallèle
Son all that he said about your decoration was a lie, wasn't it?
Mon fils, tout ce qu'il a dit a propos de... tes décorations, c'était faux, n'est-ce pas?
That wasn't a lie.
Je ne mentais pas.
It wasn't that great a lie.
Pas si terrible, votre mensonge!
And just for your information, that wasn't a lie.
Et en plus, je te signale que ce n'était pas un mensonge.
I just left Jessie at the jail and he told me that he was not gonna testify, he didn't want to get up there and lie, that the officers have been working on him real hard, but, he wasn't gonna listen to them,
Je viens de voir Jessie en prison et il m'a dit qu'il n'allait pas témoigner. Il ne veut pas aller raconter des mensonges.
Everything you told us. Except for how I feel about you and your family. That wasn't a lie.
tout ce que tu nous a raconté... sauf ce que j'éprouves pour toi et ta famille, ça c'est pas un mensonge.
It's about the fact that I wasn't even a factor in his decision-making process. - Totally.
Je n'étais même pas un élément lié à sa décision.
And the decision to lie - - that was a choice too, wasn't it, Susan?
Et la décision de mentir?
So this talk about loving your husband that was a lie, wasn't it? No.
Cet amour pour votre mari, c'était un mensonge?
- Well, she assumed it was a lie, but liked the fact that it was a bald-faced one which meant that in fact he wasn't lying but trying to send her a signal that he wanted to talk but that now wasn't a good time.
- Elle a cru à un mensonge mais comme il était flagrant, ça voulait dire qu'il ne mentait pas et qu'il voulait lui parler mais pas maintenant.
- That's what I told Captain Archer. I said there wasn't any reason for you to lie to us.
C'est ce que j'ai dit au Capitaine Archer, et il a dit qu'il n'y avait pas de raison que vous mentiez, n'est-ce pas?
That wasn't a lie, Peter.
Ce n'était pas un mensonge.
- Hey, what wasn't a lie was your performance in that courtroom.
Ce qui n'a pas été un mensonge, c'est ton comportement en cour.
So that was a lie, wasn't it?
C'était donc un mensonge, non?
On that April fool's day... there was news that could have been a lie but it wasn't :
Ce premier avril, jour des mensonges... il y a eu une nouveauté qui aurait pu être un mensonge.
That's the first thing that came out your mouth that wasn't a fucking lie.
Enfin, tu dis la vérité.
What if dad found out it wasn't for real, that the letter was just a lie?
Si papa découvrait que c'était un bluff, que cette lettre était un mensonge?
- That was a lie, wasn't it?
- C'était un mensonge, n'est-ce pas?
Ce n'était pas vraiment un mensonge.
Well, that wasn't a lie.
Je ne t'ai pas menti.
That wasn't a lie.
Ce n'était pas un mensonge.
But that was a lie, wasn't it?
Mais il a menti, n'est-ce pas?
But it was my intention that, this time, there would be no reason to lie, because I wasn't gonna do anything wrong.
Cette fois, il n'y a pas de raisons de mentir, parce que je n'allais rien faire de mal.
That wasn't a lie.
- Ce n'était pas un mensonge.
We knew that she'd be able to tell if you were lying to her, so as far as you were concerned, it wasn't a lie.
Nous savions qu'elle saurait si tu lui mentais, donc en ce qui te concerne, ce n'était pas un mensonge.
What, did you think I was gonna lie and tell you that I was a great husband? 'Cause I wasn't.
Tu pensais que j'allais mentir et dire que j'étais un mari modèle?
I wasn't gonna say anything because I wasn't sure, but th Julia mentions that he was in Portland with his sick mother, which is obviously a lie and incredibly low, if you ask me.
Je n'osais trop rien dire parce que je n'en étais pas certaine, mais Julia a précisé qu'il était à Portland avec sa maman malade, ce qui est évidemment un mensonge éhonté selon moi.
I liked you- - that wasn't a lie.
Vous me plaisez.
That's strange, even if he wasn't connected. He wiped them out, without trying to get any information out of them.
Même s'il n'est pas lié à eux, quelque chose cloche, car il les a exterminés sans leur soutirer d'informations.
No, that wasn't a lie.
C'était vrai.
Was there anything you said to me - anything you did - that wasn't a lie?
Y a-t-il une seule de tes paroles, un seul de tes actes qui ne mentait pas?
Chloe. I found a research facility linked to Luthorcorp that wasn't in your files - Cadmus Labs.
J'ai trouvé un centre lié à LuthorCorp qui n'est pas dans tes fichiers.
And if they do and if it leaves a mark, if that kid or any kid is troubled by some lie or something that wasn't said, then they're really gonna need to talk about it eventually.
Si c'est le cas, et qu'un enfant est traumatisé par un mensonge ou un non-dit, il aura besoin d'en parler... à un moment donné.
Now, I won't lie, it wasn't easy finding a way to get that lock open. The key!
Je me suis empalée sur les piques anti-pigeon.
- That wasn't a lie!
- Ce n'était pas un mensonge!
First time you saw me, if that wasn't a lie.
La 1re fois que tu m'as vue. Si tu n'as pas menti.
That's a lie! I wasn't there!
C'est un mensonge!
That was a lie, wasn't it?
C'était un mensonge, pas vrai?
We asked if you knew anyone who wanted your partner dead, and you said no, but that was a lie, wasn't it?
D'après vous, personne ne voulait sa mort, mais c'est faux.
That wasn't a lie.
C'était pas un mensonge.
That was a lie, wasn't it?
C'était un mensonge, n'est-ce pas?
Said he wasn't gonna lie to his country or his family like that.
Il a dit qu'il ne mentirait pas à son pays ou à sa famille.
If you think everything I said was a lie, then I'll prove that it wasn't.
Je te prouverai que je n'ai pas dit que des mensonges.
And I think that has a lot to do directly with the fact that it wasn't exploited in stuffed toys or cartoons or post-it notes or sleeping bags or anything.
Et c'est lié au fait qu'ils n'ont pas été transformés en peluches, en Post-it ou en sacs de couchage.
So I told a little white lie to my boss'cause I wasn't where I was supposed to be last night, and I said that you and I...
Donc j'ai raconté un bobard à mon chef parce que j'étais pas là où j'étais censé être hier, et je lui ai dit que toi et moi...
It wasn't that big of a lie.
Ce n'est pas un si gros mensonge.
Well, so why would he lie about a story that wasn't true?
Oui, mais pourquoi mentir pour une histoire fausse?
Are you? How do I know that wasn't a lie, too?
Comment je sais que c'Ã © tait pas un autre mensonge?
It's the only thing in my life that wasn't a lie.
C'est la seule chose dans ma vie qui n'était pas un mensonge.
It's the only thing in my life that wasn't a lie.
C'est la seule chose dans ma vie qui ne soit pas un mensonge.
- That was a lie, wasn't it?
- C'était un mensonge, exact?

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