They don't traduction Français
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Not only do they not see me, they don't see me seeing them.
Seulement d'un point de vue anthropologique.
But they don't know the truth.
Mais ils ignorent la vérité.
Uh, no, actually, they don't.
Pas vraiment, non.
Oh, they totally don't.
T'as raison.
I guess an advantage of pet rocks is that they don't die.
L'avantage des pierres, c'est qu'elles meurent pas.
Yeah. They don't eat too much.
Elles ne mangent pas trop.
And they don't crap on the floor.
Et elles ne chient pas sur le sol.
I just don't get why they're calling you to testify.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu dois témoigner.
Don't worry, they're not going far.
T'en fais pas, ils ne vont pas bien loin.
I'll light them on fire and let them burn until they're... I don't know, melted plastic and ash. It's your call.
Je les enflammerai et les laisserai brûler jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste que des cendres.
And if we don't help them, if we turn away, then they can't win.
Si on ne les aide pas, si on leur tourne le dos, ils ne peuvent pas gagner.
They don't need to know we were here.
Pour ne pas se faire repérer.
Why don't they live in the Kingdom?
- Pourquoi pas vivre au Royaume?
Maybe they kill her, maybe they don't, but it's gonna show Ezekiel what he needs to do.
Ils vont peut-être pas la tuer, mais ça montrera à Ezekiel qu'il faut agir.
Problem is, they don't keep. They fall apart.
Mais ils durent pas, ils se décomposent.
You don't know how they work?
Tu connais pas le principe?
They take us, we don't get another try.
S'ils nous chopent, c'est terminé.
Yeah, but they got all this shit now that they don't even know how to test for.
Ils ont tout ces nouveaux produits maintenant qu'ils ne savent même pas comment les tester.
They don't have to keep trying to kill us if we join them.
Ils arrêterons de nous pourchasser si nous les rejoignons.
Don't worry, Morty, they love you.
Ne t'inquiète pas Morty, ils t'adorent.
The Vindicators say their job is to fight evil wherever it hides, but they don't...
Les Vindicateurs disent que leurs job est de combattre le mal partout ou il se cache, mais ils ne le font pas...
And I don't... they...
Et je veux pas... ils...
They don't want me around.
Ils ne veulent pas de moi.
And they're on the ground floor, so you don't get this view.
Et ils n'ont pas cette vue.
Sometimes they don't.
Mais pas toujours.
they spend their money, but they don't have the wherewithal "to even show up and invest their time?"
"mais ils sont pas fichus de donner un peu de leur temps?"
Now, folks, don't forget to visit our mixologists. They made a signature cocktail for this evening called the Otter Bay.
Passez voir notre barman qui a créé un cocktail, l'Otter Bay.
They don't know anything about you.
Ils ne savent rien de toi.
Hon, they don't look at those cases as close as the young ones.
Mon cœur, ils ne s'en occuperont pas autant que s'il avait été jeune.
Because he knows what they don't.
Car il sait ce que les autres ne savent pas.
They always find a way to screw you, don't they?
Ils arrivent toujours à nous avoir, pas vrai?
Don't trust anyone who comes, if they do, which they may not.
Si jamais quelqu'un se pointe, ne lui faites pas confiance.
Must be something there they don't want us to find.
Il doit y avoir quelque chose qu'ils ne veulent pas qu'on trouve.
They don't have the skills for this place.
Ils n'ont pas les compétences pour cette structure.
You know they say that presidents don't make new friends.
Vous savez qu'ils disent que les présidents Ne faites pas de nouveaux amis.
And they don't do that to tell people what's going on.
Et ils ne font pas ça pour informer les gens.
We need to make sure they don't get themselves in trouble.
Il faut s'assurer qu'elles ne s'attirent pas de problèmes.
I-I don't know who these people are, but they are serious.
Je-je ne sais pas qui sont ces gens, mais ils sont sérieux.
But they don't know me, and they don't know Franny, and they don't know what really happened.
Mais ils ne me connaissent pas, et il ne connaissent pas Franny. et ils ne savent pas ce qu'il s'est réellement passé.
- Who's "they," if you - don't mind me asking?
- Qui ça "ils", si je puis me permettre?
They missed you once, now they have to finish the job... which means either we stay here and pray they don't find us or...
Ils vous ont ratée, ils doivent en finir. Soit on reste ici en espérant qu'ils...
Some people, you put them together, and no matter how much they love each other, they just don't work.
Certaines personnes, vous les mettez ensemble, et peu importe combien ils s'aiment, ça ne fonctionnent pas.
They just don't.
Ça ne le fait pas.
And they don't care.
Il s'en moque.
They don't stay in one place for too long.
Ils ne restent pas en place.
- I don't know if you are a part of this or a victim of it, but if this is real, if they've actually built this device, they're not sending people to some magical place
J'ignore si vous êtes complice ou victime. Mais si c'est vrai, s'ils ont construit cette machine, ils n'ont pas... envoyé les gens dans un lieu magique auprès de leurs êtres chers.
I don't know. They want me to get on a bus.
- Je sais pas, je prends le bus.
They don't care.
Ils s'en fichent.
They'd like you to go down to the station and make a statement, assuming you don't have any pressing business in Melbourne.
Ils aimeraient que vous fassiez une déposition, si rien d'urgent ne vous appelle à Melbourne.
They don't look like physicists to me. What are physicists supposed to look like?
- On dirait pas des physiciennes.
They say they don't believe in love and they don't feel pain.
Ils prétendent ne pas croire en l'amour, ne pas souffrir.
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16
they don't matter 18
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16
they don't matter 18