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Thorne traduction Français

858 traduction parallèle
I'll show you. Contract or no contract, we're gonna get this man Thorne.
Contrat ou pas, on aura ce Thorne.
Here are those blueprints you wanted, Mr. Thorne.
Voici les plans, M. Thorne.
FROTHINGHAM : Mr. Thorne is here.
M. Thorne est là.
THORNE : I've put the clutch here.
J'ai mis l'embrayage là.
" Tuesday night, Thorne had dinner alone from 7 : 10 to 8 : 20 at the athletic club.
" Mardi, Thorne a dîné seul de 19 h 10 à 20 h 20 au club.
Wednesday night, 7 to 8 : 45, Thorne had dinner at the Red Onion Cafe with Miss Joyce. "
Mercredi soir, de 19 h à 20 h 45, Thorne a dîné au Red Onion Café - avec Mlle Joyce. "
- Thorne then drove girl to her apartment. "
Thorne l'a raccompagnée chez elle. "
That blond stenographer of Thorne's. I want her discharged immediately.
Renvoyez la sténographe de Thorne.
A man of Jim Thorne's type, for example, wants a woman who will look up to him.
- Ça dépend. Un homme comme Jim Thorne recherche une femme prévenante, douce, féminine, quelqu'un qu'il puisse protéger.
That's because Jim Thorne is strong. And rather primitive, perhaps.
Car c'est un homme fort et assez fruste.
Mr. Thorne?
M. Thorne!
You're about to become Mrs. Thorne. Come on.
Vous allez devenir Mme Thorne.
That's me and Dick and Thorne.
moi, Dick et Thorne.
Who's Thorne?
- Thorne?
Leick Thorne. He's a woodsman.
- Un forestier.
Isn't there somebody there, somebody with the name of Thorne?
- N'y a-t-il pas... - un certain Thorne?
And this is Leick Thorne.
Voilà Leick Thorne.
Mornin', Miss Harland.
- Bonjour. - Thorne!
Thorne! - Who gets up first, you or the sun?
Vous vous levez avant le soleil?
- Thorne, do you dream a lot?
- Rêvez-vous beaucoup? - Jamais.
But there's Danny's room on one side of us and Thorne's room on the other side, and the wall's as thin as paper and the acoustics disgustingly perfect.
Mais la chambre de Danny d'un côté, celle de Thorne de l'autre. Le mur est une feuille de papier, le son porte à merveille.
- And do you know that Thorne moved his cot and his things... to the boathouse this morning? - And do you know... - He did?
Et sais-tu... que Thorne a déménagé dans la remise?
- He went with Thorne.
- Avec Thorne.
- Where's Thorne?
- Où est Thorne?
I'm afraid Thorne won't have time for that.
Thorne n'aura pas le temps de s'en occuper.
Thorne showed me.
C'est Thorne qui m'a appris.
You were insulting to your mother and mean to Thorne. Treated him like a servant.
- Tu as blessé ta mère... et traité Thorne en domestique.
You got rid of everybody else... your mother, Ruth, Thorne.
Tu avais liquidé tous les autres. Ta mère, Ruth, Thorne.
- Mr. Tim Thorne LeStrange.
- M. Tim Thorne LeStrange.
Now this is Joe Franks, he's the local press baron. Commander Steed, the headshrinker
Voici Dick Thorne, notre cerveau.
- from the admiralty. - Hello there. And this is Dick Thorne, our chief egghead around here,
Faites-lui les honneurs demain.
They're going to have a new test transmission with a new frequency on a new satellite next week.
- Le rubis? Thorne l'a fabriqué tout seul. Aurait-on pu découvrir le mélange avant?
Could anyone find out what the mixture was before
- Ca peut être Thorne? Possible.
Thorne : Okay in a moment, Steed?
2 ou 3 jours.
When you are. Find out, it's vital. - Could it be Thorne?
L'ennemi doit faire vite pour voler la formule.
The only way to discover the formula of the ruby after it's made unless Thorne is the leak is to get a look at the top-secret list of its components that he sends to the admiralty.
J'ai découvert une chose. La formule du rubis est dans la liste secrète que Thorne envoie à l'Amirauté.
We're six weeks behind schedule as we are. Thorne : Oh, good morning, sir.
On a déjà 6 semaines de retard.
- Because Professor Thorne has a new crystal and a new frequency, both of which are unknown outside this establishment.
- Pourquoi? Le nouveau cristal et la fréquence sont connus de ce seul service.
Nothing showing so far, sir.
Voici Thorne, le responsable du programme.
Oh, gentlemen, this is Dick Thorne, he's in charge of the program.
Il nous donnera des explications plus tard.
There's something. What's that? Thorne :
Ca va s'intensifier dans les prochaines 60 secondes.
That's the best I've ever seen it. I really believe you've done it this time, Thorne.
Il faut d'abord atteindre l'intensité maximale.
Thorne : Blast it!
La 2e radio.
You know, I feel quite sorry for Nash. It must be embarrassing having the undersecretary peering over your shoulder.
Thorne doit être terriblement déçu.
I feel more sorry for Thorne.
Oui, mais ça prouve que Crane est innocent.
- Name's Thorne.
Il s'appelle Thorne.
Thorne :
- Un genre.
Thorne made it himself without help.
- Vous devez le découvrir.
That's gamma all right, it should get stronger over the next 60 seconds. Thorne : There you are.
Ca n'a jamais été aussi clair, vous avez réussi cette fois!

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