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Try not to think about it traduction Français

143 traduction parallèle
Let's try not to think about it anymore.
Tâchons de ne plus y penser.
Relax, honey, and try not to think about it.
Détends-toi, chérie, essaie de ne plus y penser.
I try not to think about it.
Moi, je n'y pense pas.
Try not to think about it.
Tâchez de ne pas y penser.
Try not to think about it.
- Ne vous inquiétez pas. Calmez-vous.
David, try not to think about it, they'll be all right.
Ne t'inquiète pas. Tout se passera bien.
And try not to think about it for a few minutes.
Arrête un peu d'y penser.
Try not to think about it.
Essayez de ne pas y penser.
You may be right. But try not to think about it.
Possible, mais mieux vaudrait d'essayer de ne plus penser à tout ça.
Please, try not to think about it.
S'il te plaît, essaie de ne pas y penser.
Try not to think about it.
I try not to think about it.
C'est une question que j'évite de me poser.
Try not to think about it right now.
Essaie de ne plus y penser.
I try not to think about it but my father can't help it.
J'essaie de ne pas y penser, mais père ne peut pas s'en empêcher.
Try not to think about it now.
Essayez de ne pas y penser.
I try not to think about it.
J'essaie de ne pas y penser.
Haleh, I really try not to think about it too much.
Haleh, j'essaie de me sortir ça de l'esprit.
L... i try not to think about it, and therefore, i, you know, don't, because it's a very healthy way to deal with something that is ultimately not that important in the long run.
J'essaie de ne pas y penser. Et donc je n'y pense pas. C'est un moyen très sain de lutter contre une chose, qui, en définitive, n'est pas si importante.
Try not to think about it.
N'y pense pas.
Try not to think about it anymore.
Essaie de ne plus y penser.
To tell you the truth, I try not to think about it.
A vrai dire, je préfère ne pas y penser.
- I try not to think about it.
- J'essaie de ne pas y penser.
Honestly, sir, I try not to think about it that much.
À vrai dire, Lieutenant, j'y pense le moins possible.
- Try not to think about it.
- Essaie de ne plus y penser.
I got to put pressure on it. Try not to think about it.
Je suis obligé d'appuyer...
You try not to think about it.
Vous le rangez dans un coin de votre esprit.
- I try not to think about it.
- J'évite d'y penser.
J'essaye de ne pas y penser.
Try not to think about it
Essaie de ne pas y penser.
The best you can do is just relax and try not to think about it.
La meilleure chose que tu puisses faire, c'est te relaxer et d'éviter d'y penser.
Try not to think about it.
Essaie de ne pas penser à ça.
Same way I handle everything try not to think about it.
Comme la plupart des choses, j'essaie de ne pas y penser.
I think we should just move on and try not to think about it.
Je pense qu'on devrait aller de l'avant et essayer de ne pas y penser.
I try not to think about it.
J'essaie de pas y penser.
And, above all, try not to think about it
Et par dessus tout, arrête de trop gamberger.
But try not to think about it tonight all right?
Mais essayez de ne pas y penser ce soir, d'accord?
You know, I try not to think about it.
J'essaie de pas y penser.
I just try not to think about it anymore. You know?
J'essaie juste de ne plus y penser.
-... but I try not to think about it much.
- mais j'essaie de ne pas trop y penser.
So I guess I'm gonna try not to think about it, although I guess right now I am thinking about it.
Je vais essayer de ne pas y penser, sauf que c'est ce que je suis en train de faire.
I try not to think about it.
J'essaye de ne pas y penser.
Essayons de ne plus y penser.
Try not to think about it.
- Essayez de ne pas y penser.
I try not to think about it yet, you know.
J'essaie de ne pas y penser.
I try to get a sense of it and not think about it so much.
J'essaie de sentir plutôt que de trop y réfléchir.
Try not to think about it.
Essaie de ne pas y penser.
Ok, look, I'm not happy about this, either, but Jack asked us to do it, and he's important to both of us, so I think we should at least try.
Ca m'emballe pas non plus des masses, mais Jack nous l'a demandé.
Um... you know if you think about it, please try not to forget our plans this weekend. Okay?
N'oublie pas nos projets pour ce week-end.
Hey, I know I'm not your father, and, I'd never try to tell you what to do, but... I just... wish you'd think about it.
Je sais que je ne suis pas ton père, et je n'essaierai jamais de te dire quoi faire, mais... j'aimerais juste que tu y réfléchisse.
I try not to cry in front someone i think is against me, but that's about it.
J'évite de pleurer devant des gens hostiles, c'est tout.
I'll try not to think about where it's been. 911 Calling... no, no, no, no- - don't do that, now. Come on.
Je vais essayer d'oublier par où elle est passée... 911 APPEL EN COURS

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