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Wag traduction Français

228 traduction parallèle
Think you're a big wag, don't you?
Tu te prends pour quelqu'un?
If you let anything happen to him, you'll never wag that tail again.
S'il lui arrive quelque chose, tu ne remueras plus jamais la queue.
I call it wag.
Quelle honte!
We got a wag on the joint.
On a un petit rigolo.
Like the AWBS, the Red Cross the Father Duffy Canteen, the WAVES, the WAGs, the WOOWOOs, the WOWOWs.
L'AWBS, la Croix-Rouge, les WAVES, les WAG, les WOUHOU, les WHAHA.
- Oh, she's a WAAC.
- C'est une WAG.
If it can wag its tail, it goes in the baggage car.
Il remue la queue, donc au fourgon.
Some wag once remarked that after New York it's all Connecticut.
On me dit un jour qu'au delà de New York tout n'était que Connecticut.
Like a dog, it starts to wag its tail before you know it
Regarde les chiens. Ils se mettent soudain à remuer la queue. C'est pareil...
What have I done that thou darest wag thy tongue in noise so rude against me?
Qu'ai-je fait pour que tu m'insultes?
Why, I will fight with him upon this theme until my eyelids will no longer wag!
Je le combattrai à outrance sur ce sujet.
And you still want to wag your tail and go after him?
Et toi, tu veux encore le suivre?
I can say anything I want to, and there's no sound except the wag of your tail.
Je peux dire ce que je veux et il n'y a que le bruit de ta queue qui bat.
Rivoli, Austerlitz, Wag ram... and it always ends with St Helena.
Rivoli, Austerlitz, Wagram, et ça se termine toujours par Sainte-Hélène.
You're sure I can't persuade you to wag that wicked old tongue- -
Je n'arriverai pas à délier votre langue?
You forget your former devotion to Hideyoshi! And wag your tail to Tokugawa!
Tu as oublié ce que tu dois à Hideyoshi et tu cherches à plaire aux Tokugawa.
But the poor dog was a terrible gambler, because every time he got a good hand, he'd wag his tail.
Mais ce chien y jouait affreusement mal : dès qu'il avait du jeu, il remuait la queue.
Ah, you can wag your fool tail.
Tu peux remuer la queue, va.
Cheer up, Jack, we'll wag our tails yet.
Bon, Jack, nous remuerons encore la queue.
Wag, pull your hat off. Let's go.
Enlève ton chapeau.
Why, I will fight with him upon this theme until my eyelids will no longer wag.
Je suis prêt à régler cette rivalité par les armes tant que mes paupières remuent encore!
I prithee, sweet wag, shall there be gallows standing in England when thou art king?
Dis-moi, doux farceur, y aura-t-il des gibets, quand tu seras roi?
And I knew from the very beginning that you are one of the people who suffer when a dog does not wag its tail at their sight.
Et moi j'ai toute de suite vu que vous êtes de ceux qui souffrent si le chien n'agite pas sa queue en les voyant.
Soldiers wag their tails and come to me.
Les soldats frétillent quand ils me voient.
Mammals living deep inside a stalactites cave, wag their tails and rub their heads.
Tu as pris conscience de moi en tant que mammifère installé dans ta grotte. Que cherchais-tu en remuant la queue, en te collant contre ton maître?
You wag your tongue all just in vain, There's no point in dissolute talk!
Foin de paroles creuses, de discours impudents!
You wag your tongue all just in vain, There's no point in dissolute talk.
Foin de paroles creuses, de discours impudents!
Is the tail trying to wag the dog?
Vous voudriez me dire quoi faire?
" And go for me and nag at me The finger she would wag at me
Elle me critiquerait Me pointerait du doigt
Gonna lick his hand And wag my tail
Je lui lèche la main et remue de la queue
Well, don't just stand there looking. Let's wag it and shag it.
Hé bien, restez pas là à regarder les mouches voler!
We didn't come here and put ourselves on the line to wag our tails at Daitokai.
Cirer les pompes de Daito, on pouvait le faire à Yokohama.
You gonna wag your tongue all day?
Assez de bavardage!
See him wag his tail? Damn. Look at that.
Il remue la queue!
What have I done, that thou darest wag thy tongue in noise so rude against me?
Prends mon mouchoir, cela t'encouragera à me parler.
I could ride that wag-bait up a tree and plant him there.
J'aurais pu le faire grimper à un arbre.
They almost wag their tails.
remuent la queue.
Jesus, how tongues will wag!
Et les mères de leurs amies?
If it's your intention merely to be a music hall wag, please state so.
If it s your intention merely to be a music hall wag, please state so.
About half way between the two Eggs and New York, the motor road hastily joins the railroad and runs beside it a short distance, presided over by the eyes of Doctor T J Eckleburg, set there by some wild wag of an oculist to fatten his practice in Queens.
A mi-chemin entre Two Eggs et New York, la route rejoint vite la voie ferrée qu'elle longe, surveillée par les yeux du Dr J. Eckleburg, posés là par quelque oculiste blagueur pour grossir sa clientèle de quartier.
They wag their tails to get your sympathy.
Je n'en suis pas un.
I'd bark and wag my tail, but you never really understood.
Je remuais la queue, j'aboyais, et je ne pouvais rien t'expliquer.
Let the tongues wag.
Laisse-les jaser.
Give me a wag! Atta way!
Faites-moi signe!
You're such a wag.
Tu es bête.
So she could wag her finger, generally ruin our weekend.
Pour nous sermonner et gâcher notre week-end.
The guests and I had a bit of a chin wag.
J'ai eu une petite discussion avec nos hôtes.
Wag it and shag it, Stampers.
Y'a du bois à livrer.
I'd like to wag it and shag it first. Thank you.
Oh. Wag it and shag it, Stampers!
Allez, debout!

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