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We'll be right down traduction Français

92 traduction parallèle
We'll be right down.
On arrive.
Let her in, darling, we'll be right down.
C'est sans doute Mme Addlequist.
We'll be right down, Mrs Adelquist!
- Tiens!
Yes, we'll be right down.
Tout de suite.
Mike, we'll be right down.
On arrive, Mike. Allez, les gars.
We'll be right down, Wolf.
Nous descendons.
We ´ ll be right down.
On est bientôt prêtes.
Good. We'll be right down.
Nous y serons.
- Tell them we'll be right down.
- Dites-leur qu'on descend.
Stand by. We'll be right down.
On arrive tout de suite.
We'll be right down.
Ça vient, les gars!
Yes, we'll... We'll be right down.
Oui, on arrive.
Now, you sit right here and look after your friend like he'd want you to... and I'll go get us the best doctor they got down there... just so as we'll be good and sure.
Ne bougez pas... Gardez un œil sur votre ami et je pars chercher le meilleur docteur, pour qu'il nous dise.
We'll both be right down.
Nous descendons tous les deux.
- We'll be right down.
- On arrive.
We'll be right down
Bien, nous arrivons.
well it's straight short right to for the union may be four day at almost there we'r right down ther in the open and there they come a wolfen is out of no where they'll have us hunging feet high and let the cross buckle we ride
Il nous mène tout droit à Fort Reunion. au plus. Bien sûr!
Now, if you'll just be seated, we'll get right down to business.
Veuillez vous asseoir, nous allons passer à l'essentiel.
We'll be right down.
- Rien. On descend.
-.. we'll be right down the hall.
- On est au bout du couloir.
You better tell them we'll be right down there.
Dis-leur qu'on descend tout de suite.
We'll be right down.
On revient tout de suite.
We'll hose'em down... and be right back after this commercial break.
Nous les arroserons à la lance... et reviendrons après cette pause commerciale.
Maybe if you rush right down there, you'll be able to get a place in line. ( door chimes jangling ) Well, I hope you had better luck than we did.
Peut-être que si vous y allez en avance, vous aurez une place au premier rang. J'espère que vous avez eu plus de chance que nous.
Jerry, get menus so when we sit down we'll be able to order right away.
Prends des menus, on gagnera du temps.
We'll be right down.
On arrive tout de suite.
go on in. we'll be right down.
Remember, we'll be right down the hall monitoring you.
Rappelle-toi, on sera dans le hall à l'écoute tout le temps.
We'll be meticulous, right down to the last penny.
OK, we'll be right down there.
Très bien, on arrive tout de suite.
We'll be right down.
Ils ont quelque chose à annoncer.
Yes, we'll be right down. Thank you.
Oui, on arrive tout de suite.
Yes, we'll be right down.
Oui, on arrive tout de suite.
[Sighs] All right. We'll be down at the base of the stairs if anyone needs anything.
Nous serons en bas en cas de besoin.
We'll be right down.
On descend.
That'll take us right into the atmosphere. With our shields down, we won't be able to withstand the thermal reaction for more than a few seconds.
On ne pourra pas supporter la réaction thermique longtemps.
Mike, we'll be right down.
- E.
You stay down here, we'll be right back.
Reste là, on revient.
- Yeah, we'll be right down.
- Oui, on arrive tout de suite.
But when I see defeat in the eyes of my countrymen - in your eyes, right now - l start to think that maybe he brought me down for times like these, when we all need to be reminded who we truly are - that we will not give up or give in.
Mais quand je vois la défaite dans les yeux de mes compatriotes, dans les vôtres, je me dis qu'll m'a infligé ça pour qu'en de telles circonstances, nous n'oubliions pas qui nous sommes et que nous ne capitulions pas.
If he says 100 grand, he won't back down. If we mention a figure, we'll... we'll be all right.
S'il dit 100.000 £, il ne redescendra pas après.
It'll happen some day, and we'll notice because the people, instead of walking on the ground, will be floating 20 cm above it, just enough so as not to shock, because of the burden we'll have thrown off. Right now, it's weighing us down.
On le verra unjour, au lieu de marcher par terre, les gens seront à 20 cm du sol, pas plus haut pour ne pas choquer, car ils n'auront plus ce poids sur les épaules, ce poids qui pèse si lourd aujourd'hui.
OK, we'll be right down.
On descend.
Okay. We'll be right down.
On arrive tout de suite.
Sure, we'll be right down.
On arrive tout de suite.
Ok, we'll be right down.
Ok, on arrive.
We'll be going right down to the wire.
- Ça va être juste.
No, you know what, we'll be right down.
Non. Tu sais quoi, on va passer te voir.
Listen, we'll be right down the road, huh?
Super. On est bout de la rue.
If you get restless, we'll be right down this hall.
Si tu t'impatientes, nous sommes au bout de ce couloir.
Come on, we'll be all right down here.
Allez, nous serons très bien ici.

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