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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / We'll do it together

We'll do it together traduction Français

201 traduction parallèle
Woods, let's not do it, yeah? You and me, we'll stay together, yeah?
woods, on les écoute pas toi et moi, on reste ensemble, ok?
We'll do everything you want. We'll do it together. Oh, listen.
Nous feront tout ce que tu voudras.
- No, we'll do it together, boy.
- Nous allons le faire ensemble.
It may be that we'll do business together.
Vous pouvez être sûr que nous allons faire des affaires ensemble.
Then it will all be ready and we'll do it together.
Elle ne sera pas finie!
My next post, we'll do it together. My mother doesn't believe it.
Maman n'y croit plus.
We'll do it together.
Nous le ferons ensemble.
We'll do it together.
Nous la ferons ensemble.
I'll get all the information. We'll do it together. What do you say?
J'aurai tous les renseignements utiles.
After 200 kms, it's hard to keep the conversation going, but... do you realize we'll soon be living together?
Après 200km, on a plus grand-chose à se dire. Tu te rends compte qu'on va vivre ensemble?
─ Fine. Then we'll do it together.
- Eh bien, faisons-le ensemble.
Do you know, if we sit here till then... it'll be the longest we've been together in the last three weeks.
Tu sais, si l'on reste ici toute la nuit, ce sera le plus long moment qu'on aura passé ensemble ce mois.
We'll do it together!
On fera ça ensemble.
From now on when I ask you to do something, We'll do it together. Yes, Bud.
Dorénavant, tous nous ferons ce que je demande.
Even if I do have to sell it, we'll still be together.
Même si nous vendons, nous resterons ensemble.
We'll do it together.
On le fera ensemble.
You all just bring it right to me and we'll do business together.
Et vous me les apporterez, on va faire des affaires.
We'll be able to do it together.
Á nous deux, nous allons réusssir.
We'll all do it together!
On va s'en occuper!
OK, we'll do it together.
D'accord, on va arroser ça ensemble.
'Cause we'll do it together, like brothers.
Mais c'est pas donné.
We'll do it together.
On va le couper ensemble.
Fine. We'll do it together.
Parfait, nous le piloterons donc ensemble.
We'll do it. We'll do it together.
Nous le ferons ensemble.
- We'll do it together.
- Viens, on finira ensemble.
I'll do it. We'll do it together.
Je vais le faire.
We'll do it together.
On fera ça ensemble.
We'll do it together. Come on, come on.
It's the last performance we'll do together, and it's New Year's Eve and I want a photograph.
C'est la dernière représentation que nous allons faire ensemble, et c'est la Saint-Sylvestre et je veux une photo.
We'll do it together.
On le fait ensemble.
It's a manoeuvre that we'll do together. It'll be necessary to pull simultaneously together on these two halyards.
Ca c'est une manœuvre qu'on va faire ensemble, c'est-à-dire qu'il va falloir tirer simultanément ensemble ces deux drisses.
We'll do it together, okay?
Nous irons ensemble.
If we do it together, I think we'll succeed.
Si nous le faisons ensemble, je sais que nous y arriverons.
- We'll do it together.
On le fait ensemble. Viens.
OK, we'll do it together.
- Bon, on le fait en même temps.
We'll do it together, we'll do it together.
On va le faire ensemble.
We'll do it together.
On va monter ensemble.
We'll do it together, most likely.
On ira sans doute ensemble.
We'll just do it together, OK?
Nous allons le faire ensemble, OK?
When you die, we'll do it together.
Tant qu'à mourir, restons ensemble.
Come on, cubby, we'll do it together.
Allez, Raymond, on va faire ça ensemble.
We'll do it together.
Nous irons ensemble.
Come on, we'll do it together.
On va le faire ensemble.
- We'll do it together.
- On va s'en sortir ensemble.
We'll do it together, but you've just got to.... Even if it gets tough.
On agira ensemble mais... même si ça s'aggrave...
Then we'll do it together. - I said it was my calling.
- On le fera ensemble.
We'll meet at 10 o'clock at the last address and we'll do the last theft together 2 hours per mission, it's enough time to do well so don't rush.
Rendez-vous à 10 h à la dernière adresse. Deux heures par mission, ça laisse le temps pour bien faire.
We'll do it together.
C'est mieux de le faire ensemble.
- We'll do it together.
- Il faut que j'aille à la pharmacie.
We'll do it together.
On va le faire ensemble.
You'll have to meet her, anyway, so we might as well do it together.
Autant que tu la rencontres quand je suis là.

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