We'll get to that traduction Français
967 traduction parallèle
I give you my word, Mr. Helius, the very hour that we come to an agreement, you'll get your stolen material back, complete and in perfect condition... the Spaceship "FRIEDE" [Peace] is ready for launch...
Je vous donne ma parole, M. Helius : dès que nous trouverons un accord, tous les documents volés vous seront restitués au grand complet et en bon état. Départ
You can hide behind a lot of red tape, crooked lawyers, habeas corpus, witnesses that don't remember, but we'll get through to you like the rest.
Tu te caches derrière un caïd, des avocats véreux, des habeas corpus, des témoins amnésiques, mais on t'aura, comme tous les autres.
That's more than we'll be if we don't get to that hotel in 29 seconds.
Pas comme nous, si on n'arrive pas à l'hôtel rapidement.
Well, we'll have to get her out of that notion.
Il va falloir lui faire changer d'idée.
We'll have to get you a secretary... a little fat one that you can boss around all by yourself.
T'adjoindre une secrétaire. Une petite grosse à tes ordres.
Yeah, well, we'll get around to that.
On a bien le temps d'y aller.
If that junk collector sells the pot... we'll never be able to get it back.
S'il vend ce pot, on ne pourra jamais le retrouver.
Yeah. We'll be up against it if we can't get that dame to talk.
On aura beaucoup de problèmes si le témoin ne parle pas.
Tell Swan to get that flume gate open. And we'll have running water in no time.
Dis à Swan d'ouvrir le canal et l'eau arrivera en un rien.
Get out of here! Well, if that's the way you feel about it we'll be forced to assert our prerogative and search this room.
Si tu le prends sur ce ton, on va user de notre bon droit et fouiller cette chambre.
Looks to me like we'll have to hang a few to get us any peace. This William Lloyd Garrison would look elegant that way.
Nous devrions en pendre certains, tel William Garrison.
Tomorrow we'll get our money and move all this junk to that old woman's place.
Demain, avec l'argent en main, on met toutes ces bricoles chez la vieille.
But if we do that, we'll have to kill her to get it.
Mais il faudra la tuer pour le lui prendre.
We'll have to work fast to get that money.
Procurons-nous vite l'argent.
We'll get that out when we get back to the ship.
On pourra vous soigner à bord.
That's why we'll have to get acquainted.
C'est pourquoi nous devons faire connaissance.
I'm trying not to let that worry me. We'll get back to the money later on.
Je m'efforce de ne pas m'en soucier!
That the only way we'll make it is to get together a big herd.
Notre seule chance de réussir est d'y aller ensemble.
Darling, we'll have to get some blankets up there and black that place out.
Il faudra tendre des couvertures pour cacher tout ça.
We'll get that information to them by radio.
On leur transmettra ces informations par radio.
That means get back to London as quick as we can. I'll take you to see Armitage.
Nous rentrons à Londres pour voir Armitage.
When we get them in that courtroom, I'll tear them to pieces, both of them. Come on.
Je les écraserai au tribunal, tous les deux!
One more crack, we'll take that glass back... and it'll take you six weeks to get it put in.
On peut remporter cette vitre, il faudra six semaines pour la remplacer.
The sooner we get to the top of that hill they've ordered us to... the sooner we'll reach safety.
Plus vite on grimpera plus vite on sera en sûreté.
Let's swim out there, way, way out until we're so tired that we'll just barely be able to get back.
Allons nager vers le large. Si loin qu'on ait à peine la force de revenir.
Mummy said that maybe with you here, we'll get to see Daddy sometimes.
Elle dit que si vous êtes I E on pourra voir papa des fois.
That's all you have to do. Just get him there, and we'll do the rest.
Amenez-le, nous ferons le reste.
- You'll get your dough, all right... don't worry about that, when we get back to Tampico.
- Tu la toucheras. T'inquiète pas. Au retour, à Tampico.
By that time, we'll have some money to get a long way from here.
D'ici là, on sera loin d'ici.
You won't be sorry, Vic. When you get out, we'll be happy. I'll see to that.
Tu verras à ta sortie comme tu seras bien.
If we should go to such a place, the chances are all you'll get out of it... is that in the end you'll be hung by a Mongol instead of a Norman.
Si nous nous rendons là-bas, tout ce que tu y gagneras, c'est que tu seras pendu par un Mongol au lieu d'un Normand.
Well, if you can lift that mattress and get him down to my car, we'll take care of him right now.
Descendez-le sur le matelas et portez-le dans ma voiture.
Stay close to that boy, and this I promise you, if we get out of this wolf trap alive, I'll do my best to save you, short of perjury.
Ne le lâchez pas d'une semelle, et je vous donne ma parole que si on s'en tire, je ferai mon possible pour vous sauver.
I'll take you up on that once we get to Tascosa.
Je te prendrai au mot quand on sera à Tascosa.
Don't go out alone, we'll have the parties.. We're going to get that spring Beaver.
Nous ne reprendrons la chasse qu'une fois le printemps venu.
I've also told you repeatedly that I'm sure Miss Linden can get him to put the necklace back, and then we'll know how he got in.
Comme j'ai répété que Mlle Linden peut le persuader de retourner le collier. On verra comment il s'y est pris.
Yeah, by the time we get to that ridge, regiment'll be across it.
Quand on arrivera au pont, le régiment aura passé.
I'll be back after we take off to help you get out of that.
Je reviendrai après le décollage pour vous aider à vous détacher.
We'll get him back for the inquiry, and then perhaps when I've talked to him, I could... oh, I don't think you could mean that, sir David.
Nous allons le faire revenir pour l'enquête. Puis, peut-être quand je lui aurais parlé... Oh, je ne pense pas que vous puissiez dire ça, sir David.
We'll have to get rid of that clown.
Il faut remplacer le clown.
We'll have to get that ammunition dump.
On doit détruire ce dépôt.
We'll get to Haynesville just that much sooner.
On n'en arrivera que plus tôt à Haynesville.
No, I don't think that will do any good. We'll get back to the ship.
Non, ça ne changera rien.
We'll get a chance to use that five-gallon water can of ours.
Et on pourra utiliser nos vingt litres d'eau.
We'll have to get word to the space platform, that's all.
Il faut prévenir la base, c'est tout.
That'll be all right till we get you to hospital.
Ça ira jusqu'à l'hôpital.
Teach us a trade, so that when we get out of here, we'll be able to hold down a job.
Apprenez-nous un métier, pour qu'à notre sortie, nous puissions chercher un emploi.
We'll get to that in a minute.
On y vient dans une minute.
We get to Las Palmas, if that ship captain ain't there, you'll really see a fuss.
Á Las Palmas, si votre capitaine n'est pas là, je m'occuperai vraiment de vous.
We'll get to know each other like young lovers do, then I'll take her back to my place so that we can... screw!
Nous apprendrons à nous connaître comme de jeunes tourtereaux, ensuite je l'emmènerai chez moi pour qu'on puisse... s'envoyer en l'air!
I'll believe that when we get to Honghai Bay.
Je le croirai quand on sera dans la baie de Honghai.
we'll get through this together 19
we'll get through this 109
we'll get' em 26
we'll get there 126
we'll get you there 19
we'll get her back 25
we'll get through it 33
we'll get by 19
we'll get back to you 40
we'll get started 16
we'll get through this 109
we'll get' em 26
we'll get there 126
we'll get you there 19
we'll get her back 25
we'll get through it 33
we'll get by 19
we'll get back to you 40
we'll get started 16