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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / We'll see you in the morning

We'll see you in the morning traduction Français

56 traduction parallèle
We'll be in Los Angeles in the morning. I'll see you at breakfast.
On arr ¡ ve dema ¡ n mat ¡ n. Je vous verra ¡ au pet ¡ t-déjeuner.
- We'll see you at the stock exchange in the morning.
Je vous verrai demain matin à la bourse.
Now, here's the address, we'll see you in court tomorrow morning at 10 : 00.
Tenez, l'adresse. À demain au tribunal, à 10 heures.
I'll see you in the morning before we dock.
Je te verrai demain avant l'arrivée.
We'll see you first thing in the morning.
Nous passerons vous voir demain à la première heure.
If you still feel the same way in the morning... you come back, we'll go to the bank... and I'll see that you get everything that's coming to you.
Si tu n'as pas changé d'avis, nous irons à la banque. On te donnera ce qui te revient.
Let's go upstairs and get some sleep. Then, we'll see how you feel in the morning.
Allons dormir et on verra comment tu te sens au réveil.
The chief of staff has authorized full cooperation. We'll see you in the morning.
Le chef de la Marine nous a autorisé à collaborer.
Jack, we'll see you in the morning.
A demain, Jack.
We'll see you in the morning.
À demain matin.
KrystlE, not being able to have another Child is a great disappointment to both of us, but just read the Morning newspaper and you'll see that WE'rE not the only tragedy in the World.
Ne pas pouvoir avoir un autre enfant est une déception pour nous deux, mais lis le journal du matin et tu verras qu'il y d'autres tragédies dans le monde.
- We'll see you first thing in the morning.
On sera là demain matin.
So you enjoy yourself and we'll see you in the morning.
En attendant, amuse-toi bien.
Then we'll see you in the morning.
À demain matin.
We'll see you in the morning.
On se verra demain matin.
We'll see in the morning. Where're you boys heading?
On verra demain matin.
Why don't you go get some rest? We'll see you in the morning.
Pourquoi tu vas pas te reposer, on se voit demain matin.
See you in the morning. We'll bring you some eggs.
A demain matin.
Good night, Stanley. We'll see you in the morning.
Bonne nuit, à demain.
If you consult the morning releases, you'll see in sports we got dissed by 12 guys named Flippy.
Vous lirez au chapitre sports... que la Maison Blanche s'est fait rembarrer... par "12 hommes en colère".
Get some sleep, and we'll see you in the morning.
Dormez bien.
Go clean yourself up. Come see me in the morning and we'll talk about gettin'you a job.
Va te laver, viens me voir, et on te trouvera du travail.
- We'll see you in the morning.
- On te verra demain matin.
We'll see you in the morning.
Fais de beaux rêves.
Well, we'll see you in the morning.
A demain matin.
- We'll see you in the morning.
- On se voit à la réunion, demain.
We'll see you in the morning.
On se voit demain matin.
We'll see you in the morning for herring and egg.
Je veux te voir demain, nous mangerons du hareng et des œufs.
We'll see you in the morning.
A demain matin.
Why don't you call my office in the morning, and we'll see where we stand.
Appelez mon bureau demain matin et on en reparlera.
All right. I'll see you in the morning, and we'll figure this out.
D'accord. je te vois demain matin, et on s'occupera du reste.
W-We'll see you in the morning.
- À demain.
On sera là dans la matinée pour vous dire au revoir.
All right, we'll see you guys in the morning when you're men.
Nous verrons demain matin quand vous serez des hommes.
Make yourself at home, we'll see you in the morning.
Fais comme chez toi, on te voit demain matin.
All right, well, then, um... - we'll see you in the morning.
- Bon bien, dans ce cas... on se verra demain matin.
So y'all are gonna have to go without us tonight, and we'll see you back here in the morning?
Donc vous allez sortir sans nous ce soir et on se revoit demain matin?
We'll see you in the morning.
- A demain matin.
I'll, uh- - We'll see you in the morning.
Je, euh... On se revoit demain matin.
We'll see you in the morning, man.
À demain.
- ♪ bang, bang ♪ - We'll see you in the morning. - 7 : 00 A.M.
♪ bang, bang ♪ On se voit demain matin 7h du mat Dur...
We'll see you in the morning.
Je vous vois dans la matinée.
We'll see you in the morning.
On te verra demain matin.
But we'll see you in the morning.
- Oui, il me manque.
I'm not sure what that means, but we're gonna get some sleep, and then I'll see you guys in the morning.
Je ne suis pas sûr de ce qu'il veut dire, mais nous allons dormir. Et on se revoit demain matin.
We'll see both of you in the morning.
On vous verra tous les deux demain matin.
Yup, we'll see you in the morning.
Oui, on te verra demain matin.
We'll see you in the morning?
On se verra demain matin?
I don't want to propose and run, but we'll see you in the morning, yeah?
Je ne veux pas faire ma demande et filer, mais je te verrais dans la matinée?
I will see you in the morning, and we'll decide then what our next step is.
Je vous verrai dans la matinée et on décidera de la prochaine étape.
- We'll see you in the morning.
- On se voit demain matin.

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