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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / We'll see you then

We'll see you then traduction Français

397 traduction parallèle
Now then, if we're successful in disposing of these lots, I'll see that you get a nice commission.
Si on arrive à se débarrasser de ces lots, vous aurez une belle commission.
- Then you'll kiss me? - We'll see... if I like you.
Je sais pas, je verrai... si vous me plaisez.
We'll drop in now and then to see how you're getting along, you know.
On passera à l'improviste, pour voir comment ça va. Compris?
Then we'll see if you're good for anything.
Voyons si tu es bon a quelque chose.
We'll put you at a bench first, see how things are talk to the men, see what they're saying, and then you can let me know.
On va vous tester d'abord, pour voir comment ça va, parlez aux gars, voyez ce qu'ils disent et faites-le-moi savoir.
You get your business with Cairo over with then we'll see how we stand.
Arrangez-vous avec Cairo et on avisera.
Then we'll put all these there, too, and then we'll board it up... so you'll never have to see it again, never even think of it.
Nous clouerons la porte... rien ne te rappellera le passé.
Then we'll see how tough you are.
On verra après si tu es dur.
- Then we'll see you tomorrow?
- A demain, alors.
You keep her in bed for a few days... then we'll get her to the office and really see.
Qu'elle garde le lit quelques jours, puis nous verrons tout ça au cabinet.
We'll see you then.
On ira te voir.
But then we'll see you to your train.
- Nous vous verrons à la gare.
We'll see you safely to a taxi, then to the British Consulate.
Vous serez en sécurité dans un taxi, puis au Consulat Britannique.
Then we'll never see you again?
Nous ne nous reverrons jamais.
We'll see you later, then.
À tout à l'heure, alors.
And we'll see you next week then.
On se voit la semaine prochaine.
Let's go upstairs and get some sleep. Then, we'll see how you feel in the morning.
Allons dormir et on verra comment tu te sens au réveil.
- Then we'll see a doctor. - You're due for a checkup anyway.
- Tu dois faire un bilan.
- We'll see you tomorrow then?
- À demain, alors?
And then we'll see if we can put a little decency and esprit de corps into you.
Et après, on verra si on peut vous inculquer un peu de décence et d'esprit de corps.
Then we'll see you later.
- Merci beaucoup.
Wait then. We'll see in a year... if you're still alive.
Alors, on en reparlera dans un an, si tu es encore en vie.
You've been a great help. So first we'll set up Mrs. Miwa, and then we'll see about Ayako.
Yuriko, il faut nous aider à vite marier Akiko pour qu'Ayako épouse son soupirant.
- Yes. They've transferred you to the city kennel, then we'll see.
puis nous verrons.
We'll be right back and then you'll see.
On reviendra et tu verras.
And you'll know, and then we'll see.
Et tu sauras, et on verra.
Fine, then, we'll see you out.
Nous vous raccompagnons.
Then you'll see, on the side, we can both sleep very well.
Tu verras, sur le côté, on y tient tous les deux.
Then we'll expect to see you again tomorrow.
Un bonus inattendu.
You see, she's coming home from school in a few days, and then we'll be off together, and you can return to conducting yourself as you consider proper in a bachelor's household.
Elle rentre du pensionnat dans quelques jours, et nous partirons ensemble. Vous pourrez alors vous comporter comme vous le jugez bon chez un célibataire.
I'll introduce you to my mother, we'll have a drink you can see the house and then we'll leave. Okay?
Je vais te présenter à ma mère, on prendra un verre tu verras la maison et on partira, ok?
- We'll see you then, Lil.
A demain.
You get some rest and then we'll see.
Tu te reposes un peu et après, on verra.
Then we'll have to treat her without telling her, you see. Oh, yeah.
Il faudra la soigner sans lui dire.
Well, then we'll see you at the next confiscation.
Nous nous reverrons à la prochaine saisie.
You'll survive this workers'hotel and then we'll see.
Vous allez rester un peu dans cet hôtel pour les ouvriers, et après - on verra.
Oh, well, we'll see you at dinner, then.
Alors, à ce soir. Table 12.
One day, when it'll be impossible you'll be devoured by the hungry, then we'll see that the lack of courage, the indecision...
Un jour, quand il ne sera plus possible d'empêcher les affamés de nous dévorer, nous verrons que nous avons manqué de courage, d'initiative...
First, you'll need to explain yourself and then we'll see.
- Tu comprendrais pas...
Then perhaps, I can marry you. We'll see.
Alors peut-être, je pouurrais t'épouser.
We will have one more schnapps together, and then I'll see you to your quarters.
Nous allons reprendre un verre et je vous raccompagne à votre chambre.
You've had three shots. I think you better stay on them for a few days, and then we'll see how you respond.
Donnons-nous quelques jours pour voir.
Well, then we'll see you.
Alors, à demain.
Well, then we'll see you later, okay?
On se voit plus tard, d'accord?
To start with, you need more exercise, and then we'll see.
Pour commencer, bougez un peu, promenez-vous, après nous verrons.
We'll see Mr. Mike, I'll appeal the decision! I'll bring some documentation! I'll bring you De Sica himself and then, we'll see who is right!
Je ferai appel, j'apporterai la documentation, je ferai venir De Sica!
You can see he's not here. - Then we'll talk to the editor.
Alors le rédacteur en chef.
Then we'll have all Rome at Ostia to see you off.
Alors, tout Rome viendra à Ostie assister à ton départ.
When you return, give us the pleasure of your company, and then we'll see.
Faites-nous à votre retour le plaisir de votre présence et tout s'arrangera.
We'll see you later, then.
À plus tard. D'accord?
After we see how good you are at spelling, then we'll play... a game with numbers. Okay?
Après avoir fait un peu d'orthographe, nous ferons un jeu avec des chiffres.

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