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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / We'll see you there

We'll see you there traduction Français

271 traduction parallèle
There, now, you see, we'll have to start all over again.
Vous voyez, il faut maintenant recommencer à zéro.
Shut your mouth. You'll see it when we get there.
Fermez votre gueule.
Yes, yes. We were playing this game of drawing poker, you see. It seems there's a thing called bluffing and, though I say it myself, I'm particularly good at it.
Oui, nous jouions à ce jeu de poker... ll s'agit de bluffer... et je n'y suis pas mauvais.
Of course, you won't see us, but we'll be there.
Tu ne nous verras pas, mais on sera là.
Then we'll put all these there, too, and then we'll board it up... so you'll never have to see it again, never even think of it.
Nous clouerons la porte... rien ne te rappellera le passé.
We get to Las Palmas, if that ship captain ain't there, you'll really see a fuss.
Á Las Palmas, si votre capitaine n'est pas là, je m'occuperai vraiment de vous.
We'll see you there.
- À plus tard.
You'll see when we get there.
Vous le verrez quand nous y serons.
Now, you sit down there, and we'll stick this out and sort of see what happens.
Asseyez-vous, on va tenir bon et voir ce qui se passe.
We'll search for a more benign land under more serene skies, and there we'll build our new house, as you see, and be happy.
Nous trouverons un coin de terre et j'y construirai notre nouvelle maison qui nous apportera la paix.
We'll be there soon enough, you'll see.
Nous y serons bientôt Tu verras.
And when we get there, you'll see that ship is no longer there - gone, vanished!
Parti! Disparu! Parce qu'il n'a jamais été là.
We'll have to move if they see you there!
Tu vas nous faire repérer.
You'll see. We will get there, mark.
Vous verrez, nous y parviendrons.
Will you please sit down here? Tonight we all go to the gala and everything is fixed. We'll see Palamos there.
Ce soir, on va à la réception, on y rencontrera Palamos.
No, see, I moved it because, um, well, it's best there because we'll have to put the crib somewhere, you see. What crib?
C'est moi qui l'ai déplacé car il va bien falloir caser le berceau quelque part.
- Sure, we'll see you there.
- Ouais, à plus.
You see, Your Excellency, down there we'll build the houses for the tehnicians and workers.
Vous voyez, Monsieur, là-bas, nous allons construire les maisons Pour les tehnicians et les travailleurs.
We'll be starting in just a couple of moments from now And there you can see the two competitors- -
Le départ aura lieu dans quelques instants et nous vous présentons les 2 concurrents :
We'll get there, see you soon.
On vous rejoint là-bas. À plus tard.
We're headed for the station, we'll see you there.
Nous allons au poste. Nous vous retrouverons là-bas.
Je verrai ce que nous pouvons faire... mais ce n'est pas la peine de nous rappeler.
We'll see you there as soon as we know anything.
On te contacte là-bas dès qu'on a quelque chose.
When we'll all be union and we'll all be free there's a better world a-comin'can't you see?
Quand on fera tous partie du syndicat et qu'on sera tous libres Un meilleur monde arrive Ne voyez-vous pas
Here. There's one for you, and one for your father. And we'll see which one's the lucky one, okay?
Un pour vous et un pour ton père.
You'll see when we get out there.
- Tu verras bien.
You'll see a lot more up there, but... I liked what we were doing.
Tu en verras plus là-haut, mais... j'aimais bien ce qu'on faisait.
As a matter of fact, Sheba and I are shuttling them over there, so we'll see you two later.
D'ailleurs, Sheba et moi avons l'honneur de les escorter, alors à plus tard.
We'll see you there, sir. And everything is in order.
Allez-y, tout est en bon ordre.
Well, we'll see you out there.
Je vous retrouve là-bas.
You'll see the turnoff signs. There we've got officers on duty. They'll take care of you.
Nous avons des officiers là-bas, ils s'occuperont de vous.
We'll just have to meet in Miami. I'll see you there.
Nous nous verrons donc à Miami.
We'll go'round and see him. But there would be no quarrel between them, as far as you know?
Leur arrivait-il de se quereller?
Ted, thanks. We'll see you out there.
Ted, on se retrouve tout á l'heure.
Jerry, we'll see you there.
A tout de suite. Au revoir, Elaine.
- Maybe we'll see you there.
Vous nous rejoindrez?
- Maybe we'll see you there?
- On se verra peut-être là-bas?
Good, then we'll see you there.
Très bien, je ne vais pas m'enfuir cette fois.
You see that cupboard there? That's where we found him. When the mother started dying from the poison, he ran in there.
Il s'est rebiffé. ll tue les parents, implique les gosses, et prend contrôle de l'imprimerie quand les gosses sont condamnés.
We'll see you there.
On s'y verra.
We'll see you over there.
On se rejoint là-bas.
We get the confession, they never go away. - I'll see you in there.
Alors, il ne nous échappera plus.
We'll see you there.
On se retrouve là-bas.
And when you get there, stay put. We'll see what happens.
Va là-bas, et restes-y en attendant de voir.
- You'll see when we get there.
Tu verras.
You'll see it when we get down there.
Tu verras quand on y sera.
So you call me when you get there, and we'll see where things are.
Appelez-moi quand vous serez arrivés et on verra comment ça tourne.
I'm not ready to assign you to the Bridge just yet, but why don't you join the senior staff for our noon briefing, and we'll see how it goes from there.
Mais venez à notre réunion à midi, et on verra.
Yeah, we'll see you later, Kyle. Guess there's no reason for you to come, since you don't get Christmas presents.
Kyle, t'as pas de raison de venir, t'as pas de cadeaux.
We'll see you there when you're finished.
Nous vous rejoindrons après.
We'll pull over. You puke back there, my main man Crudup will see to it... that you lick it all back up, every single nasty-ass drop.
Si tu gerbes derrière, mon pote Crudup te fera tout nettoyer à coups de langue, jusqu'à la moindre trace de dégueulis.

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