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We're going again traduction Français

464 traduction parallèle
But we're going back again in a couple of weeks and we...
Mais nous y retournons dans deux semaines.
Now we're going to begin at the beginning again.
Enfin on entre dans le vif du sujet!
Gosh, to think that we're going to have real jobs again, earn money.
Dire qu'on va avoir du boulot et gagner des sous.
If I know where we're going, may the good Lord strike me dead! May I have to do my war service again.
Ecoutez, si je sais où nous allons, je veux que le bon Dieu m'écrase à l'instant.
We're going back aboard ship again.
Nous remontons à bord.
Well, if we're going to work together again, I'm quite ready to forget what happened.
Si on retravaille ensemble, je suis prêt à oublier ce qui s'est passé.
We're going now, and I was afraid I wouldn't see you again.
Je craignais de ne jamais vous revoir.
- We're going to Paul's for dinner. - Again?
Ce soir, on va dîner chez Paul.
Well, brothers and sisters, once again we're going to have a little entertainment.
Une fois de plus, nous allons nous amuser, ce soir.
And once again, brothers and sisters, we're going to share our pleasure with some neighbours less fortunate than ourselves.
Une fois de plus, nous partagerons ce plaisir avec des voisins moins fortunés.
We're not going into that again.
On ne va pas recommencer.
" Mother says you're simply a wizard at it. We're all going to be rich again.
" Maman dit que vous êtes un as en affaires.
Well, we're going out that way again.
On va y retourner.
- We're going to start that again?
- On va remettre ça?
But you'll be seeing her again because we're going to find her. Don't think for a minute we won't.
Mais tu la reverras, parce que nous la trouverons, sois-en sûr.
Yes, and if you've finished stuffing yourself, I can say it again because we're going back to the rehearsal.
Oui, et si tu as fini de t'empiffrer, je peux te le répéter, parce que nous allons reprendre la répétition.
Not again. We're going back!
On veut encore s'échapper, "La Dame"?
We're going to blow such a hole in Tirpitz, she'll never move again.
Il y a de quoi immobiliser le Tirpitz définitivement.
Oh, well, that means that we're not going to see you again until next spring.
Nous ne nous reverrons pas avant le printemps?
Now something terrible is going to happen again. And in a way, we're lucky,'cause we've been given a second chance.
Il va encore se passer une chose terrible et, en un sens, tant mieux, c'est notre seconde chance.
But one day, in a week, a month, a year on that day when, God willing, we all return to our homes again you're going to feel very proud of what you have achieved here in the face of great adversity.
Mais un jour, dans une semaine un mois, un an... lorsque nous rentrerons chez nous si Dieu le veut... vous serez très fiers de l'œuvre que vous avez réalisée ici... face à une telle adversité.
- We're going to Boston. - Again?
- Nous partons pour Boston!
Callers have complained they couldn't hear all of the Vince Everett record... because of the commercial, so we're going to play it again. We're doing it for Betty, Maryjo, Linda, Julie... the gang down at Ray's Auto Upholstery and... well, the list is too long.
Vous vous plaignez de ne pas avoir pu entendre le disque de Vince Everett... à cause de l'annonce, alors, nous allons le repasser... pour Betty, Maryjo, Linda, Julie... la bande du magasin de garniture auto de Ray et...
We're going down again.
Nous descendons encore.
This summer we're going south again for his holiday.
Cet été, nous passerons encore nos vacances dans le Midi...
We're going to be together again, isn't that so?
On sera à nouveau ensemble, n'est-ce pas?
Glory be to God, we're going to bust out again like we used to.
Dieu soit loué, on va de nouveau pouvoir s'amuser.
But, baby, we're going to be among people again.
Mais ma chérie, nous allons revoir du monde!
Don't you, dear? We're going to take you to Baltimore for an operation so you can walk again.
Nous allons t'opérer pour que tu puisses marcher a nouveau.
You mean we're going to have to make camp again?
On va encore devoir établir un campement?
We're not going to dig up the family skeleton again, are we?
Nous n'allons pas ressortir le mort de la famille?
We're going to go over it again until i find the answer!
On va tout reprendre, jusqu'à ce qu'on trouve la réponse.
We're going to go over it again, do you hear? We're going to go over it again!
On va tout reprendre, d'accord?
We're going to have to start again from scratch.
Bon, nous devrons recommencer depuis le début.
We're going to do your dressing again, and you'll be quite comfortable.
Nous allons refaire votre bandage et tout ira bien.
Well, we're going to check you out again.
Nous allons tout revérifier.
If we're going to start all over again, how can it hurt to have a little money?
Si on veut repartir à zéro, autant avoir un peu de sous.
You try to run again, we're going to kill you.
Si tu t'évades, t'es mort.
And then we're going to get Koko out of there. And then the terrible trio is gonna be complete again.
Après on sortira Coco de là et le trio sera au complet.
First we're going to Vulcan. Then we're going to Altair. Then we're headed to Vulcan again.
D'abord, cap sur Vulcain, puis cap sur Altaïr, puis de nouveau cap sur Vulcain.
We've told you a 1000 times, you're going to get in trouble again.
On te l'a déjà répété 1000 fois, tu vas encore avoir des histoires.
We're going to scatter in the hills... and we're going to fight them again.
Nous nous disperserons dans les collines... et nous les combattrons de nouveau.
We're going back again tomorrow.
On y retourne demain.
We're going to see each other again. We're going to see each other.
Je viendrai dans la ville où vous serez... et j'y serai tout le temps.
We're going to try Higher again, and if we get everybody to join in, we'd appreciate it. lt'll do you no harm.
Nous allons chanter tous ensemble. Ça ne vous fera pas de mal.
i think we're going to have to start all over again.
Je crois que nous devons tout reprendre.
We're going to get done again.
On va encore être emmerdés.
Listen, if we're going to hit Sartoris, we gotta hit him so he doesn't get up again.
Si on attaque Sartoris, on doit faire en sorte qu'il ne se relève pas.
- Good. I'll have to tell my son we're not going fishing again.
Je vais devoir annoncer à mon fils que nous n'irons pas pêcher.
We`re never going to see each other again.
On ne se reverra plus jamais. Jamais.
All right, Lieutenant Uhura, we're going to contact that ship again.
Bon, lieutenant Uhura, recontactons le vaisseau.

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