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We're going to win traduction Français

183 traduction parallèle
Well, we're going to win.
Allons-nous gagner?
We're going to win, darling.
nous allons gagner.
Don't give her up, we're going to win!
Je suis avec vous! Tenez bon. On les aura!
We're going to win!
On est tirés d'affaire.
I don't know who's going to win this war, the North or the South. But we're here to hold this country for one of them...
Mon colonel, j'ignore qui gagnera la guerre, mais il faut bien maintenir l'ordre.
If we're going to win this, we gotta have discipline.
Si nous voulons gagner, il va nous falloir de la discipline.
We're going to win the Gold Cup at Longchamps.
On va gagner la Coupe d'Or à Longchamp.
We're going to win, Max. We're going to win!
Nous allons gagner, Max!
We're going to win.
On va gagner.
We're going to win!
Hourra, on va gagner!
We're going to win!
On va gagner.
We're going to win!
On va gagner...
If we do win, we're going to wreck this fucking establishment and this fucking game
Si on gagne, on fout en l'air le système et on démolit ce putain de jeu.
If we win a bunch of million, we're going to wake you up, otherwise, we'll let you sleep.
Si on gagne des millions, on vous réveille, sinon, on vous laisse dormir.
A blitzkrieg! And we're going to win!
Une guerre éclair que nous gagnerons!
And we're not just going out there to win, we're going out there for glory.
Mais la victoire ne nous suffira pas. Nous voulons la gloire.
We're going to the Super Bowl to win.
On jouera la super-coupe et on gagnera.
We're going to the Super Bowl to win.
On jouera la super-coupe et on gagnera!
- We're going to win...
- On va gagner...
As a matter of fact, we're going to win, and I'm so sure of it... we should make this fight winner take all!
Nous allons gagner. J'en suis si sûre que je joue le match tout au gagnant!
Now we're in the final stages of the race and it's obvious who is going to win...
Voici le dernier tour. Il n'y a aucun doute sur le gagnant.
Maybe they'd help us. We're not going to win the election by ourselves.
Seuls, nous ne gagnerons pas.
- You think we're going to win?
- Tu crois qu'on va gagner?
We're going to have to win it ourselves.
Il va falloir le gagner nous-mêmes.
We're going win to today.
Aujourd'hui on gagne.
Do you think we're going to win this by turning the other cheek?
Tu penses pouvoir gagner en tendant l'autre joue?
I mean, we'll tie the knot the same night I win that five grand. Oh. We're going to be so happy.
On se passera la corde au cou la nuit même où je gagnerai ces 50000 dollars.
Now, um, until you win, we're going to be scarce on funds, so, we'd really appreciate it if you could move in with us to save us on food and housing expenses.
Jusqu'à ce que vous gagniez, nos finances seront limitées... alors, on vous serait reconnaissantes de bien vouloir emménager chez nous... pour nous économiser les frais de nourriture et de logement.
Thats why we're going to win in Vietnam.
Nous gagnerons au Vietnam!
Like he said, we're going to win that war.
Nous gagnerons cette guerre!
We're going to win that fight.
On va gagner ce combat.
But if the driver doesn't trust you, we're never going to win a race.
C'est un fait établi. Mais si ton pilote ne croit pas en toi,
We're going to win if you do as he says.
On gagnera si tu fais ce qu'il dit.
We're going to win now!
On va gagner!
We're not going to win this battle with torpedoes.
Nous ne remporterons pas cette bataille à coups de torpilles.
But I do know we're not going to win this war with a bunch of amateurs.
On ne gagnera pas avec des amateurs.
But this one we're going to win.
Cette fois, on gagnera!
We're going to win a bunch of potatoes!
Avec ça on va gagner des patates hein!
We're going to win 100 potatoes!
Dis donc! On va gagner 100 patates!
We're going to win this one.
On va gagner.
We're not going to win without a flaming flugel, are we?
On y arrivera pas sans ton brillant cornet!
- We're going to win.
- On va gagner?
- We're going to win. Yes.
- Oui, on va gagner.
- What are we going to do? - We're going to win!
- Et qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?
You know, I don't want to jump to any conclusions but I think we're definitely going to win!
Tu sais, je ne veux pas faire de conclusions hâtives mais je pense que nous allons gagner à coup sûr!
If we're going to fight this battle, I intend to win it.
J'ai bien l'intention de remporter cette bataille.
We're going to win this thing.
Pas vrai, ArLen? absolument.
We can still win this thing. We're going to win it.
On peut encore gagner.
We're going to win, aren't we?
On va gagner, n'est-ce pas?
We're going to win, Cyril.
Nous allons gagner, Cyril.
- We're going to win $ 10,000.
- 10.000 dollars!

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