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We're gonna get him traduction Français

400 traduction parallèle
- We're gonna lose him! - Get out of the way, Dad!
- Il va s'enfuir!
We're gonna get his family here, see what they can do with him.
On fait venir sa famille, on verra s'ils peuvent le raisonner.
- We're gonna get the truth out of him first.
On le fera parler avant.
Now we've met, I'll tell him that we got along pretty well and we like each other and we're probably gonna get married.
Maintenant, je vais aller le voir et lui dire que nous nous plaisons, et qu'on va probablement se marier.
We want the joker who thought of this to come with us and when we get there we're gonna shove him out at 10,000 feet without a parachute.
Que le gars à l'origine de tout ça vienne avec nous... et, qu'une fois là-bas... on le balance à 3 000 mètres d'altitude... sans parachute.
I don't see how we're gonna get him to put on that Paul Revere costume and ride through the town square by 5 : 00.
Comment allons-nous lui faire porter ce costume de Paul Revere et traverser la place du marché à cheval
In order to get him, we're gonna need a large supply of heroin.
Pour l'attraper, il nous faudra une grande quantité d'héroïne.
We're gonna get him before he gets me!
Nous aurons sa peau avant qu'il ait la mienne!
We're gonna get him at one of them.
On l'aura à l'un des deux.
We came to get him out, that's what we're gonna do.
Et c'est ce qu'on va faire.
We're gonna get the Geek, J, and you're gonna get him for us.
On va coffrer le Requin, J, et tu vas nous y aider.
And we're gonna get him, with your cooperation or without it.
Et on l'aura. Avec ou sans votre aide.
We're gonna ride till we get him.
On va continuer jusqu'à ce qu'on l'attrape.
Cos tomorrow we're gonna get him.
Demain, on va se le faire.
We're gonna have to get up so early to keep up with him.
On va devoir se lever de bonne heure pour rivaliser avec lui.
We're going to get this man, and we're gonna get him soon.
On coincera rapidement cet homme.
Of course we're gonna get him!
Bien sûr qu'on va le récupérer!
If we get a whisper that you helped him or made a deal to pay off his bail we're gonna put you away, lady.
Si on entend dire que vous l'avez aidé ou que vous avez passé un marché... on va s'occuper de votre cas.
We want him. And we're not gonna stop until we get him.
On le veut et on n'arrêtera pas tant qu'on ne l'aura pas coffré.
- We're gonna get him upstairs, Mr. Bugliosi.
- On l'emmène là-haut, M. Bugliosi.
John, we're gonna have to get him back to the base. Sure you don't wanna come along?
On doit l'amener à la base, tu veux venir?
We're just gonna have to get him ourselves. - Oh. Sure.
- Il va falloir s'en occuper nous-même.
WEll, one fact for sure is, is if WE don't get some sleep, WE'rE gonna be too tired to pick him up.
Ce qui est sûr, c'est que si on ne dort pas, on sera trop fatigués pour aller le chercher.
I get the feeling we're never gonna see him again.
J'ai l'impression qu'on ne le reverra jamais.
We're gonna kill him! We're gonna get him!
On va l'avoir!
We're not gonna get him out of here without a blowtorch.
On ne le sortira pas d'ici sans chalumeau.
Hey, Chris, we're gonna get to him.
Chris, on va l'avoir.
We're gonna get him in the trailer and we're off.
On le fait monter dans le camion et on se tire.
We're gonna get him out of here.
On va le sauver.
We're not gonna try to get him with the 50 keys?
On le chope pas avec les 50 kg?
I know you're worried, but we're gonna get him back.
Je sais que t'es inquiète, mais on va le retrouver.
So, in the morning, when we get our birds back, we're gonna go in and get him.
Donc demain matin, quand nos oiseaux reviendront, il faut le repêcher.
I told Seventh Air we'd get him out of there. That's exactly what we're gonna do.
J'ai dit au 7 e que nous le sortirions et c'est en plein ce que nous ferons.
We're gonna get him out of that damn hospital room and get his blood pumping again.
On va Ie sortir de cette chambre d'hôpital, et lui faire pomper le sang à nouveau!
We're not gonna get him legally, he's gonna walk.
- On le coincera jamais!
The Warden hears we let him zap himself, we're gonna get our arses canned.
Si le directeur apprend qu'on l'a laissé crever, on va morfler.
Look, we don't need him. I mean, you're gonna get a shot.
le titre.
We're gonna pick him up and get the hell out of here!
On le ramasse et on fout le camp!
On this tour, we're gonna get him.
Pendant cette tournée, on va l'avoir.
We're gonna get to put him away, thanks to you.
Et nous allons l'arrêter, grâce à toi. Il y aura peut-être même une récompense.
- We're gonna get him out.
- On va le faire sortir.
I'll call Gino. You'll see him. We're gonna get that haircut fixed.
J'appelle Gino, on y va et on arrange ça.
- I'm gonna get him. - We're gonna tear him up!
Je l'ai bien.
We're gonna get him out.
On va l'avoir.
Get him out of here. The aroma will be with us for several days... ... despite we're gonna dispose of our overalls.
Je crains que l'arôme... ne nous quitte pas de sitôt, même après... avoir ôté nos bleus.
He don't like prissies and he don't even like whores that much, but we're gonna get him to like you.
Il aime pas les bégueules, ni les catins, mais toi, on va le forcer a t'aimer.
We're gonna get rid of him, Allende, I mean, just as fast as we can.
Nous nous débarrasserons de lui... Allende, je veux dire... dès que nous pourrons.
If he comes to pick up the money, we're gonna get him.
S'il vient chercher l'argent, on l'appréhendera.
Let's get him into that tub or we're gonna lose him.
Mettons-le dans la baignoire, sinon il va mourir.
I think we're gonna negotiate his sentence down some in order to get him to testify.
On va devoir négocier une réduction de peine pour le faire témoigner.
We're gonna get a Polaroid, see if her complainant in the hospital can I.D. Him.
On prend sa photo au cas où la petite peut l'identifier.

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