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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / We're talking about you

We're talking about you traduction Français

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We're through. What are you talking about? Get carson city.
Demandez qu'on nous envoie 200 000 dollars de Carson City.
- Then think of it when you're talking about communities! We're all in a community, the same one!
Alors ne parlez pas de communauté.
Well, we're talking about you.
C'est de vous qu'on parle.
What are you talking about? We're going to.
Qu'est-ce que tu dis?
We may never find the right combination, or the exact proportions, to produce the effect you're talking about.
On ne trouvera peut-être jamais le mélange ou les proportions susceptibles de produire les effets recherchés.
I'm sure you know what you're talking about, doctor but it would look foolish if we stick our neck out.
Ça me semble... malgré tout puéril de partir à sa recherche.
Come on... You know we're talking about us, Gianni!
Tu réalises que je parle de nous?
I thought we could... You're talking about Garmisch?
Tu veux dire Garmisch par exemple?
We're talking about you. Mm-hmm.
Nous parlons de vous.
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
You know, Mr. Gioia, we're not talking about wild animals, though.
M. Gioia, ce ne sont pas des bêtes sauvages.
Yeah, if you're talking about the money we took.
Oui, ça nous a rapporté de l'argent.
Say, since we're talking about him, I'd like to ask you for some information.
Si on fait, puisque on parle de lui, j'ai quelques renseignements à vous demander.
I don't know what you're talking about. As a matter of fact, if we get there by daybreak, We can still catch them on the hop.
Si on arrive avant l'aube, on peut encore les prendre au dépourvu.
Well, sure, you know, but the press that we're talking about this is an investment of... Well, of at least a quarter of a million dollars.
Bien sûr, mais la presse dont on parle est un investissement d'au moins un quart de million de dollars.
We're talking about you.
On parle de vous.
If you're talking about women, we want to hear it as well!
Si vous parlez de femmes, on veut participer.
You're talking about a crashed aircraft, mr. Sheckly. We're talking about a disappearing act.
Vous parlez d'un avion écrasé.
You're talking about money? That's something we must talk about.
Vous parlez argent?
You're talking about respiration. We can handle it through the bloodstream.
La respiration peut être régulée par le système sanguin.
You're sure we're talking about the same person?
Parlons-nous de la même personne?
Of course, it is my daughter's life we're talking about... so I cannot say that I have not considered you.
Inquiet pour l'avenir de ma fille, j'ai enquêté sur ton identité.
Is it... you know, what we're talking about, is it still in France?
La chose dont nous parlons est-elle toujours en France?
For the money we're talking about, a couple of footprints won't kill you.
Vu le budget de la campagne, tu vas devoir le supporter.
You're right. I didn't think we were talking about the same thing.
Je ne pensais pas qu'on parlait de la même chose.
Yes of course you did, and I wanted to talk to you about that. We're done talking, Clanton.
- Je voulais justement vous en parler.
What are you talking about? We're so happy together.
Nous sommes heureux ensemble, non?
Well, now that we're talking, I don't mind telling you I know about loneliness too. More than...
Maintenant que nous bavardons laissez-moi vous confier que moi aussi je fréquente la solitude.
You read books, but we're talking about food here!
On parle de la bouffe et toi, tu n'arretes pas de lire!
You're right. We shouldn't be talking about this now. It's not the time.
Le moment est mal choisi pour en parler.
What are you talking about? We're gonna have thousands and thousands of dollars.
On va gagner des cents et des mille!
A moment ago, we were talking about left-handed people and you're left-handed.
On parlait de gauchers, et vous êtes gaucher.
And now you're talking about we don't have a chance of living out the week.
Alors, pas une chance de durer la semaine, tu dis. Tu sais ça, toi?
We don't know what you're talking about.
De quoi parlez-vous?
Don't get carried away. It's not a murder weapon we're talking about, you know. - No?
Doucement : ce n'est pas une arme pour tuer dont nous parlons.
Who are these "we" you're talking about?
Qui est ce "nous" dont tu parles?
We're not talking about a retarded kid, and you know it.
Il ne s'agit pas d'enfant arriéré.
What are you talking about? You think we're dealing with simpletons?
On n'a pas affaire à des imbéciles.
If you're talking about the use of gas shells, we must control the situation and liberate the hostage and the use of gas is preferable to other methods which could be more dangerous.
Et si vous faites allusion au gaz lacrymogène Il faut que nous maîtrisions la situation avec le moins de dégâts possibles et l'utilisation de gaz ne risque pas d'évoluer en quelque chose de bien plus grave.
If you choose to take my position... we're talking about a financial package in the five-figure department.
Si vous prenez mon parti la rémunération comportera cinq chiffres.
Jesus H. Christ, Tulip! Do you realize what we're talking about here?
Nom de Dieu, tu sais de quoi on parle?
Do you have any idea what the hell we're talking about?
T'as la tête molle ou quoi?
- We're just talking about you...
- On parlait de toi.
We're talking about a commitment here, you know?
Il s'agit d'un engagement, tu vois?
Really, Vernon, why pretend? We both know what you're talking about.
Arrête de prétendre Vernon, nous savons de quoi tu parles.
We're talking about having more pleasure than you've had in years, you got to bring up some stupid little $ 1,200 stereo?
On parle du plaisir que tu n'as pas éprouvé depuis des années. Et toi, tu parles d'une chaîne stéréo minable à 1200 dollars?
I have the feeling we're talking about you and not me.
J'ai parfois l'impression que c'est de vous dont vous parlez.
Tell you what. As long as we're talking about elementary school... why don't we play Follow the Leader, bumble-butt?
Puisqu'on parle d'école primaire... pourquoi on ferait pas une petite partie de "Suivez le guide"?
look, we're talking about you in there.
C'est de vous qu'on parle dans cette salle.
We're talking about something I refuse to let you do.
On parle de quelque chose que vous ne ferez pas.
Yeah, I bet you don't know what we're talking about?
Tu sais pas de quoi je parle, mon cul.

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