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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / We've been worried about you

We've been worried about you traduction Français

61 traduction parallèle
We've been worried about you, naturally.
Nous nous inquiétions pour toi.
We've been worried about you.
On s'est fait du souci.
We've been quite worried about you.
Nous étions très inquiets.
We've been worried about you.
On s'est inquiétés. VICKI :
We've been so worried about you. Oh, Mrs. Emma Peel, meet Mrs. Emma Peel.
Mme Emma Peel voici Mme Emma Peel.
I don't mind telling you, we've been terribly worried about it.
Je ne vous cache pas que nous sommes inquiets.
- We've been so worried about you!
Nous étions vraiment inquiètes pour toi. - Ma petite sœur!
The boys and I, well, for sometime... we've been worried about you.
Mes camarades et moi, depuis quelque temps, on se fait du souci. À votre sujet.
- We've been so worried about you.
On s'inquiétait pour toi.
You know, we've been so worried about you.
Je m'inquiétais pour toi.
Thank God you're all right We've been worried sick about you
Enfin, te voilà. On s'inquiétait vachement pour toi!
My God, where have you been? We've been worried sick about you.
Nous étions morts d'inquiétude.
You can see Link tomorrow. We've been worried sick about you.
Elles voulaient des cheveux plats.
We've been worried sick about you.
On s'est fait un sang d'encre.
We've been so worried about you.
On s'est beaucoup inquiétés.
We've been so worried about you.
On s'est inquiétés.
We've been worried about you.
On était inquiets.
We've been worried sick about you.
On s'est fait un sang d'encre!
Holy Christ! We've been worried sick about you, Gino.
On se faisait du souci pour toi, Gino!
Captain, we've been worried about you.
- Nous nous inquiétions.
We've been worried about you.
Nous... étions inquiets à ton sujet.
Where have you been? We've been worried sick about you.
On était morts d'inquiétude!
- We've been worried about you.
- Nous étions inquiets.
- We've been worried about you.
- Nous étions inquiets à ton sujet.
We've been really worried about you, y'know.
Il faut que tu rentres. On est tous inquiets.
We've all been worried about you.
On s'inquiétait tous pour toi.
I don't believe this. We've been frantic, worried sick about you, thinking you've been kidnapped...
On était folles d'inquiétude, on t'imaginait kidnappée et...
We've been worried sick about you.
On s'est inquiétées.
We've all been so worried about you two.
On s'est fait beaucoup de soucis pour vous deux.
- We've been worried sick about you.
- On était très inquiets.
You've been doing this too long. We were worried about ulterior motives.
Tu fais ça depuis trop longtemps pour te soucier des arrière-pensées.
We've been worried to death about you.
On se faisait du souci pour toi.
We've been worried about you.
Nous étions inquiets pour toi.
You know, truthfully, I've been worried about this little situation we've got here.
Pour être honnête, j'étais préoccupé par notre situation.
You were worried about your family, had them moved out of town- we've been over this- - - julio santiago found out where you lived.
Vous aviez peur, et avez fait partir votre famille - On a déjà parlé de... - Julio Santiago a trouvé votre adresse.
We've been worried about you, you know.
On se faisait tellement de soucis pour toi.
We've been really worried about you.
- Nous étions très inquiets à ton sujet.
- We've been really worried about you.
- On s'inquiétait pour toi.
Because I'm worried that if you leave therapy, everything that we've been talking about in here... your photographs, your sexuality, the issue with your birth parents... it's gonna all get buried.
Car j'ai peur que si tu pars, tout ce qu'on abordé ici, tes photos, ta sexualité, tes parents biologiques...
We've been worried sick about you.
On était mort d'inquiétude pour toi.
Uh, well, we've been worried so much about creating the right moment, I wanted to remind you of all the moments we have had.
On a eu tellement de mal à créer le moment parfait, que j'ai voulu te rappeler tous les moments qu'on a eus.
We've been really worried about you.
On s'est vraiment inquiétés pour toi.
We've been worried about you.
On s'inquiétait pour toi.
We've been so worried about you!
On s'inquiétait tellement!
I been thinking about how it ended, and I've been worried about you, and I wanted to see if we could be friends, okay? I just wanted to see if I could be there for you if you needed me sometime.
Je voudrais être là pour toi si t'as besoin de moi.
We've been so worried about you.
On s'est fait du souci pour toi.
- We've been worried to death about you. - For why?
On s'est fait un sang d'encre.
Oh, Mr Selfridge, we've all been so worried about you.
- M. Selfridge, nous étions si inquiet.
[screams] oh, Gil, thank god You're all right. We've been so worried about you.
Gil, merci mon Dieu tu vas bien.
We've been worried about you, sweetheart.
On s'inquiétait pour toi, ma puce.
There's an issue that I've been worried about since the merge because we didn't really do it right, you know, the whole "you're not my twin".
Il y a une chose qui m'inquiète depuis la fusion car on ne l'a pas faite correctement, tu sais, tout le "tu n'es pas mon jumeau".

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