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We've got something traduction Français

926 traduction parallèle
Now we've got something.
- Nous tenons quelque chose.
- We've got something.
On a un truc.
Charlcie, we've got to do something.
- Charlcie, on doit faire quelque chose.
Now we've got to think of something to worry him.
Nous devons réfléchir au moyen de le contrer
I've got a funny feeling something dreadful might happen to us if we go back to that house.
J'ai cette intuition que quelque chose d'affreux pourrait nous arriver si nous y retournons.
- We've got to do something.
- Il faut faire quelque chose.
Oh, Ruth, we've got to do something.
Ruth, nous devons faire quelque chose.
We've got to do something and do it quick.
On doit agir, et vite.
We've got to do something about it.
- Il faut faire quelque chose.
- Yeah, if he stays there but we've got something he wants.
Il n'y restera pas. Nous savons ce qui l'attire.
Something tells me we've got a passenger.
Quelque chose me dit qu'on va avoir un passager.
We've got something on hand now that is as much your business as ours.
On a tous la même préoccupation.
We've got to do something to stop those birds.
On doit faire quelque chose pour arrêter ces malfaiteurs.
Well. All right. But we've got to do something about cleaning up this mess.
D'accord. mais il faudrait songer à nettoyer ce bazar.
We've really got us something here.
On pourrait devenir riches.
We've got to do something before the public...
Nous devons faire quelque chose avant que le public...
We've got something to live for.
Nous avons une raison!
- Oh, we must do something. We've got to save him.
Il faut faire quelque chose.
We've got to do something about it, Jerrold.
Tu dois faire quelque chose.
Well, we've got something on that nurse.
On a quelque chose sur la nounou.
Now we've got something to fight under!
On a enfin une raison de se battre!
Bill, we've got to do something for him.
Il faut l'aider.
We've got to think of some way. We've got to do something now.
Il faut trouver une idée, faire quelque chose maintenant.
Right now we've got to do something to stop the whipping of that poor devil.
Pour l'heure, nous devons faire cesser Ie supplice de ce pauvre diable.
I believe we've got something now.
Une vraie trouvaille, je crois.
Herring here in the tower room. We've got something marvelous.
Ici Herring, dans la tour, Nous avons une merveille.
We've got something between us nothing can change.
Ce qu'il y a entre nous est éternel.
We've got something on our hands this afternoon. We've drawn a couple of the meanest-looking beasts I've ever seen. - Sluggish, treacherous —
On a tiré... deux taureaux dangereux, vicieux.
There's something we've got to straighten out.
Nous avons quelque chose à régler.
We've got to do something about it.
Il faut faire quelque chose.
There's something else to be discussed first. We've got to have a fall guy.
On reparlera argent, mais avant... il faut trouver un bouc émissaire.
We've got to do something about this, boys.
- Vous chantez?
We've got a chance to get something out of life.
On a une chance de profiter de nos vies.
We've got a chance to get something out oflife.
C'est notre chance de tirer quelque chose de la vie.
- We've got to do something.
- Il faut réagir. - Ècoute...
We've got to do something for Stanley.
Il faut aider Stanley.
Well, we've got to decide something.
Il faut bien prendre une décision.
First things first, we've got to save those children, but there's something - even more important.
Oui, mais il y a plus important.
Now we've really got something to worry about.
On va s'inquiéter pour de bon!
Before we go any further, I've got to get something straight.
Avant d'aller plus loin, j'aimerais en avoir le cœur net.
I think we've got something out there.
Ça bouge par là.
Oh, did she tell you? We've got a little something on the way.
Vous savez que nous avons un projet?
We've all got something.
On le tient tous.
Now, listen to me. We've got to do something about Cantor.
Il faut qu'on fasse quelque chose à son sujet.
It's very, very important. We've got to do something immediately.
Il faut absolument s'occuper de Teddy.
We've got to do something else besides talk.
Il faut arrêter de bavarder.
The three of us, unless we've got something better to do.
Si on n'a rien de mieux à faire.
No, we've got something better than that.
Espérons qu'il y en aura plus.
We've got to do something for him.
Il faut faire quelque chose pour lui.
We've got hold of something concrete for a change.
Pour une fois, nous avons du concret.
But we're in something horrible and we've got to get out.
C'est horrible et nous devons en sortir.

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